Monday, December 2, 2013

Steps to Healing Yourself

Healing Yourself

Take a moment and check yourself. How do you feel your body right now? If you are generally healthy , recording subtle symptoms. Is your neck feeling tense? Is your lower back pain ? Do you have a headache ? Are you exhausted - again ? Or maybe you are fighting a more serious health diagnosis and you are experiencing symptoms of his health condition.

Whether you are experiencing the hassle of a physical retail symptom rather in relation to the stress of a serious illness, or simply curious about how you can maximize your vitality and longevity , I'm excited to share with you something I was never taught in Faculty of Medicine .

The body knows how to heal itself
His body is well equipped with self-repair mechanisms that are natural under the influence of thoughts , feelings and beliefs that originate in the mind. It is known to kill cancer cells, fixing broken proteins, slow aging , eliminate toxins, fight infections , get rid of foreign bodies , and otherwise stay healthy. Things go wrong and disease occurs when these self-repair mechanisms may not work properly.

But here's the kicker . Your nervous system has two operating systems - the "fight or flight " stress response dominated by the sympathetic nervous system and the relaxation response run by the parasympathetic nervous system. Only when the nervous system is in a relaxation response How the mechanisms of self - repair of your body! Work

The stress response is there to protect you in case of a tiger chasing you . But these days , we're pretty sure tigers, and yet our responses to stress we shoot , on average, more than 50 times per day. How? The amygdala on the lizard brain perceives negative thoughts , beliefs and feelings, such as fear, financial worries relationship, work stress , loneliness, or pessimism , as equally scary threats like a tiger . Then BOOM . The amygdala funky going on red alert , and when this happens , our body can not repair itself. No wonder we get sick !

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