Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to Prevent Cold Sores On Your Lips

How to prevent cold sores is one of the number one concern of anyone who is plagued by frequent outbreaks. About 80% of the population is infected with the herpes virus that causes cold sores to appear on our lips, nostrils, and chins. Some of this group of infected persons will never have an outbreak, they are simply virus carriers, while others will have numerous outbreaks, and for some of those they may experience the blisters once a month. Cold sore prevention has been the topic of many scientific studies.

Cold sore prevention is mainly achieved by the individual creating a healthy body that gives the virus few chances to rear its ugly head. Our bodies require rest, proper nutrition, and proper fluid intakes in order for it to stay in the best working order. Just like cars have trouble operating efficiently when you give them poor quality fuel, your body has a hard time doing what it needs to do when you give it poor quality fuel.

Your car also requires you keep everything lubed, and greased so all the parts can perform their actions effortlessly. Your body has to have enough water every day to keep all your parts performing their functions effortlessly. It takes approximately eight glasses of water per day. Those are eight ounce glasses. Beverages including fruit juices, tea, sodas, and especially alcoholic ones do not count towards the eight glasses of water. You put brake fluid, and washer fluid in your car, but you still make sure it has enough oil. You do not consider the others a substitution.

You can prevent cold sores by staying healthy and fit, reducing drama and emotional stresses in your life. Emotional stress puts as big a toll, if not a bigger toll on your body than physical stresses like illness.

Avoid the common causes of cold sores like staying out in the sun until your skin burns, drinking alcoholic beverages until you are sick the next day, and avoid kissing, or drinking after someone who has the blisters on their mouth. Cold sores prevent you from eating and drinking normally, so try when you are having an outbreak to consume things full of nutrients to help your immune system work.

You want to increase your consumption of foods that are high in lysine to help prevent outbreaks. The more lysine you have in your cells the less likely that the herpes simplex 1 virus can invade and use that cell to make a replica of its self. So eat plenty of foods that have high lysine concentrations like beef, apples, pears, yogurt, eggs, cheese, milk, summer squash, apricots, mangos, flounder, and chicken. Eating these foods will help you to prevent outbreaks.

You can also add licorice to your diet, because it helps to reduce the pain and swelling, and it helps to inhibit the herpes from replicating as well. Licorice flavored foods will not help you it must be foods that contain real licorice. Licorice candies are generally made with anise to give it the taste we associate with licorice.

Want some more information and facts concerning Cold Sores or Canker Sores? You can find all the information you need at Cold Sore Prevention.

I am Bruce DeMilo and I have been through the pain and ugly appearance of cold sores all my life. I finally did something about it, and created a website where you can go to find facts, and solutions to this horrible but controllable virus. I invite you to come see my site and read my free mini-course on "Life Without Cold Sores by clicking to

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All About Understanding a Condition Called Incontinence

Due to this recognized problem many people are already starting to fear going out of their houses and running errands they used to do because they urinate or even defecate in very unacceptable places; although incontinence products have already been introduced and are used by many some are still hesitant because it can feel uncomfortable at times and they are uncertain about the pads' or the pull-ups' ability to support the volume that they are going to excrete.

The common symptoms of the existence of incontinence are diarrhea, fecal urgency, involuntary excretion of either fecal material or urine, nocturnal (frequent bouts of urination at night), and urinary frequency and urgency; but these are often left unnoticed because there are various illnesses or diseases that cause the same symptoms and they go away once the diseases passes. If you want to make sure that you really need to shop and stock up for incontinence products like insert pads then you ought to undergo the various confirmatory tests which include the following for urinary incontinence: complete blood count which involves the process of blood extraction, then the blood undergoes a series of tests to check if there are elevated components which can help in pinpointing a specific disease; urinalysis, a test being done by taking a sample of your urine and it also undergoes a group of tests to detect if there is a possible infection that can be curable which means that you do not need to use incontinence products especially once you start medicating; in some cases abdominal ultrasonography and cystoscopy is done to be able to take a look at the body parts which are concerned with the said condition.

On the other hand, if you want to know if you'll need those heavy-duty incontinence products that can hold large volumes of stool you need to undergo the same complete blood count workup, you also have to undergo sigmoidoscopy as well as barium enema in order to rule out any tumors that can be cancerous; the most common test is the assessment of your anorectic area to check the ability of your muscles to contract when irritated.

If you were suspecting that you are suffering from a specific type of incontinence and you decided to undergo the tests and the results turned out positive, do not fear because there are various incontinence products which are available for your aid. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. You can also choose based on their functionality like the volume that they can hold, the way they absorb and hold the excreted materials, and the comfort especially when you are an outdoorsy person.

You can get the information about incontinence products and its vast range of products by visiting certain websites on internet.

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Health Care in Summer

Summer is not a pleasant season. It is too hot that many people would not have a good appetite. And the hot temperature makes people undesired to do anything. As a result, health care in summer is more difficult than that in other three seasons. Experts tell us that we should at least do six things to keep ourselves healthy in summer.

First of all, we should sleep late and get up early in the morning. The daytime comes early in summer so that people tend to wake up much earlier than usual. Therefore, we do not need to go to bed early in the night. But sometimes, there will be a problem. We may feel sleepy in the daytime. So doctors suggest us to take a nap at noon. They point out that the length of nap varies from people to people. In general, half an hour to one hour is appropriate. For people who do not have the habit of taking naps, listening music for thirty to fifty minutes can also help.

Secondly, we should keep a relaxed mood. Traditional Chinese medical researchers hold the view that the activities of heart correspond with summer. People tend to be anxious and bad-tempered. So people ought to pay more attention to heart care in summer. They are suggested to drink more milk and eat more bean products and chicken. Vegetables and fruit are also beneficial to keep a wonderful mood.

Thirdly, porridge is more suitable for summer. People can add some lotus leaves or mung beans to the porridge so that it is useful in detoxification.

Fourthly, fruit is not suitable for everyone. For people who has a poor stomach, gentle fruit is more appropriate. For them, fruit should be neither too sweet, nor too sour. As for people who have gastric ulcer, they have to keep away from watermelon and cantaloupe.

Fifthly, do not forget to complement nutrition. The balance of sodium and potassium is very crucial in health care. Since it is hot in summer, the release of potassium is quicker than usual. Therefore, people have to complement nutrition through food. For example, tomato, pepper and plum are good choices. Bean products and mushrooms supply adequate potassium, while fish, eggs and meat provide a large amount of protein, such as casein. Besides, watermelon, strawberry and cucumber are good to maintain moisture.

Sixthly, do not eat food as soon as they are taken out of refrigerators. Cold food would stimulate the intestines and the stomach. In consequence, the physical functions of organs would be in disorder. The best temperature for human beings is 36 degrees centigrade. So put cold food aside for a while before eating. More importantly, people should not eat cold at one time. Children, the elderly and stomachache patients should not eat cold food at all.

Min Yuan is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.

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Treating Cold Sores With Homeopathic Treatments

The signs and symptoms of herpes simplex one virus are blister-type sores on your lips, nostrils and chin. They are painful to have, and can be challenging to treat. You will find there are many homeopathic remedies for cold sores that do as good a job at relieving the pain, and making the condition bearable, as any of the medicines available at the pharmacy.

One of the main focuses of homeopathic remedies cold sores is to alleviate the swelling and the pain people suffer from these sores. Colds home remedies have worked for years, so trying the ones meant for fever blisters will not harm you.

One of the first home remedy for cold sores you will find is applying ice packs, or cold compresses to relieve the swelling that is caused by the outbreak.

A good natural remedy for a cold sore that occurs after a lot of sun exposure is Natrum Muriaticum. Use this to prevent or even to stop cold sores while they are still at their tingling stages. Apis mellifica will also stop a blister from forming when rubbed on the tingling area. After the blister has already formed rubbing this on the blister will be painful, and will not help at all.

One of the most frequently used home remedy for a cold sore is to increase the amount lysine in your body. You can buy lysine supplements, or you can increase your consumption of foods containing lysine. Scientist, now are saying that having larger quantities of lysine inside your cells will slow the reproduction of the herpes virus. You probably already eat many of the foods that have the highest concentration of lysine. These foods include, but are not limited to beef and chicken meat, all dairy products including milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt, apples, and pears are also both high in lysine content.

Applying lemon balm to the blister after it has ruptured will keep the area moist, and lemon balm has some healing properties as well. There are many people who apply witch hazel to these blisters by dabbing cotton balls in the liquid and then touching it to the sores. Salt is also commonly rubbed into the wound to aid in the drying out of the infection.

Real licorice candy will not only help to relieve the pain it helps to prevent the reoccurring of outbreaks as well. You have to get the candy that has actual licorice in it, and not just anise in it to make it taste like licorice.

There are numerous herbs, and natural substances you can use to supplement your diet that will help to prevent illness. This is due to the fact that when our bodies are healthy our immune system keeps the viruses and diseases from taking hold in us. You have to eat a healthy diet that includes all the vitamins, and nutrients, plus all the antioxidants, and flavanoids. To do this you need to not only eat fruits and vegetables, but eat some from each color group as well.

Want some more information and facts concerning Cold Sores or Canker Sores? You can find all the information you need at Homeopathic Remedies For Cold Sores.

I am Bruce DeMilo and I have been through the pain and ugly appearance of cold sores all my life. I finally did something about it, and created a website where you can go to find facts, and solutions to this horrible but controllable virus. I invite you to come see my site and read my free mini-course on "Life Without Cold Sores by clicking to

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The Symptoms of Candida

The symptoms of candida can be very misleading and hard to spot because they are often not what people would expect.

Most of us think of a candida or yeast infection and immediately think of the symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infections in women, but that is just one way out of hundreds that a candida overgrowth can manifest itself.

The symptoms of candida can actually affect any part of your body or health and can do so to anyone of any age or gender.

The Unlikely Symptoms

It's important to understand that a yeast infection always begins in the digestive tract where we all have a certain amount of the fungus, candida albicans. Any upset in our systems can cause that fungus to begin to grow out of control and lead to the symptoms of candida. But, these symptoms are not what you'd expect.

The symptoms of candida are different from person to person and can include one or more of the following:

Gastrointestinal issuesMigraines and headachesNauseaFatigueFeverBody aches and joint painRashesWhite patches on skin or in the mouth, tongue or throatPainful urinationDiarrheaConstipationWhite creamy discharge from the vagina, usually with a yeast-like smell

As you can see, these symptoms can easily be mistaken for all kinds of other ailments which is why a diagnosis isn't always easy. And while a vaginal infection with discharge and itching is common, an untreated yeast infection can lead to feeling very ill and run down and really wreak havoc on your life.

How to Diagnose Candida

While the signs of a vaginal yeast infection or thrush can be easy to detect for a diagnosis, these other symptoms of candida are a little more complicated. As they can mimic those of other serious conditions, a doctor should be seen to rule out something life threatening that requires immediate care.

If you have been feeling run down along with other symptoms that have not been directly linked to any other cause, then there is a very good possibility that what you are dealing with is an overgrowth of candida in your system and the proper steps should be taken to stop the infection and get your body back on track.

What to Do

Cutting out all foods that contain yeast is the first step in feeling better. This means eliminating foods like breads, cakes, and pastries. Sugar is known to feel yeast and help it to grow, so you need to remove all sugar from your diet as soon as possible.

And, to increase the good bacteria that are needed to keep yeast levels balanced in your digestive tract; consuming probiotic yogurt containing acidophilus as well as garlic, which is a natural antifungal, is a must.

Making these changes will show you an improvement in the symptoms of candida almost immediately and will also help to prevent future issues with yeast. And no, you won't need to eat this way forever. It is however recommended that you do this for at least a couple of weeks after your symptoms have disappeared.

Vanessa is an ex-sufferer of candida infection & an avid health researcher. She battled with chronic candida infection for several years before finally discovering a natural cure. Visit my web-site at to read tons of useful information on the symptoms of candida, natural cures to use to get rid of candida for good and receive a complimentary mini-series on "How to End Yeast Infection Now"

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How to Heal a Sprained Ankle Fast

So you've sprained your ankle and you've almost given up on your plans for the next 4-6 weeks. (Since that's how long everyone says it take to heal a sprained ankle.)

I've got some good news for you.

Advancements in physical rehabilitation have reduced the time it takes to rehab an ankle from weeks to just a few days. But you've got to know the steps to take and which order to do them. If you don't follow all of the steps in order, statistics show that you will experience a more serious sprain within 12 months of your initial injury. First a little background.

When you injured your ankle you damaged ligaments, tendons, strained supporting muscles, position sensors in your foot called proprioceptors and you may have fractured one of the 7 bones in the ankle joint.

As soon as you injured your ankle, your body's response was to restrict movement of the injured area to prevent additional damage.

It does this by releasing lymph into the area which causes swelling. The swelling restricts movement of your foot and ankle. So your body is doing exactly what its supposed to.

The problem is that in order to accelerate the healing process you have to get rid of the swelling.

If you follow what 99% of all Emergency Rooms tell you, you'll be using the R.I.C.E. protocol.

R.I.C.E. Stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

RICE is NOT a way to heal your sprained ankle fast. It is a first aid response to a sprained ankle (or almost any injury for that matter).

So what do you do? You incorporate movement with ICE. The movement of your foot and ankle will help to "pump" the swelling out of your ankle and your foot.

Fill a 5 gallon bucket full of ice, fill it with water and then stick your foot in it until it becomes numb. It will probably hurt like crazy until it gets numb.

After about 12-15 minutes take your foot out of the ice water bath and move it around until the feeling comes back.

Repeat until the swelling goes down.

Once the swelling is gone you can start to rehab your ankle.

WARNING! If you successfully reduce or completely remove the swelling from around your ankle, you are in an extremely vulnerable situation. Your ankle is injured, it is not immobilized and has not been rehabilitated.

To prevent injury while you are healing you need artificial support such as a lace up ankle brace and athletic tape. ACE bandages are a waste of time for the type of support you need in this situation.

After you have the swelling down, then you need to start restoring range of motion, strength and flexibility.

There are several exercises that can be done, but any exercise that you do needs to be weight-bearing and strengthen your ankle in the way that you move normally during your activities.

To state it differently, any exercise that you are using to rehab a sprained ankle should mimic the movement that you would experience walking across uneven ground (your ankle moves in every different direction including up and down).

For starters you can do calf raises. They will help to strengthen your calves and stretch out your Achilles. But calf raises only address one side of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that support your ankle.

You have to address the front of your leg and both sides.

When I was in college and sprained my ankle, the physical therapist told me to put both of my feet inside the legs of a chair and then push them outward to strengthen the outside of my legs.

This felt weird and didn't mimic how I would move on the basketball court, but I did it any way.

For the inside of my legs they told me to put my feet on the outside of the legs of a chair and push against the legs toward the inside as if I were trying to crush the chair between my legs.

Again, it felt weird, but I did it anyway.

None of the exercises the physical therapist told me to do addressed the front of my leg, my shins. So I would just stick my foot under something heavy and then try to raise my toes up.

This seemed to work pretty good.

The one thing that I realized later was that none of these exercises addressed re-calibrating the position sensors in my foot. These position sensors were damaged during the initial injury and if they weren't re-connected with my brain, my brain would not know the exact position my foot was in and I could injure my ankle again.

Unfortunately I suffered from one ankle sprain after another because I was not re-calibrating the position sensors in my foot.

In the last year of my college basketball career I discovered an exercise that anyone can do which took the place of all of the exercises the physical therapist had given me AND it re-calibrated the position sensors in my foot.

I discovered how to heal a sprained ankle fast at the end of my career.

You can check out everything I learned about healing a sprained ankle at including determining the kind of ankle injury that you have.

Bret Mundt has helped almost 3,000 people with sprained ankles get healed fast. With more than 50 sprained ankles over his basketball career he learned the tricks and secrets about how to rehab a injured ankle in less than 7 days so he would not lose playing time. Even if you can't walk and chew gum at the same time, you can get head shaking results with the step by step ankle rehab program.

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Guidelines for a Quality Home Health Service

Home Health is what a physician recommends on a short-term basis. This might be when a person is recovering from a severe illness or surgery, and needs assistance. Even after the hospital stay is over and they are in their house, the person might continue to need a period of nursing and medical assistance. This is what Home Health services offer. If you need the assistance of qualified Home Health personnel for yourself, or a loved one, here are a few frequently asked questions and answers.

In what situations can Home Health be recommended?

It is a specialized recommendation by the physician. The medical practitioner might determine that you need the services of nursing practitioners while you recover in your own home.

Is it covered by Mediclaim programs?

It is focused on providing medical assistance. It is usually paid by Medicare. It is meant to provide financial assistance to homebound people who are temporarily unable to leave their home without assistance. According to Medicare guidelines, if the person leaves home for "...short, infrequent trips...such as a trip to the barber...more than once a week" they are not eligible for Mediclaim coverage.

What kind of services could be covered under it?

It usually focuses on different kinds of specialized therapies to help you while you are rehabilitating. Often a person might temporarily lose the functions of certain parts of his body, or the ability to speak properly due to certain medical conditions. Health practitioners can offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, or therapy for speech or language fluency, to assist the person in their recovery. It is completely medical and does not include services to assist with basic 'sitter' functions such as dressing or grooming. If you require a service that assists the person with everyday functions on a long-term basis in home surroundings, in-home care could be an option.

How long does the trained nurse remain everyday with the person being cared for?

A Home Health nurse usually does not stay more than an hour. Their services focus on the medical assistance that has been recommended by the physician to help the person recover. A home care giver on the other hand offers to assist the person with everything that they find difficult to do on their own, including preparing food and going on errands. They might also escort the person for medical appointments.

When looking for services for health, Birmingham residents look for an agency that has a track record of quality care.

Home Health Birmingham- If you are looking for quality services for health, Birmingham residents will recommend the expert facilities at Always There.

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Yeast Infection: Yogurt Remedy and How to Use It!

As you probably already know, yeast infections are definitely not fun to have. Although the symptoms are different from person to person, if one thing is for certain, none of the symptoms are enjoyable by any means. Most people associate this condition with itching or burning, along with pain in general.

Many of you know that a having any kind of candida infection can be extremely embarrassing. That's why I always recommend using home remedies. Of course, most sites that offer home remedies for any condition are trying to sell you something. Unlike other sites, I would like to teach you exactly how you can treat your yeast infection using yogurt. Best of all, you don't have to buy anything from me to follow this remedy, since everything you need to know will be written right here.

For starters, yogurt is one of the most known and most widely used home remedies for yeast infections. Yogurt works extremely well because it contains acidophilus. Acidophilus is actually a bacteria that helps to kill off the yeast which causes the infection to occur. You can choose to either eat yogurt, or apply it topically to effectively treat your candida infection. For the purpose of this article, let's talk about how you can apply yogurt topically to treat your infection. If you decide to eat it instead, simply consume 8oz a day, and you will be on your way to freedom.

What You Will Need.

- Plain yogurt.
- Disposable bowl or container.
- Tampon
- Pad


The following instructions are for those of you who have a vaginal yeast infection. If the infection resides elsewhere, please feel free to apply yogurt to the area, or eat 8oz of yogurt a day to eventually be free from the infection.

1. Pour plain yogurt into a bowl or onto a paper plate.
2. Keep the tampon in the applicator, but push it out about 1 centimeter.
3. Soak 1 centimeter of the tampon in yogurt for about 1 to 5 minutes.
4. You can tap off any extra yogurt if there looks to be too much.
5. Insert the tampon as you normally would.
6. Finally, put on a pad to avoid any extra mess.

Final Thoughts.

By using the above remedy 2 times a day for 7 total days, you can expect your yeast infection to begin to clear up. Yogurt is probably one of the most effective home remedies available for this condition, and it's highly recommended by many people in forums and blogs around the web. If you're concerned at all with this home remedy, please check with your doctor before use.

Alternative Remedies.

You should also know that there are actually many alternative home remedies for yeast infections available. My name is Taylor Thompson, and I recently wrote an article titled, " Yeast Infection: Yogurt Remedy." I hope that this information has been helpful to you. Remember, if this remedy doesn't work, there are many alternative remedies available that you can also try using.

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Tai Chi for Older People

There are many choices we can make in our journey through life. Some people may seek fame or fortune while others may seek spiritual fulfillment. How do we know if the choices we make are the ones that are right for us? Since life offers no guarantee we will not know if decisions we've made are the right or wrong ones. But one concern we should have is for our health. As we grow older our body becomes less agile. Via the internet and many books written on martial arts people all over the world know the health benefits of Tai Chi for older people. With regular practice it helps you develop both physically and emotionally and is suitable for all levels of fitness.

Tai chi is based on a combination of flowing movements and meditation which gives you balance and harmony and improves metabolism and energy level. It has been used for centuries by the Chinese to enhance their well-being through its calming and meditative qualities. If you are looking for a way to improve your health and fitness there is no better method than Tai Chi. More people from all over the world are looking to learn Tai Chi as it makes it easy for losing weight, meditation and improving posture. It does all these things as it is a personal discipline. Many people think it is a martial art but it is more of a mediation that connects your mind and body in harmony.

Once your mind and body is in harmony you will be able to generate more energy and your mind becomes more focused. One way to describe it is a moving form of meditation and yoga when combined increases your personal power. The posture in tai chi for older people is designed to target the energy centres in your body. The people who practice them experience improved posture, less muscle tension and better reflexes. The spiritual and mental benefits that you get from this discipline are a more tranquil mind, a higher state of consciousness and less stress. This will enable you to work rest and play better.

The practice of Tai Chi for 20 minutes each day will enable you to respond to challenges in our busy and demanding life while developing or personal power known as (chi). The philosophy of the teachers is a belief that people are basically good but the nature of society causes people to develop bad habits. The aim of Tai Chi training is to eliminate this weakness so we can return to our better nature. Some practitioners of the art claims that the greatest form has no shape which is the ultimate goal as it is so deeply ingrained in form it becomes unimportant. Energy will naturally flow wherever the mind takes you to. This is the highest level of the art of Tai Chi.

Discover the amazing powers of Tai Chi, and enhance your well-being. [ ]

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