Sunday, May 22, 2011

How Many Attunements Should a Level 1 Reiki Course Have?

There is a lot of debate over what is the correct number of attunements for a level 1 Reiki course.

The traditional number is four; but many courses only have one, and some two.

Is this a problem?

Will your Reiki fade or not work if you receive less than four attunements?

The question is a good one and many books will answer in the affirmative - even giving you seemingly compelling reasons why this is so.

A little firsthand experience, however, will enlighten you to the truth: one attunement is all that is needed - and the rest simply help boost and clear a student's connection to energy.

Unfortunately, a lot of what teachers teach - and a lot of what appears in books! - is simply handed-down knowledge that has not been personally validated. Not surprisingly, much of it is unreliable.

As a result, you need to question everything you read and then determine whether it works for you logically, intuitively and - hopefully - in practice.

The last criterion is of course the most important; but if all three 'boxes' are ticked then you should be confident your conclusions are correct.

From a personal perspective, I followed traditional theory for a couple of years (giving four attunements). Having studied three traditions to Master Level, however (one of which only had one attunement), I was nevertheless open to other possibilities and eventually experimented with two longer attunements.

This worked better for me, because it allowed me to really take my time. (Unfortunately, teachers often rush through attunements - something that weakens their overall effectiveness.)

Remember that more is not necessarily better, since we are generally only capable of absorbing so much energy during a course. That is why attunements work best when spaced out on separate days. This gives the body time to 'expand' its energy circuits (meridians). As a result, it is able to absorb more energy next time around.

If, on the other hand, you attempt something like four attunements in one day (I did that once with a friend!) then you find that by the third or fourth one the student's energy system is saturated and struggles to receive the Reiki fully.


So long as the attunement is done properly, you only need to have one of them. More than one is often worthwhile; but how many you attempt will depend on factors such as the length of the course, the size of the class and which elements you prefer to focus on.

So let's not be dogmatic about numbers. The only thing that matters is the result.

And who knows? One day we might find that we can even do without the attunements altogether!

Didn't that work for a guy named Usui?

Jeremy O'Carroll is the founder of the Om Reiki Centre in Victoria, Australia and the author of many Reiki articles. He is a Reiki Master in both Western and traditional Japanese lineages, a Karuna and Shamballa Reiki Master, and a registered Master Teacher at the ARC (Australia's largest Reiki Association). For further information, visit:

Article Source:'Carroll

Jeremy O'Carroll - EzineArticles Expert Author

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12 Feng Shui Tips For Your Home to Improve Health and Vitality

By Cynthia Powers Prosor Cynthia Powers Prosor
Level: Basic

Cynthia Prosor, a Spiritual Awakening Guidess, is a writer, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. As a transformational leader, Cynthia works with awakening women ...

The purpose of good Feng Shui is to keep healthy energy flowing. When clean energy flows around you freely, it feels good. When you feel good, your resonance feels lighter. A lighter resonance gives you a feeling of vitality, well-being and happiness. This resonance is what creates good health.

Below are 12 important Feng Shui tips for improving health and vitality in your home.

Keep a clean house. Dirt and clutter keeps you stuck in a lower resonance. When you are in a lower resonance you feel heavy. Heaviness is where disease lives and thrives, including depression. If you have allowed your home to get this dirty, it will feel quite challenging to clean it. The psychic debris is dragging you down and making it difficult to move clearing your physical space and in everything in your life.
Focus on the center of your home. What do you see and feel here? If there is a closet, make sure everything in it is being used, is in good working condition and kept tidy. Think EARTH. This area is associated with the earth element. You can strengthen your health energy by placing objects representing the earth here such as plants in large pots (make sure they are healthy), rocks (granite table), pottery, sculptures and by using earthy colors such as terra cotta, browns, golds and yellows.
Is there a bathroom or washing machine in the center of your home? If so, your health energy is going down the drains. Keep the door shut, the toilet/washer lid down and the sink or shower drains closed when not in use. Putting a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door will repel the energy back into the house.
Plants are wonderful for adding vibrant energy. Make sure they are healthy, vibrantly green and lush. Watch for spiky plants such as spider and cactus, as they should be avoided. Weeping plants such as willows and mulberry can bring on depression, particularly in the front yard. Your bedroom is an especially important place to keep healthy plants, as you spend much of your time resting and regenerating there. Using an odd number is most powerful.
Spiral staircases are very unhealthy, as their corkscrew shape creates a downward energy. The cures for this are: Place a big potted plant under the stairwell to catch the chi and send it upward. Place another plant at the top of the stairs to help pull the energy up as you climb them. Wrap a green silk vine around the handrail, beginning at the bottom and ending at the top. Feel the healing energy of the green color as you walk up the stairs. Hang a crystal ball at the top of the staircase, feeling its energy uplifting and energizing the location.
Watch for sharp corners or heavy beams , especially ones pointing at you while you are sitting at the table, your favorite chair, or directly at or over your bed. These are actually called "poison arrows" in Feng Shui and can be remedied in several ways. If you cannot move the pointed object, placing a plant, crystal ball or brass bell in front of it will soften and distract the chi. Beams can be wrapped in silk or live vines. Beams painted the same color as the ceiling are not as powerful as ones that are darker.
Keep electric items such as clocks, phones and radios away from your bed. Move them at least 2-3 feet away from your body, as these electrical appliances lower resistance and absorb vital energy. If you use an electric blanket, be sure to turn it off before you cozy down for the night.
Make sure your air is healthy and fresh. Air filters can be helpful in areas where unhealthy air or allergies are a problem. Opening windows and keeping air circulating is wonderful, unless of course you have allergies.
Vacuum for a quick pick-me-up. If you have a high-quality vacuum, using it is an easy way to clean up the chi and get an area energized. I often use this technique between client visits. Beware: many vacuums just break the dirt into smaller particles and spit it out again.
Check for toxic materials in your home. Old carpet and paint can emit toxic residue, dust mites and mold into your home and your family. Check your cleaning supplies and use only natural-based products. This will not only be better for you and your family, you will be helping the planet as a whole.
Lower energies from abuse of any kind can have a toxic effect on your health. Especially if your home has had other owners before you, you may have psychic debris embedded in your corners, floors and walls. The same goes for used furniture, especially beds. Replacing old mattresses and beds can do wonders for creating new beginnings, including new health. Clear toxic space by hiring a professional space clearer or learn to do it yourself with Karen Kingston's book Creating Sacred Space With Feng Shui.
With placing, rearranging and creating all Feng Shui cures, it is always important to visualize your intention or the outcome you want to see. Imagine your health vibrant, clear, energized, radiant and glowing! If you have a health challenge, feel and see your health improving. Trust this or something better is on its way!

Take a few minutes this week and walk through your home with this list. By making a few changes today, you may avoid serious health problems tomorrow.

If you liked today's article on Feng Shui Tips for Improving Your Health and Vitality, you'll enjoy Cynthia's FREE SPECIAL REPORT, "The 7 Biggest Feng Shui Secrets to Creating Abundance, Better Relationships and Radiant Health". Sign up for your free special report and nurture your inner feng shui at a

Cynthia Powers Prosor, a Spiritual Awakening Guidess, is a writer, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. As a transformational leader, Cynthia works with awakening women who are motivated to change their world from the inside out. Through her private and group mentoring and life-coaching programs, she guides women as they turn up the volume of self-love, deep healing, inner-peace and abundance in their lives. Learn more about your Inner Feng Shui.

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Cynthia Powers Prosor - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 54 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 11, 2011

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Living the Reiki Principles, Just for Today

The Reiki Principles are fundamental to the practice and understanding of Reiki. It shouldn't be forgotten that Reiki was, and still is a powerful tool, not just for healing but also for personal and spiritual growth. Even though Reiki is non-denominational and is to be enjoyed by people of any faith, (or none), to get the most out of your Reiki experience, whether that is by giving or receiving Reiki, you should aim to live by the Reiki Principles. Reiki is a life choice, a spiritual journey in, and of, itself.

There are 5 Reiki Principles which are thought to have originated in the philosophy of the Meiji Emperor of Japan in the 1800's and adopted by Dr Mikao Usui the founding father of Reiki. There are different schools of Reiki but they are all derived from Mikao Usui's initial teachings, and have these principles (or versions that have similar meanings) at their core:

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, honour you parents, teachers and elders.

Just for today, earn your living honestly.

Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing.

Just for today, do not anger:

We all feel angry sometimes, this principle is about understanding that anger can be transformative. It is not about suppressing anger, that would not only be destructive, but also counter productive, suppressed anger tends to surface again stronger and more powerful than before. Anger often hides other emotions like fear, so recognising what we are angry about is important, maybe we feel trapped, maybe we are afraid for ourselves or others safety, perhaps someone has hurt our feelings etc. Recognising what anger looks like in ourselves and thinking about what the anger means can be the first stage of using your anger positively. Turning our anger from an automatic negative response which we have little or no control over into a calm and deliberate constructive action takes practice and perseverance. It is not going to happen overnight but we can follow the 'just for today' rule and one day at a time change our thoughts and behaviour.

Just for today, do not worry:

Firstly, most of the things we worry about do NOT happen! Secondly, worrying doesn't help. Worrying shows a lack of trust, an assumption that things will not turn out as we had hoped or planned. This is not surprising, from an early age we are taught to compete with each other, and struggle to 'make ends meet' - this fosters a fundamental lack of trust in the world around us. Bizarrely enough, the act of worrying drains our body of the very energy it will need to deal with any trauma, incident or catastrophe. So take appropriate action to reduce your worry, then 'just for today', let it go. Worry is generally fear of repercussions of past events or fear of how things in the future might hurt us, so let go of the past, trust in the Universe to provide for the future and live 'just for today'.

Just for today, honour your parents, teachers and elders:

Kindness and respect for ourselves and others is the starting point for any spiritual journey. Accepting, embracing and learning that each person's path is theirs and theirs alone create's freedom and understanding. As children we are raised to 'look up to', listen, and respect our teachers, parents and / or elders, and sometimes as we grow we forget this simple rule. So 'just for today' listen and remember... it might be surprising what we learn.

Just for today, earn your living honestly:

The world of work is a huge part of our interaction with each other, working with integrity then, is imperative to allow us to be at peace with ourselves. Earning our living honestly can be defined as being honest with our employer and customers, 'an honest day's work for an honest day's pay' is a saying I heard often when growing up. But it can also mean being honest with ourselves about our own path. Is this the right job for me, is this where I want to be? The answers to these questions bare some reflection, but if the answer is 'yes', or even (maybe especially) if it is 'no', today, this is the job we have, so 'just for today', we will give it our all, be positive, and be as good as we can be. When it is time for a change, trust in the Universe to help us to follow our chosen path.

Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing:

In this commercial world that encourages us to want more and more, we often forget to give thanks for what we actually have. Taking the decision to change our life from being obsessed with 'please can I have' to 'thank-you for what I've got' - is a real revelation. An 'attitude of gratitude' is said by some to be essential for happiness, by others it is believed to be the path to all riches. For certain, living this one principle, just for today, goes a long way towards living them all. Life is a blessing, just for today, appreciate it, acknowledge it and say thanks for it.

The key to living the Reiki Principles is the first part of each statement: 'just for today'... today is now. Live responsibly now, yesterday has already gone and tomorrow is still to come, Dr Usui is telling us to live in the present, don't spend all your time looking back or wishing for a future that isn't here yet, embrace the present, and live life revelling in the wonderfulness of today.

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Knee Injury And Chiropractic Help

There are mainly three kinds of knee injuries that happen at various locations of the knee. They are the collateral ligament or the MCL, the ACL or the cruciate ligament and the meniscus. The ACL is something that provides stabilization to the knee and keeps it in the right place. When ACL gets twisted or there is a problem with it, the knee is not properly stabilized and that can result in a lot of pain.

The meniscus is the center portion of the knee and it helps the knee joint to bear your weight. The meniscus can get injured with the roughness and wear and tear that happens with age and can be the first sign of arthritis. The MCL's location is inside the knee and it also helps in stabilizing the knee. Usually, it is seen that if the ACL is injured, the MCL also gets affected.

The typical treatment methods that many people go or to treat knee injuries are rest and medicine for pain but these might only mask the pain and can make way to injuries in the future. Many people also opt for steroid injection for an injured knee. It does help in getting relief from the pain immediately but it does not heal the knee. The trouble with medicines for pain relief is that it masks the pain and does not really heal the injury which can worsen the situation more and can lead to more problems.

People usually do not see any connection of the spine to the knee, but a misalignment of the spine can actually affect the knee. If any area of the spine is not aligned properly, a chiropractor can make the adjustments required to alleviate the tension in the spine. This helps in getting relief from the pain and injury caused to the knee. A big possibility of knee injury can be avoided in the first place if the spine is aligned properly.

Chiropractors call this a chain reaction. To put it in simple words, if any part of your spine is not aligned properly, it might affect other parts of your body and that includes knee and injuries caused to it. With the help of spinal manipulation, chiropractors can restore the spine to its right alignment and this affects the other parts of the body in a good way. So, if you have a knee injury, you should seek chiropractic help.

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Pranic, Tantric and Reiki - What Are They and Do They Work?

Whether or not you have a penchant for the books on spiritual practices, volumes on healing or dare I say works on sex, the following terms may be ones that you have heard before. Do the terms 'chakra' or 'tantra' ring a bell? Other terms you may have picked up from New Age Literary delights include 'prana' and 'aura'. So, what are they exactly, do they work, and if so, how?

These 'energy' healing techniques come from all corners of the globe, most notably of Japanese and Hindu origin. Pranic and Tantric healing have their origins in Hindu and are thought to be older forms of energy healing than Reiki, which came to light again in the early 1900s. Reiki's healing is drawn from a universal energy, thought to emanate from a higher intelligence. Its healing power can be used to treat illnesses whether mental, emotional, or physical. Reiki Students are instructed how to draw off this energy.

The energy healings of Hindu following, however, tap into a different source of energy. Pranic healing draws upon life energy and Tantra upon sexual energy.

All these methods however do hold with the common notion that all organisms whether human or not are intrinsically connected to one another and the universe itself, as is the smaller universe of the body connected to the mind, in turn connected to the spirit.

Why Energy Healing instead of Medical Healing?

More and more people are resorting to 'alternative' healing methods such as Reiki and the Hindu based Pranic and Tantric, but why is that, considering the ease and convenience of modern medicine? Following are some likely explanations.

Modern medicine is not infallible and Energy healing has worked where it has failed.

Imagine yourself or a close member of the family was terminally ill. Of course you would try anything, including not only these alternative methods but also faith healers and even witch doctors, you have nothing to lose! It is a fact (although obviously not well documented by the medical profession) that modern medicine does not have the power to cure all ills and sometimes fails.

Modern medicine can make people feel unimportant.

Although every step is being taken recently to change this fact, people feel that they are not treated as a human being in their own right, more as a 'carrier' of the disease, and this idea still persists. Doctors seem to focus exclusively on the causes and treatment of the disease itself without taking into account the emotional state of the patient. Energy healing differs in that it focuses not only on the disease itself but the person as a whole, since the whole ethos is the intricately interwoven web of energy and spirituality.

Unlike in energy healing, since energy and spirituality are intimately linked, the patient feels that all aspects of his health are being attended to.

Energy Healing doesn't involve operations and is perceived to be less risky

With the rise in popularity of healthy living, anything natural or organic these days is going to be popular. Of course patients who have been subjected to painful operation after operation and their families and loved ones are going to try to find an alternative, less stressful health therapy. It makes perfect sense and seems a completely logical thing to do.

Stress relief can be obtained with energy healing

The convenience of meditation as well as the fact that it can be done very cheaply is an instant draw for many people, particularly students who are both strapped for cash and open to new ideas. The fact that meditation is integral in many variations of energy healing sells energy healing in itself, particularly to people suffering from extreme stress.

There is no doubt whatsoever that both modern medicine and alternative or energy healing have their good points and their shortfalls and no doubt just like Yoda they will be battling for many years to come. It should be remembered through all this though that the absolute priority is to prevent and cure disease and maintain overall health and wellbeing.

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Recovery Time For Umbilical Hernia Surgery - 3 Recovery Milestones

An umbilical hernia occurs when a sac of internal tissues or organs pokes through a weakness in the wall of your stomach, in the area of your belly button. An umbilical hernia may or may not be painful. But, this type of hernia is usually visible from the outside of the body to both the patient and other people who may be observing it.

The umbilical hernia can occur for any number of reasons. One common reason is simply that this area of the body is naturally one of the weakest parts of the stomach muscle. Another common reason for the occurrence of this type of hernia is that in infants, this area of the body may not have fully fused during development. And, still another common reason is due to being overweight or pregnant, both of which situations can put undue pressure on this part of the body and cause a part of the contents of the body to push through.

In most adult cases, umbilical hernias are corrected by a physician using a surgical technique. The surgery involves the physician opening up a small incision on the outside of the body near the site of the hernia. The physician then pushes back inside the body the protruding tissues or organs, then seals the hernia with stitches and a synthetic mesh.

If you want to know more about recovery time for umbilical hernia surgery, here are 3 tips about the recovery time you can expect:

1. The first 2 days:

This is the most crucial time of your recovery after hernia surgery. You will find that, regardless of the nature of your hernia or how severe it was, you will need at least 2 days of more or less pure rest and relaxation to begin the recovery process. During this time, your movements should be very limited.

2. The first 2 weeks:

After 2 weeks of rest and healing, most people should be able to resume their normal activities after surgery.

3. The first 5-6 weeks:

However, if you are commonly involved in strenuous activities - either when at work or at play - you may need to wait at least 5-6 weeks or longer for a full recovery.

Once you have waited the recommended period of time after your hernia surgery, you should be able to resume your previous activities. It is wise to recognize that there are different stages of healing. Depending upon the activities you enjoy doing, your full recovery time after this type of surgery could be longer or shorter than someone else's might be.

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Get Rid Of Cold Sores Permanently - The Naturopathic Way!

Cold sores afflict much of the general population because half of all people commonly carry the herpes simplex virus in their bodies. It can be a real struggle to get rid of cold sores for many people, much less get rid of them in a more permanent sense.

Cold sores usually appear at first as one small red blister, with a tendency later on to become a cluster of small blisters in a couple of days. Clear liquid may weep from the sore, and a scab forms later on. While in the early stages of forming, the sore may cause your lip to tingle at first, later turning into a more painful burning and itching sensation. People who suffer from them can also experience other irritating sensitivities like swollen lymph glands, fatigue, body ache, and even a low grade fever during an outbreak.

Although cold sores can last as little as two days, they can persist for more than a couple of weeks in the more acute cases. As most people know, the herpes simplex virus is contagious and can spread between unsuspecting people. As such, most herpes sufferers should avoid kissing, sharing eating and drinking utensils, and other oral contact activities during active herpes outbreaks.

If you've ever had a sore or blister pop up on your lip just before a big event, like a wedding, graduation, party, or date, it's because stress and the hormonal changes it causes is a common trigger for viral outbreaks. Other conditions that can also encourage cold sores to erupt are too much sun exposure, menstruation, and a weakened immune system.

When a cold sore strikes, the goal is to intervene in the infection process as early as possible and try to keep the virus from replicating. As with most conditions that manifest themselves externally, a balanced, inside-outside approach to dealing with them is usually the most effective long-term strategy.

Acyclovir and penciclovir are FDA-approved medications for topical application on cold sores, but the jury is still out on whether or not they're any more effective in treating herpes simplex than organic agents and oral supplements. It's now commonly thought that, for an adult, consumption of at least 60 grams of protein daily is the minimum amount required to help ward off these kind of blisters. Other nutritional steps can also be taken to maintain an environment hostile to their development.

As stated before, reducing excessive sun exposure can help one avoid herpes outbreaks; calcium levels drop with exposure to the sun, and low calcium seems to trigger herpes viral activity. Stress levels can also be managed lower by listening to music, exercising, meditating or praying, and just doing creative things that give you enjoyment like a hobby or favorite pastime.

If you want to get rid of cold sores, follow these basic steps. They, along with others that have been proven to be effective for many people, can go a long way to providing you with permanent relief you can count on. Researcher Monica Limpasas examines and evaluates health-related information products designed to help us solve some of our own personal health problems. In this article, she reviews the top information products that help herpes simplex sufferers get rid of cold sores by following some all-natural guidelines.

For a look at all the candid and unbiased product reviews Monica has written on various programs to help people get rid of chronic health problems like acne, dandruff, and other common maladies, click here.

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Monica Limpasas - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Aloe Vera: The Burn Plant

Aloe Vera, also known as The Burn Plant, is a commonly known herbal plant that is of medicinal use. It is mostly found in areas with arid climatic conditions - e.g., Africa and India. It is one of the most dependable medicinal plants used worldwide for the treatment of various kinds of health problems. The importance of this medicinal plan has grown up as its effects on various health problems was medically proven in the past years. The products of this plant are used for various purposes, including arthritis, eczema, skin problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, Irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, etc.

Composition of Aloe Vera

The ingredients of Aloe play a vital role in treating different health problems in human body. This plant contains various types of vitamins such as vitamins A, B (thiamine), B2, C, F, and niacin. Most of these vitamins are known to increase the immunity against different diseases in human body. In addition, there are enzymes and mineral supplements that are helpful for the treatment of skin allergies. One of the most important ingredients in Aloe Vera is the anthraquinones. These substances are very useful for nourishing the skin and providing natural supplements to the skin layers. Amino acids are another important component supplying most of the amino acids required by human body. Researchers have also suggested presence of saponin, lignin, and salicylic acid in Aloe Vera plants.

Aloe Products and Benefits

Aloe Vera products have multifold benefits in healing many of the health problems.

The major composition of Aloe Vera juice includes amino acids, minerals, and sugars along with many other nutrients, all of which boost the immune system to fight against bacterial and viral infections.The juice is also taken for the treatment of peptic ulcers in many patients.As per previous studies, the juice has also shown significant results in the treatment of edema and healing of wounds in diabetic patients.Many people suffering from digestive problems are also advised to take Aloe Vera juice. This juice is very effective in soothing the irritation in digestive tract, intestine, and colon.It has been researched that the juice also greatly helps in increasing blood circulation in human body.

Another important use of Aloe Vera products is the treatment of skin problems - eczema, rashes, burns and wounds. Anthraquinones serve as the healing agent for all such skin problems. Aloe lotions are used on the skin to avoid dry and cracked skin. It also helps in reducing effects of frostbites, burns, insect bites, blisters, and other common allergic reactions. The juice is widely used for preparing anti-wrinkle creams, shaving creams, facial masks, and even lipsticks. The natural moisturizing properties of these products help the skin to remain healthy and remove facial lines and wrinkles.


Aloe Vera is definitely a popular herbal medicine considering its medical application across the globe. Although the side effects of Aloe are rare or temporary, it is always recommended that one should consult a doctor prior to using any of the products to avoid any risk factors. Use Aloe Vera products for common skin and internal problems by developing the immune system to resist typical diseases.

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Diodia Scandens - Emerging Antifungal Agent

Since the time immemorial, our ancestors in Africa have been engaged in the use of plants and their different parts for treatment of various ailments, as well as for as for harmful purposes- such as poisons. Generally, plants have been in use throughout the world in folk medicine and as local cures for common ailments. Medicinal plants in particular has been in use for centuries as remedies for human diseases because they contain components of therapeutic value (Okoli et al., 2009) Folk medicine gave rise to traditional systems of medicine in various diseases. Diodia scandens Sw has enormous usefulness and importance (Essiett et al., 2011).

According to Essiett et al., (2010). Diodia scandens Sw (Rubiaceae) is an evergreen perennial herb, which has an alternate leaf arrangement, petiole is present. It has compound leaves, ovate to lanceolate in shape, reticulate venation, entire in margin, its apex is acute, its base is cuneate, it has glabrous surface and its texture is charteceous. Diodia scandens Sw has a dark green coloration, tasteless, odorless and has solitary inflorescence. It is a straggling herb, which has been in use in the Western African system of medicine. It has enormous usefulness and importance; whole parts of the plants are useful in curing various ailments.

Generally, the plants medicinal value includes its use as antidotes (venomous stings, bites, etc.), painkiller, treatment of veneral diseases and cutaneous and subcutaneous fungal infections. However, the different parts of the plants- sap, leaf, stem and root, are used for various medicinal purposes. The leaf is used for treating arthritis, rheumatism, cutaneous and subcutaneous parasitic infection, diarrhea, dysentery and anti-abortifacients; the leaf plus roots are used for dropsy, swellings, edema, and gout and as lactation stimulants; while the sap is used for treating ear infections, paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, spasm and pulmonary troubles.

Photochemical properties
In the recent years, secondary plant metabolites- known as photochemicals have been extensively investigated for their potency as medicinal agents. Studies carried out on some plants showed that some plants contain many substances such as peptides, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils, phenols and flavonoids among others, which could serve as sources for antimicrobial production (Okoli et al., 2009). D. scandens does not contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phobotannins and anthraquinones. However, it has saponins, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-yeasts, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor, anti-viral and anti-abortifacient activities were present. Tannins, which have astringent and detergent properties were also present, and can be used against diarrhoea. According to Essiet et al. (2011), the photochemistry of the leaf extract revealed the presence of saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides and absence of flavenoides, phlobatannins, alkaloids and anthraquinones.

Antimicrobial properties
D. scandens also has antimicrobial properties of which much is not known or documented yet. It is used in some localities in Nigeria to treat cutaneous and subcutaneous fungal infections. The procedure involves squeezing out the sap from the whole plant, freshly collected and appling the fluid on the infected skin by scrubbing. If done frequently for about3- 5days, the antifungal effect is seen. This agrees with the report of Essiett et al. (2011), who stated that in Nigeria, the leaves are used for curing eczema-, which is a fungal infection.

Generally, plants have been in use throughout the world in folk medicine and as local cures for common ailments and medicinal plants in particular has been in use for centuries as remedies for human diseases because they contain components of therapeutic value. Diodia scandens Sw has enormous usefulness and importance (Essiett et al., 2011). The different parts of the plant Diodia scandens- sap, leaf, stem and root, are used for various medicinal purposes. The plant does not contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phobotannins and anthraquinones but has saponins, tannins and cardiac glycosides. The plant has antifungal properties evident in its use for treating cutanbeous and sub-cutaneous fungal infections such as eczema. It is recommended that further research be done on the plant to properly evaluate its antibacterial properties.

Akah, P.A., Okogun, J.I. and Ekpendu, T.O. (1993). Antioedema and Analgesic actions of Diodia scandens extract in rats and mice. Phytotherapy Research. Vo. 7, Issue 4: 317- 319.
Essiett, U.A., Bala, D.N. and Agbakahi, J.A. (2010). Pharmacognostic studies of the leaves and stem of Diodia scandens Sw in Nigeria. Scholars Research Lirary, Archives of Applied Science Research. 2(5): 184- 198.
Okoli, R.I., Turay, A.A., Mensah, J.K. and Aigbe, A.O. (2009). Phytochemical and Antimicrobial properties of four Herbs from Edo State, Nigeria. Report and Opinion. 1(5): 67- 73.

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How To Be Healthy, Part 1

Good health is a positive sum of many factors that affect your body, and is also a result of good decisions taken during our life. There is no such thing as a healthy person, especially in older age, that has been ignorant of what foods and practices are good for your body and your mind and which are not. "That brings us the reality that, most of the time, being healthy is not chance but a choice"

If you were born a healthy baby, 95% of the time, if you are sick now, it's because of decisions you have taken, and most of the time these are taken in ignorance, and no, it's not your fault. It doesn't matter whose fault it is, what matters is what you want to accomplish, and if your reading this article. I bet you want to be healthier (as we all want to be).

I don't believe anybody would want to be sicker, unless there was maybe money to be made.

So getting to the gravy of "the first step, is: "Getting to know your body"

Let me ask you a question: Do you know how long it takes for food to go from your mouth to your toilet?

If you do, congratulations, if you don't, you have to find out, because that is the first step in getting to know your body. This period of time depends on your diet, level of activity. how much water you drink, etc. There is a multimillion dollar industry out there selling liquids and pastes to get you to go or stop you from going to the bathroom, a healthy person with a healthy diet goes to the bathroom 2 or 3 times a day and it's not only to pee, it's to evacuate residues o food that were ingested one to two days before ( the healthier people one day).

So, step one, is to do an experiment to find out how long it's taking for food to go through you system, and that is easily done. Next time you go to the grocery store, you buy some corn on the cob and eat it, you can cook it first, you don't have to eat it raw. ( I will be writing about raw in the future) Don't chew it too much, if you are a compulsive chewer, you'll never see it again. The important part of this is you have to write it down, a lot of people don't remember when they ate what, especially if it takes the 5 days to let it out. Put it in your calendar and wait for the surprise, you have to look at your stools; when they are floating (good sign) or sunk. Also take notice of the smell, if it stinks, you have to do some diet changes, usually lower animal protein intake. Your excretions should not have offensive odour if you are on a healthy diet. Don't forget to look for the corn, usually some will come out whole.

Once you have done this experiment you will know how long it takes and you can repeat it in the future as you flow into a healthier diet, which usually consists of more vegetables and fruits, especially apples, papayas and pineapple. I have selected some books and other products which will help guide you to making better decisions on what to eat to be healthier. Carlos J. Gaston, Biologist

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Carlos Gaston - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Build Your Immunity: Get Sick!

By Lew Harper Lew Harper
Level: Basic PLUS

Dr. Lewis D. Harper has been in his chiropractic practice for over 12 years and is currently practicing in Layton, Utah. He specializes in Chiropractic ...

I don't know why but I have been thinking a lot about immunity lately and how our body fights foreign invaders. Then the other morning I was watching Good Morning America and a doctor from the American Pediatric Council was on and she said something that was pretty amazing in my eyes. She said, "Fevers are a normal part of the immune system and you should not suppress them and try to control them. Nothing should be done until your child's temperature reaches 103 and then you can try to control it. They shouldn't be brought to your doctor until it is above 104."

Wow talk about something new. Well I guess it isn't that new I have been saying that for years but I don't know as much as a Medical Doctor! (At least that's what a lot of my family and friends tell me) When I was working with Dr. X (we'll call him Dr. X to protect his identity) doing my externship after Chiropractic College, a lady brought in her son to see Dr. X. She said that her son was getting fevers on a daily basis at about the same time every day. She would give him Tylenol and he would sweat like crazy and his fever would come down. She told us that she had been doing this same regimen for the past 2 months and decided to see Dr. X because her MD didn't know what to do.

So Dr. X checked him out and found some things out in his neck. He treated him and immediately his fever started to go up. We watched it go to 101 then 102 and mom got in her purse for the medication, but Dr. X said let's wait. The temperature went up to 103 and then the most amazing thing happened. His entire body broke out in measles. Did you know that the body needs to reach a certain temperature before measles will present? Well this well caring mom was really just suppressing the measles from coming out and keeping her son ill. Once the measles came out the boy was sick for about 2 weeks and then everything was back to normal. Wow, mom doing what she thought was right was actually keeping him sick. Good for you American Pediatric Council for finally seeing the light.

Well this leads me into my next topic of immunity. Sometimes you need to get the disease to build up an immunity to it and others that are similar to it. I remember as a kid my mom sending me to homes of my friend's who had chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough or measles. I would catch the disease suffer for a couple of weeks and then I was fine. Because of this I developed life long immunity to these conditions and other problems that were similar to them. Did you know that if you get an immunization for the before mentioned diseases that you have to get booster shots every 10 years?

You don't develop an immunity to the condition but a resistance to the specific strain that they immunized you with. What about the different strains of the same disease? So in reality, some instances it is better to catch the disease and suffer for a few weeks and gain life long immunity to all the different strains that can or will exist in the future, than it is to just suppress and prevent a certain strain for a few years with an immunization. I recently found a book written by 3 doctors from Dartmouth University called Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick In Pursuit of Health. They to agree that you need to let the body do what it is suppose to do and not search out every little problem and try to treat it. Let the body heal on its own and you will be happier for it. Chiropractic care for over 100 years has always stated, "The body can and will heal itself if given the opportunity to do so." Too many times we try to help to soon and get in our body's way as it tries to fix things on its own.

This article has been viewed 21 time(s).
Article Submitted On: March 03, 2011

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Lower Back Pain And Natural Healing

Most of us at one time or the other have experienced lower back pain in some way, shape, form or another. It's a familiar feeling of dull, throbbing pain right around where our tailbone and pelvic area is. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic back pain when we're sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day. Alternatively it can happen if you're a manual labor worker. One wrong move and you've tweaked your back. There all sorts of methods to treat this pain with traditional medicine, such as prescription muscle relaxants, injections and even surgery. Some of these are not very appealing, so you may have considered trying to heal lower back pain more naturally. Here are some of the more popular methods to treating and healing lower back pain naturally.

Chiropractic Adjustment. Probably the most well known natural method of treating lower back pain, a good chiropractor can target the bones and muscles within the lower back, and push them back into alignment. In fact, regular chiropractic adjustment can actually prevent further injury from the lower back and help with posture. Most major insurances now cover chiropractic adjustment as a valid method of treatment, which is great new for those of us interested in treating pain naturally.

Acupuncture. Using needles placed just under the skins surface, a skilled acupuncturist can target the muscles and nerves affected by lower back pain. Pain relief is almost instant when this method is used correctly. Again, most major insurances are now recognizing this as a valid treatment for pain.

Massage. For soft tissue pain, massage can be a godsend. Deep tissue or even regular Swedish style massage performed on a regular basis can help keep muscles moving and in the right spot. A good massage therapist can recognize sore and tender spots and help the injured individual to recover quicker.

Topical Herbal Tinctures. Using different oils and combinations of herbs can help relieve pain right in the target area. Often recommended are angelica, pine, lavender and peppermint. All give excellent anti-inflammatory benefits to sore muscles.

There are many natural healing methods to alleviate pain and some of the best ones are listed here. Depending on the severity of your lower back pain, you may be able to heal yourself just using one method, or if pain is severe you may find relief in using a combination of all of them. Lower back pain no longer means being relegated to strong prescriptions and injections. With natural methods you can allow your body to help heal itself naturally without any untoward side effects.

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10 Of The Best Cancer Fighting Fruits and Vegetables

The Bad News
I cannot remember a time when cancer has been such a horrible threat in our American society. I recently watched a video about the rate of cancer in America as compared to other countries around the world and I was shocked into stunned silence. I was sickened in my spirit when I learned the horrific truth and I had to ask... why? Of course the answer only God knows and someday all of that will be revealed. For whatever reason, call it greed or ignorance, we Americans are really suffering with this horrible blight! When I go to church and prayer requests are spoken out loud - a shudder of fear runs through my body when I hear the word - cancer, why? These things should not be!

The Good News
The good news is that we have at our disposal the knowledge we need to make things right in our own bodies. We just need to put that knowledge into action.

The Challenge
How much broccoli can you eat? What about cauliflower or spinach? I love all of these yummy vegetables especially broccoli. They are so good; but more than taste good they are good for our bodies. These are just a few of the many "super-foods" available to us that do a wonderful thing - - they fight free radical cells in our bodies, the cells which cause cancer! The challenge comes in getting enough of these cancer fighting fruits and vegetables into our diet.

Here is a list of cancer fighting foods

Broccoli (part of the cruciferous vegetables family)Cauliflower (part of the cruciferous vegetables family)SpinachBeetsRed Beet RootAcerola BerryTomato, (rich in the antioxidant Lycopene)Barley GrassWheat GrassCarrots

Amazingly enough the American diet has become so disease ridden that it is no wonder why we are suffering from so many ailments. Step back in time about 50 years ago and the picture tells a different and far more healthy story of the American diet; step back another 50 years and you will begin to see just how far we have gotten off track from eating just plain old good wholesome food!

Although, for most people it is quite difficult these days to afford to eat a pristine and healthy diet, it is wise to avoid processed foods when ever possible. It has been said the best place to shop in the grocery store is along the edges where you can then avoid many of the processed foods. Below is a short list of foods to avoid, especially if you have a history of cancer in your family tree.

Cancer Causing Foods

sodahigh fructose corn syrup sugarsucroseenriched bleached flourwhite rice white pastasartificial colorsartificial flavorspreservativessodium nitrite and nitrates (found in hot dogs, bacon and most lunch meats)hydrogenated oils monosodium glutamate

Growing Your Own

While it is not always affordable to buy organic produce, growing your own garden can be a doable alternative. You can grow a small garden which may include one or two tomato plants, a squash, green beans and/or peppers in a small 3 foot by 6 foot garden box. You can even grow these plants in individual pots on a small patio.

Wheat grass (and probably barley grass) can be easily grown by placing whole wheat berries in a shallow tray with soil. Keep moist and in a moderate to warm atmosphere. The fresh sprouts will come up like grass and once the grass gets to be about 8 to 10 inches take scissors and cut the grass. You then put it into a juicer to get the nutrient-rich, life-giving nectar. You can Google wheat grass juice and I'm sure find out more about how to do this.

The point here is to grow as much of your own produce as possible. If you have more room to grow, share your space with your neighbors who will be very grateful for your kindness. You can also rely on their help to keep up with the weeding and other garden care. I know of one man who grows a large garden for relaxation and then shares his abundance with his neighbors, what a blessing! I only wish he were my neighbor!

For a link to the you tube video mentioned above click on the link to my website (below).

I've been a bookkeeper for 17 years because I had to. Now, my kids are grown and I'm learning to do the things I like plus I'm making an income working from home. It's my best job ever! I'm a people person, I like to see them smile and succeed. Cynthia Sadler is a small business owner, entrepreneur, conservative Christian, family oriented individual. She has been writing on various subject for the past 18 years.

Learn How To Get Healthy:

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Cynthia Sadler - EzineArticles Expert Author

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The Three Causes of Dis-Ease in Ayurveda

Dis-ease is the manifestation of a disturbance in the body or mind caused by the disconnect with our own true nature. Disturbances form in the mind first, called vrittis. Since our body is connected to the conscious and subconscious thoughts of the mind, the disturbances in the mind will create dis-ease in the body. The three causes of dis-ease as outlined in the Carika Samhita are the foundation of Ayurvedic medicine, as it examines how we are acting out of line with our true nature or spirit.

The first cause of dis-ease is misusage of the senses against their constitution. Each individual has a constitutional spirit or true nature. When people take in the "wrong" things for their constitution, or too much or too little of the "right" things for their constitution, it is misusage of the senses. Our senses can lead us astray. If we are not paying attention to the subtleties of our nature, we can easily be misguided by our senses. It is easy for me to let my sense of taste misguide me. I know in my mind what is healthy and nourishing for me to eat and what is not. Yet, when I do not practice listening to my true Self, I let my sense of taste overpower me and give in to eating unhealthy foods that I know will be upsetting to my digestive system later.

When I work too much and get stressed, my ability to regulate my senses diminishes. I feel stressed and look to food for support and comfort. I take in the wrong things and too much of the right things for my constitution. I end up feeling bloated and experience gastro-intestinal problems. Over time, my body could manifest a dis-ease such as IBS or food allergies.

The second cause of dis-ease is prajnaparadha, not following what we know to be true. Our intellect guides us in making decisions, but our senses may lead us astray. When we follow what our intellect and soul tell us to be true, we are aligned with our spirit. When we follow our senses only, we move away from our true nature and this is called a crime against wisdom.

I have experienced prajnaparadha when I would be in social situations where drugs and alcohol abounded. It is easy to ignore the warnings of the soul when the senses are crying out. Using alcohol against the guidance of my soul, I have been physically sick, intoxicated, groggy, and in a malaise, due to overconsumption. These are crimes against myself and are harmful to my spiritual growth.

The third cause of dis-ease is parinama, aging due to time and motion. This is the most abstract cause of dis-ease in Ayurveda. It tells us that the passing of time is relative to the action of the mind. Biological time increases when the mind is restless. Biological time slows down or stops when the mind is focused or one-pointed.

This past October I attended a 200-hour yoga teacher training. I meditated every day for two periods of thirty minutes. I also practiced yoga twice daily for ninety minutes each time. I noted that during the entire course of the training I felt extremely healthy and at ease with my body. There was no sense of aging, stress, or worry during that month. I felt that I was witnessing my true self and living in accordance with my soul.

In contrast, when my mind is fraught with worry or overcome with stress, I note that I do feel unhealthy. I have trouble sleeping, my skin breaks out, and my digestion is weak.

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The Vibrational Attributes of Crystals

All atomic matter on this planet and in the Universe have some form of what is called dynamic energy. Dynamic energy in simple terms is the amount of effort, as energy is expended by matter; it is the energy of motion. Inside of all crystals are minute crystal lattice atomic structures. It's the minute crystals that vibrate and radiate energy. These little, tiny crystal atoms are in constant motion as they vibrate. Because they vibrate, they give off an energy frequency. Crystals are able to absorb and release energy as a result of the frequency they give off. This is what gives crystals their metaphysical properties. The fact that they can give off energy and absorb energy is why they are used for their healing and spiritual properties.

When we come into contact with a crystal they give off their own energy and absorb our energy. It is the amount of energy coupled with the amount of light that the crystal both absorbs and emits that has an effect on us. It is for this reason that crystals are used for both physical and spiritual healing, respectively. In terms of vibrations, the color and properties of a crystal resonate with our being and the human body's energy system. It is this resonation as a vibration of energy that causes an effect to us, based on the characteristics that are unique to that particular crystal. Since crystals give and receive vibrations when they are used properly, they have a positive effect on us and our environments.

Crystal healing and therapies are also called " vibrational medicine ". This type of healing falls under a wide category of alternative and natural or holistic healing practices. Many of these practices also have metaphysical and spiritual components as well. For the most part, Vibrational medicine and healing includes using what we call life-force which is called "Prana" in Ancient Indian Ayurveda medicine or "Qi" in TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine to name a few. Through balancing the life-force in a person's body, harmony is achieved within the person and their environment creating a healthy state of being for the person.

How vibrational healing works is based on the idea that illness and disharmony in our lives is due, for the most part, to some sort of imbalance that impedes the life-force from flowing freely in our bodies and environments. Crystals are used in these types of healing practices because they can absorb and give off healing vibrations, when they are used properly in a healing session. Crystals are either placed on the person's body physically or used in other ways to assist the healer heal the person either physically, spiritually or environmentally. Crystals can re-balance energy to a normal state to help a person or their environment have a healthy balanced flow of life-force in their lives.

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Surgical Support For An Umbilical Hernia - 5 Steps to Repair

If you or someone you care about has a hernia, you probably now have a desire to understand as much as possible about what a hernia is, how it is treated, and how to recover from hernia surgery.

In general, a hernia is simply the development of a weakness in a major muscle wall of the torso, such as the groin or abdomen. The weakness occurs at those natural seams that "sew" the various muscle sections of our bodies together. When a hernia occurs, the weakness allows a gap to form which lets internal tissues and/or organs to "pop out" through that muscle wall.

A hernia can be painful, but it does not have to be. Many types of hernias do not require immediate medical treatment, although if the protruding organs become "strangulated" - whereby the blood and oxygen supply is cut off from the tissue - then the situation should be taken very seriously and will require immediate surgical attention.

Most doctors agree that even non-strangulated hernias require eventual medical attention. Most hernias are corrected through surgery.

What Is An Umbilical Hernia?

There are many types of hernias. One common variety is the umbilical hernia. This type involves a weakness in the abdominal cavity that allows a sac to form in the inner lining of the belly.

This type of hernia is fairly common, and the condition can occur in newborns, children or adults. These hernias are most commonly found in overweight people and in women who have recently been pregnant.

If left untreated, umbilical hernias will often get larger over time. In the case of a baby with an umbilical hernia, crying can cause it to bulge out more due to the pressure that it causes.

Surgical Support for an Umbilical Hernia - 5 Steps to Repair

Umbilical hernias that are left untreated can pose danger to the patient. For example, if the protruding tissue becomes incarcerated (or stuck), it could result in the blood and oxygen supply being cut off to this area (strangulation).

In the case of infants, umbilical hernias are not usually treated with surgery; the hernia usually shrinks and closes on its own by the time the child reaches age 3. However, in the case of adults who umbilical hernia becomes painful, bulging or starts to turn dark blue, surgery is often required.

Here are the 5 major steps that most surgeons take when correcting an umbilical hernia:

1. The procedure starts with general anesthesia:

Of course, as with any major surgery, general anesthesia is administered to the patient. For a small hernia, this could be a spinal or an epidural block. As a result, the patient feels no pain during the surgery.

2. Surgeon makes a surgical cut in belly button:

The surgeon then makes a cut in the belly button. The incision is used as a way to access the hernia itself from the outside.

3. Tissues are pushed back inside the body cavity:

Next, the protruding tissues or organs are pushed back inside of the body. If the surgery is done correctly, the tissues should never protrude through this area again.

4. Strong stitches used to repair the incision area:

The stitches are made to withstand the intense pressure being exerted on the area.

5. Mesh may be laid over weak area:

Finally, a synthetic mesh that will not be rejected by the body is inserted, as well. The mesh helps reinforce the strength of the affected area for the rest of the patient's life.

If you or someone you know has gone through umbilical hernia surgery, your next step is to learn how to take care so as to speed along the recovery process.

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Understanding Pregnancy Related Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Back pain is common during pregnancy with research showing between 50-80% of pregnant patients reporting low back pain. It is good for expectant women to be informed about some of the options available to alleviate pain as well as what they can do for themselves to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Some women may feel anxious or unsure about seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy especially if they have never experienced chiropractic before - but they need not be. Let's explore some of the frequently asked questions regarding chiropractic care and pain during pregnancy...

Why is there back pain during pregnancy?
There are many mechanical, postural and hormonal changes that take place in a woman's body during pregnancy. Below are just a few examples of typical changes.

Mechanical and postural changes:
- centre of gravity moves back therefore changing the mechanical stresses on joints, muscles and ligaments
- weight gain results in increased overall stress to joints and muscles
- muscles of low back must work more to counterbalance growing belly
- low back curve often becomes accentuated which pinches the joints of the low back and sacroiliac joints closer together resulting in joint irritation
- along with accentuation of the lumbar curve, the sacrum itself tilts forward at its base
- increased breast size can result in mid-back pain as the muscles and joints of the mid-back must compensate
- often there is a change in neck position with loss of the normal curvature of the neck
- women tend to adopt a wider based stance and gait which affects joint position of ankles, knees and hips resulting in joint/muscle/ligament irritation
- pressure may be exerted on nerves due to muscle tension and water retention resulting in tingling or numbing sensations

Hormonal changes:
- hormonal changes in pregnancy also affect biomechanics of the spine and peripheral joints
- a hormone called relaxin is released which softens and elongates ligaments and other connective tissues which leads to greater joint motion and possible joint irritation

As one can see, there are indeed myriad changes that occur. On top of this, minor pre-existing mechanical issues may be exacerbated during pregnancy due to the weight gain and hormonal effects.

How can chiropractic help?
Through a history and physical examination, chiropractic can identify specific problem areas in the spine and surrounding joints. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore proper motion and alignment of joints. In addition, specific corrective exercises are prescribed to help improve posture such that tight muscles are stretched and relatively weaker muscles are strengthened. Beyond this, chiropractic helps by balancing the nervous system which allows the body to heal optimally. Most pregnant women who experience chiropractic care report relief of symptoms and associated improved mood and sleep. Best of all, chiropractic is completely natural and non-invasive. Chiropractors do not prescribe medications which can be of concern especially during pregnancy.

Is chiropractic treatment safe during pregnancy?
Chiropractic care is natural, non-invasive and very safe for both mom and the developing baby. Chiropractors are also trained to identify red flags associated with high risk pregnancy and to refer accordingly.

What else can I do for relief and to ensure a healthy pregnancy?
Maintaining physical fitness through exercise is a great way to promote better health and fewer complications. Regular cardiovascular exercise leads to improved sleep, less pain, less stress, fewer delivery complications and has better birth outcomes for both mother and child. It also reduces the risk for gestational diabetes and pregnancy related hypertension and the associated consequences for both mom and developing baby. A balanced and nutritious diet is also important, ensuring that the fetus has the necessary building blocks for healthy development and mom is healthy too. Other ideas for pain relief include massage and acupuncture.

Following delivery, back pain usually resolves however daily activities such as lifting one's child, bending down to their level, breast feeding and awkward postures associated with raising a child may result in mechanical issues. Thus, some women may choose to continue with chiropractic care during this phase as well to ensure optimal joint mechanics and overall wellness.

Stuber and Smith (2008). Chiropractic for back pain in pregnancy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics; 31(6):447-454.
Jones, Housman & McAleese (2010). Exercise, nutrition and weight management during pregnancy. American Journal of Health Studies; 25(3):120-126.

Dr. Serbinski, DC, BSc(Hons) graduated Cum Laude with Clinic Honours from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Dr. Serbinski believes in the benefits of chiropractic for pain relief, correction of mechanical problems of the musculoskeletal system and for general wellness. She tries to encourage all her patients to exercise on a regular basis because exercise along with chiropractic, good nutrition, rest and a positive outlook are all important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Serbinski is currently practising chiropractic at Bayview Village Wellness Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Visit her website at

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Dr. Elisabeth Serbinski - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Baby Ear Infections

When Antibiotics Don't Work

Ear infections are one of the most challenging events in a child's life. I've tried all of the options the doctors offer. You can wait it out, see if the baby improves on their own. You can put the baby on a 10 day round of antibiotics. When that doesn't work, the doctor may suggest a second round. And finally, if it's really bad, he/she may tell you about the possible need for putting tubes in the baby's ears. I needed to find a more gentle way of healing.

Baby Ashoka 2007

Trying My Options.

The "wait and see" approach wasn't really an option for me. Baby was miserable, high fever, and I worried about the ear drums bursting. I went with antibiotics. Sometimes it worked. But sometimes, they didn't work at all. When the second round of antibiotics didn't do anything, I started looking for another option. Here's the thing, if the infection is caused by a bacterial infection, the antibiotics usually work. When I followed antibiotic therapy with probiotics immediately afterwards (yogurt, or acidophilus), this really helped to prevent a reoccurring infection. However, if the ear infection was viral, or my baby was misdiagnosed, they didn't work. What to do?

I've Found The Answer.

Now I'm not a doctor, and if you have a baby who is fussy with a fever and congestion, please please take them to your family doctor.But if you have tried everything else, and are having no luck, these drops are a really good thing to try before you go down the path that leads to tubes in the ears. Gaia's Children Ear Drops offered at Whole Foods are great for relieving chronic bacterial or viral ear infections.

Here's what's In The Drops.

These Drops were formulated with Dr. Mary Bove, ND They contain: Garlic oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Mullen Flower oil, St. Johns Wort oil, Lobelia herb and seed extract, and Goldenseal Root extract. It's this blend of herbal oils that comfort and heal the ears.

How to Use the Drops.

I recommend using them sparingly, following the directions which say: Warm the drops by setting the bottle in a cup of warm water, (not hot) 1-2 drops in each ear 3 times daily. I used them for two days, if there was no change, and baby was still feverish, I was right back in the doctors office.

Preventative Use.

You can also give baby 2 drops of the Gaia ear drops occasionally before bath time, to protect their ears from the water and shampoo exposure. I've used them on my kids, as young as 6 months old. I found them to be safe and effective. I've tried them myself, and they worked great for soothing my swimmers ear.

Turn Your Heat Down!

A side note I'd like to add: Try turning down the heat in your house during the cold months. Setting it at 69F during the day, and 64F during the night. Forced air systems dry out your upper respiratory tract, removing the moisture need for your immune system to fight off illnesses. This will help you and your children foster a healthier first defense against ear infections in the winter and spring.

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Help With Hockey Elbow

A condition that starts on the outside of the elbow, hockey elbow can be quite painful and discomforting. This condition happens when the tendon muscles get irritated and inflamed at the point where they are attached to the protuberance of the elbow joint which is called epicondyle. Hockey elbow can either be on the inside portion of the elbow or the outside of the elbow. There are other names given to this condition which are golfer elbow, tennis elbow but in medical terminology, it is called Lateral or Medial Epicondylitis.

The real reason for this kind of a sports injury is when a precise activity need reoccurring and continuous holding or gripping of things like a hockey stick. The continuous vibrations that go up and down the stick can contribute heavily to this condition. This causes severe damage to the lateral portion of the elbow. Professional competitors and athletes are more likely to fall prey to this condition or injury due to the continuous intensity and strain of practicing and exercising for long hours. Holding a cup or a plate can become a heavy task if this condition is ignored and left untreated. It can also become very painful.

In the recent times when competition is tough and sports injuries are hackneyed, chiropractic treatment is like a blessing for an athlete. It is not very often that sports injuries like hockey elbow heal on its own. It is important that you get a chiropractor to examine the injury and its cause and then start you on a proper treatment plan. They perform spinal manipulation which helps in correcting subluxations in the body and specifically in the spine. This helps the body to heal by itself. It is a natural form of treatment and so you need not worry about any kind of side effects.

Most of the sports injuries can be treated by visiting your chiropractor daily. Manipulation, regular examination, stretching and ultrasounds can stop many injuries before they get very painful or hard to handle. No sportsperson wants to sit idle on the side line as they are removed from the team due to an injury. Chiropractic care makes sure that these injuries are looked after and controlled before they get out of hands. So, if you are suffering from hockey elbow, you should talk to your chiropractor about it and should also make it a point to visit him or her regularly.

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Soul Medicine and Spiritual Quantum Physics


We are in the Age of Aquarius with its new paradigm for healing. This paradigm is energy healing using your mind and soul as your guiding tools.

We have about 1950 more years in this 2000 year age. Several Aquarian Age healers or what I like to call 'pioneers' have already made their mark on the world sc?ne with their healing techniques.

Most of them have 'blinked back' into the Quantum Ocean awaiting their turn to 'blink back out' again into a new incarnation.

Hahnemann, Bach, Dinshah, Schuessler and Eeman are a few of the better known healing pioneers who await their next assignment.

We have several other pioneers still walking the planet, one in particular living in Arizona, Eric Rolf who I would like to tell you a little about.

He has written a book called "Soul Medicine, the Anti-Medicine of Creative Cause and Inner Listening." It may turn out to be the most efficient healing system of our time.

The only illness that Soul Medicine recognizes is a kind of 'spiritual deafness.'

Soul Medicine provides a secret body code relating each organ both inner and outer with specific areas of your life. Soul Medicine is your passport to living a new healthy, exciting, creative life.

Let me tell you how Eric helped me! Last year I slipped on the ice in front of my home in frigid Pennsylvania. I cracked my head pretty good. Since I am a firm believer that nothing happens by accident (an accident is the effect of a cause you have forgotten) I called Eric and asked him why did he think I hurt myself like that?

We discussed things over the phone and he came up with a date. I mentally traced my life back to that date and discovered that at age fifteen I had cracked my head in a similar 'accident'.

I was running in the high school gym doing laps around the track which was suspended above the gym floor. When I was finished running I tried to leap over the railing that led to the door leading downstairs.

My toe caught the railing and I crashed onto the concrete hitting my head in the same spot I did last year.

But that was not the cause it was the effect. We dug further and found out the cause was my continued anger at my father. He and I have been 'banging heads' ever since I can remember. It finally drove me out of my home at 18 and into the Army.

So this particular cause and effect accident lay buried in my subconscious till last year when I was in my 70's. Then what goes around comes around. Repeated accident!

It was time to forgive my father and let all the anger go. Since I wasn't doing this voluntarily my soul gave me a gentle reminder and I cracked my head. Remember this it said?

Thanks to Eric and his "Soul Medicine" paradigm I finally resolved this hidden cause and effect time bomb.

All accidents, all pains and injuries are caused to ourselves by us. Our souls know the causes. Get into the habit of asking your soul to tell you the cause and it will as sure as God made little green apples.

If you get a chance read "Soul Medicine" by Eric Rolf. It is truly an Aquarian Age healing paradigm. Look him up on the net and email him.

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