While the instincts of not merely survival, but racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are natural and understandable; they are undoubtedly the obstacles in individual and global blossoming. The rabid propaganda and the indiscriminate violence for one's racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are counterproductive and self defeating.
But this statement is not new. It is written and spoken by almost every alternate person.
But the question is how to evolve ourselves out of our basal instincts and free ourselves from the shackles of barbarism?
We have to realize that our devotion and dedication to our religions is marred by our basal, barbaric, fanatic and frantic efforts to convert others to our religions. In fact by imposing certain way of life and code of conduct on others, we are insulting the spirit of our religions and the motto of global welfare of our religions.
We have to admit and confess to ourselves that conversions per se; whether by force, deceit or temptation are nothing but promotion and/or imposition of our pettiness, superficiality, whims, fancies, names and titles.
Furthermore; the conversion (whether by force, temptations or deceit) to certain names, titles, certain dress, certain arbitrary rules and regulations; is the greatest insult to an individual and greatest violence against his/her freedom.
Let us therefore; as world citizens abstain from conversions and oppose them; morally, legally and in possible way at individual and global levels.
Let us wake up from our slumber and revitalize ourselves from the inertia and lethargy to realize that we are blessed to rededicate to the true spirit of our religions and participate (and hence right from now; must participate) in the real and most urgent expedition of conquering our basal nature.
But this is merely a beginning.
The success in rededicating to the motto and spirit of our religions and conquering our basal nature ensues when we begin NAMASMARAN, as per our beliefs and traditions. It is the simplest and universal way to individual and global blossoming.
Practicing, preaching, writing, publishing, broadcasting, sponsoring, talking, sharing; in fact; doing whatever we can to promote NAMASMARAN (and other activities and programs in respective fields conducive to NAMASMARAN and self realization) ensures and ensues individual and global blossoming the motto and spirit of all religions.
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