Do you actually know that a Karuna Reiki? Master is already an Usui Reiki Master? Do you also know that Karuna Reiki? is not a different type of Reiki but simply a further exploration of Reiki energies tracing back to the origins of Reiki? Karuna Reiki? was born out of the research of Usui Reiki Masters who explored the origins of Reiki and channeled energies with respective symbols. So being a Karuna Reiki? Master is equivalent to a specialisation within the Reiki system and is not a parallel path. Any Usui Reiki Masters may one day feel the need to explore further to experience further to heal further to offer further and this is what Karuna Reiki? Masters have felt and engaged in.
To make a long story very simple one has to be a Master to register for a class of Karuna Reiki?. One has to know the four symbols of the third level and the two symbols of the fourth level. They have to know how to attune others and having practiced as Master Teacher for at least one year. When Karuna Reiki? enters your home some fabulous boost in energy levels are guaranteed to come your way!. There are no exceptions about that!
Being a Reiki Master is not an honorific title. It is actually not a title but a step on a path. The Rei Ki path in this particular case. Well yes, being a Rei Ki Master means that the person is a seeker, a learning healer, an "insighter", and also a compassionate heart. It means the person has reached a certain level of comprehension about certain matters, and also has made a commitment to search further for answers. I am not sure if every one sees it this way. This is the way my fellow friends I feel to say about being a Reiki Master. Moreover, teaching Rei Ki is a fabulous experience. Personally I never thought I would one day teach Rei Ki although I did instantly nurtured admiration for the Rei Ki Master who initiated me to Rei Ki back in 1999., He had a constant smile on his face and I used to talk about him as though he was a Zen Master. He had this particular skill of always appearing when you are about to expect him.
As I now teach Reiki and loving it, I am thankful to all the students who attended my classes. Every time I have taught Reikii I felt some much energy passing through my body that it made me fly. Moreover every time students came to me for advice I was so humbled to give it with great passion. I simply love Reiki and my students.
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