Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stop Underarm Sweat - Does Heavy Sweating Indicate a Heart Attack?

If you do notice that you are suffering from sudden bouts of excessive sweating then it is highly recommended that you be aware of the amount of exercise you are getting on a daily basis. One of the reasons why it is extremely important to do regular exercise if you experience these sweating bouts is because it could be an indicator that you may get a heart attack. As with everything related to medical conditions, you really should be taking this extremely seriously and avoid delaying taking action once you notice these symptoms. In fact the sooner you do so the better.

The thing with sudden excessive sweating is that the minute you realize you experience these sudden bouts of sweating, warning bells should be going off in your head. Although it may not be anything severe, chances of it leading to a heart attack are ever present and should never be ignored. What a lot of people tend to do is mistake this symptom for flu or fever however if you don't notice any high level changes you're your body temperature then your best bet would be to consult with your local doctor as soon as possible.

Not only is excessive sweating linked to heart attacks but also to thyroid problems as well as high blood pressure, both severe problems that could lead to even more serious problems. The most important note to take home is that even though there is a chance that your case of sweating may not be linked to a heart attack, there is no reason why you should wait for the last minute to get a thorough medical check up. It is definitely better to be prepared and safe just in case.

The fact of the matter is, many people mistake chest pain a much more important indicator of an impending heart attack yet studies have shown that sudden sweating bouts are sometimes placed even higher than chest pain in significance of indication of a coming heart attack. With that said whenever this does occur you should take medical action as soon as possible or consult with your doctor just to be on the safe side rather than leaving it to last minute and suffering even more serious consequences.

Remember, the thing to take from this is to not make impulse thoughts on your situation but instead to do good research and consultations about the symptoms you are experiencing to make a more informed decision about your next step.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

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Top 5 Symptoms Of A Lice Infestation

Hi all! For this article, I decided to share my list of my top 5 symptoms of a lice infestation. Although this isn't something people like to share, I am going to be honest and say that I have dealt with lice infestations multiple times in the last few years. It is something that I have grown very familiar with. Just a few weeks ago, I finally think I found the culprit that was causing this in our house! But anyway, I have had a lot of experience with this over the last few years. So here is my list of my top 5 symptoms of a lice infestation.

1. Itching

This is by far the most common symptom of a lice infestation. If you are noticing frequent itching on your scalp, then this could very well be a sign of lice. The itching occurs due to an allergic reaction to the lice. When the lice bites on the skin, it leads to this allergic reaction.

2. White Eggs

Another frequent symptom of lice is the eggs that can be seen on your hair. These are often white, and are round or oval shaped. They will usually be right near the scalp.

3. Sores On The Head

What about sores on your head? Do you notice any sores? This can be due to excessive scratching which of course is caused by the lice to begin with. Having sores on your head is a sure sign that you are scratching too much and that there may be lice.

4. Tickling Feeling

Another frequent symptom of a lice infestation is a tickling feeling on your head. It may feel like something is moving in your hair. As scary as this is to think about, it's because something IS moving in your head! If you are finding this to be a frequent feeling in your head, check your hair immediately!

5. Clear Fluid

Although this isn't as common, another possible symptom of a lice infestation is a clear fluid coming from your head. This is caused due to frequent scratching which causes the sores and broken skin on your head. This leads to the clear fluid.

I hope you have found this list of the top 5 symptoms of a lice infestation to be informative. Lice infestations are a lot more common than you might think. Once you know the symptoms of them, you will know when you may have one, and you can begin to seek treatment right away. Good luck!

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Stop Underarm Sweat - Useful Herbs to Control Excessive Sweating

Although sweating has always been given a negative rep in society nowadays, it has never been more important to realize that sweating can be seen as a sign of a healthy lifestyle. This is especially true as sweating removes toxins from the body and when evaporated from the body, it allows the body to ventilate thus cooling the body's core temperature. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that there are extreme cases of this human function. Most commonly known as Hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating presents many problems and dilemmas to those who suffer it and many seek out a treatment or method to get rid of it. They can either opt for a natural method or a non natural method such as surgery or Botox. The trend nowadays has been to use natural herbs and ingredients to combat this problem.

Just to be on the safe side, it is recommended that people who sweat excessively make sure to take a daily dosage of the lost minerals that are necessary for the body to function at a healthy and optimum level. Examples of the minerals lost include potassium and calcium and should be replaced through vitamins or other forms. Any type of deficiency in these minerals can lead to all sorts of problems such as muscle cramping, weakened muscles as well as cases of constipation.

One way to combat this is to use herbs that have specific characteristics to control excessive sweating. Herbs including sage, asparagus osha, astralagus and even rehmannia all contain certain characteristics that make the suitable for combating excessive sweat. The main advantage of using these herbs is that they are natural and help to calm the nerve fibers that are responsible for producing sweat. The thing with some of these herbs is that they may take up to about two hours until the effect will be noticed and excessive perspiration will be minimized.

Using these herbs will provide you with a safe, natural method of reducing or minimizing your excessive sweat without the nasty side effects that are known to have resulted in taking surgery or Botox in many cases. The herbs also provide you a calm sense that will help a long way in reducing excessive perspiration not just in the short term, but most importantly in the long term as well. Although highly unlikely, make sure you consult with your doctor though to check whether you may be allergic to any of these herbs to avoid any serious consequences such as allergic reactions.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

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Treat Severe Constipation Yourself With These Two Simple Tips

Severe constipation is caused by a hard stool which will not pass through the rectum, or you have an impacted stool. You will want to quickly relieve this terrible condition. When you have severe constipation, you are either suffering from fecal impaction, or you cannot pass stools or gas (which is termed "obstipation"). You will want to quickly relieve this terrible condition.

Fecal Impaction Causing Severe Constipation

A solid mass of feces which is immobile, generally in the rectum, is referred to as "fecal impaction.You may suffer from chronic constipation, overflow diarrhea, or other problems in this area. Bloating in the abdomen, or pain in that area may also occur.

Don't let the cause of the problem go unresolved. Once you have had one fecal impaction, you are at higher risk for having another. More movement and perhaps healthier eating habits are simple preventative steps you can take.

The immediate treatment to remove the impaction may be one or more of the following:

A) Taking Oral Laxatives;

B) Enemas or suppositories. These work quickly, which does not allow much time for the mass to soften. Mineral oil enemas help by lubricating the stool.

C) Removing it manually.

D) Surgery. Worst Case Scenario!

What Is The Cause of Severe Constipation

A) Lack of physical activity

B) Not enough fiber in your diet;

C) Being dehydrated;

D) Prescription medications, especially pain relievers.

Severe Constipation Help

The following two enemas can be done by yourself to assist in passing stool to relieve constipation. Always review these with your health care provider prior to doing them.

Gather your basic supplies: enema bag, lubricant, waterproof pad.

Mineral Oil Enema

You can easily find Fleet oil at the pharmacy. The oil softens and lubricates, making it easier to pass the impacted material. This type of enema works well when the fluid goes high up in the intestine, and you can hold it there for a while. To do this, squeeze the enema bag quickly with lots of pressure to force the liquid higher up.

When doing this enema, lie on your side on the floor (with the pad or bag under you) and hold the liquid as long as you can, to allow it to soften and lubricate. The general instructions below should help you with this process.

Old-fashioned Powdered Milk and Molasses Concoction You Can Use At Home

Use this enema up to four times a day. Review this with your health provider first. You can do this in conjunction with a mineral oil enema, just wait at least one hour before doing the Milk and Molasses enema.

Recipe for Powdered Milk and Molasses Enema

6 ounces hot water

3 ounces powdered milk (do not use cow milk)

4.5 ounces molasses

Mix together in a container the hot water, molasses and powdered milk.

Put the mixture into your enema bottle and perform the enema. For best effect hold this for 20 minutes before removing the tube and sitting on the toilet.

Enemas pull water from your body. Drink twice as much water as usual for the next 24 hours to ensure that you are staying hydrated. To prevent this from happening again, add at least 25 grams of fiber to your diet each day, and stay hydrated. Add in exercise (even walking helps).

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Stop Underarm Sweat - Is Excessive Sweating an Early Sign of Pregnancy?

This is an article aimed at females who have many questions about what to expect when experiencing pregnancy for the first time. With those who have not experienced pregnancy before, there are many symptoms that they are likely to go through and finding out whether it is as a result of pregnancy or not will help greatly in finding out how serious the condition is. One of the most common questions is about excessive sweating and whether or not it is an early sign of pregnancy or whether it is due to other factors. Unfortunately there is no concrete answer as of this date however, there are chances that excessive sweating can be linked to pregnancy. With this in mind, it is also important to not that excessive sweating can also be caused by a number of other factors unrelated to pregnancy. These factors must be ruled out before confirming that it is indeed an early sign of pregnancy.

One of the most common problems that affect recently pregnant women is thyroid problems. These are known to lead to excessive sweating and have affected many people both male and female. Before deciding that it is indeed an early sign of pregnancy, I would advise you to visit the doctor for a check up and do some testing on the thyroid as it could be linked to other causes and factors. Other potential factors responsible for excessive sweating include heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure and only once all of these are crossed off the list can you start confirming that it is due to pregnancy.

One of the main factors that come into play is the hormonal changes that rapidly occur in a recently pregnant woman. Some of these changes are responsible for causing symptoms which may indicate pre menopause regardless of the woman's age. Although they do show the symptoms, this does not necessarily mean that they are going through an early menopause. This case however, is a confirmation for whether excessive perspiration is an early sign of pregnancy and should be compared closely to your situation. This will help you a lot in deciding what the actual underlying cause of your excessive perspiration is.

Overall, the most important point is not to immediately accept that your case of excessive sweating is an early sign of pregnancy, but rather to research the different causes of excessive sweat, all the factors and conditions that are responsible for causing this and see which one fits your situation the most accurately.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

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5 Simple Ways to Choose a Home Care Worker for Your Elderly Family Member

These days it is sometimes easier to do things on your own. Outsourcing is not always the best way to solve a problem. Certain things need to be done by other people while major issues are best handled directly. Home care is a rapidly changing issue in America. The elderly population are living longer and social security is cutting back. People have to work and support their immediate family, let alone their extended family which includes their parents. Hopefully, these five steps will help in choosing an appropriate home care worker for your elderly family member.

First, put an ad in the paper or free classified. Hopefully you choose a paper that reflects what you are looking for. In other words, if you are seeking a Yiddish speaking person. You would have to post a help wanted advertisement in a Yiddish newspaper to attract that type of person. Usually, an older family member might feel more comfortable with a person from their own culture. The foods, demeanor, and culture would be similar to the patient and therefore accommodate the patient. A simple phone interview with a candidate of their past experience and their current status could give you feel of the person to see if you want to meet with them. Tell them what you are willing to pay and if they are willing to accept the salary, you can move onto the next step.

Secondly, you need to interview candidates. If you do not feel comfortable meeting them in your home. you can meet them in a public place. I would say a public library. Some libraries have rooms that you can reserve for free. A meeting time can be arranged after your telephone interview with the person. Give the person a sample reading test or just basic comprehension test you photo copy out of an entrance exam booklet(you can also get at the library, FREE). Twenty to Fifty questions should be enough.

Third, Talk to them after they have successfully passed the written test then ask for references and let them know that they will have to take a drug test and you will be doing a background check as well. Give them scenarios of emergency situations that could occur and see how they would handle it. Also have a plan of what you want from the aide. In other words, a schedule should be laid out for the aide to keep your family member active and stimulated. For example the aide could take them to museums, movies, or a theatrical show

Fourth, make sure you actually get information from their previous work or school and you verify all the information. If the person does not have any references from this country then ask them to get a reference letter from their pastor or church on letter head vouching for them.

Lastly, have them meet your family member and gauge the interaction from the body language. Let your family member ask them questions and hopefully they will work great together.

This business is sometimes hit or miss. When dealing with people things may change. So, always keep that in mind. Even if you pick one person after the initial interviews. Have two or three people as backup just in case your first candidate does not work out. Good luck

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Top 5 Causes Of A Sinus Infection

Hello everyone. For this article, I decided to talk a bit about sinus infections and the top 5 causes of them. Sinus infections are fairly common, and many people wonder how to go about getting rid of them. However, the best defense is to know the causes so you can prevent them from happening in the first place. With this list, here is my top 5 causes of a sinus infection.

1. A Viral Infection

Have you had a viral infection recently? This can be a cause of a sinus infection. Viral infections can inflame your sinus lining. This halts your body from completely removing bacteria that gets into your nasal packages. If the bacteria isn't removed, it starts to multiply, and you now have a sinus infection! Getting rid of your viral infections as soon as possible is important in preventing an infection of the sinuses.

2. Allergies

Another major cause of an infection can be allergies. This goes back to the viral infections. Allergies cause you nasal passages to become inflamed, which leads to a buildup in bacteria. If you aren't taking any medicine for your allergies, then you should really be doing so! Talk to a doctor about this!

3. Swimming

This is surprising to some people, but a large amount of time spent in swimming pools can lead to infections. This is because there is chlorine in pools, and chlorine can irritate your sinuses. In fact, a search on the web finds many swimmers who have dealt with frequent infections.

4. Frequent Flying

Are you a frequent flyer? Flying can really mess up your head. The air pressure changes with takeoffs and landings. This can lead to increased pressure build up in your head which can block your sinuses. I actually had this happen to me just last year. Needless to say, I'm not excited to get on another flight.

5. Smoking

If you are a smoker, you may also be more at risk for an infection. This is because the smoke can irritate your sinuses. In addition, smoke can clog your nasal passages, which certainly doesn't help things. It's another reason to quit smoking!

I hope you found this list helpful. Like I said before, knowing the causes of a sinus infection is a great way to fight them. Now that you know the causes of them, you can be well on your way to preventing them. Good luck!

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Stop Underarm Sweat - Hyperhidrosis Amongst Teenage Girls?

Sweating is a common and natural bodily function. However in a very few number of cases, the function is put into overdrive and the effect is much worse where sweating can become excessive and unpredictable leading to negative social effects.

Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis amongst teenage girls is more common than society has come to think. The main reasons for this are due to their hormones at that particular age. During a female's adolescent ages, her body has a high level of hormones which are the main hormones responsible for encouraging these high levels of sweat that their body

The most important thing anyone should do before deciding on which treatment to opt for in any case, is to first of all determining what is causing the excessive sweat in that particular teenage girl. Of course, the most common reason is the hormones in their bodies during their adolescent years. However, to be on the safe side, it is recommended to get a thorough check up as there could be a chance of being an underlying cause apart from the hormones that are encouraging excessive sweating.

If a factor is found that happens to not be the hormones, then it should be identified and treated as soon as possible to avoid worsening the situation even further in the future.

The most common treatment for excess sweating is to use a substance and solution containing aluminum compounds. Aluminum compounds are extensively used in antiperspirant products and work by plugging up the sweat ducts which inevitably blocks off the sweat glands to prevent sweat from being produced. Although aluminum compounds have proved to be relatively effective, there are known risks that the chemical substance has. These risks have been researched extensively and studies show that long term exposure to this kind of substance can be linked to Alzheimer's and severe damage to the nervous system. This is the reason why it is highly recommended for people to be aware of how frequently they apply products containing aluminum compounds as it could lead to severe consequences.

The other option is to use oral treatments. These are readily available and are taken orally. They are most commonly found in tablet form which is one of the reasons why people claim they are extremely convenient especially for a teenage girl. However, as with all oral medication, it is suggested to consult with your doctor before you decide on which oral medication or brand you should go with.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

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Stop Underarm Sweat - Constant Sweating and No Fever?

Over a person's lifetime there would be countless times where a person would experience perspiration. Whether it is because of hard exercise or fear, anxiety or high levels of stress, sweating is a relatively normal aspect of everyday life and is rarely questioned. However, sufferers of excessive and constant sweating have even more problems due to the negative social effects of the condition. The condition known as Hyperhidrosis affects a number of people and the effects of it can be daunting. Many people experience wet and clammy palms as well as excessively sweaty underarms as a result of this condition and have resulted in very embarrassing situations. This is one of the explanations for people experiencing high levels of sweating without having any type of fever.

The typical person has an average core body temperature of a bout 98 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the optimum body temperature that allows the body to function and perform at an efficient level. Now the temperature of the body may fluctuate up and down depending on the environment and whatever activity the individual is undertaking such as exercise. However, those who experience the levels of sweating that is only normally found in people with high degrees of fever yet have no evidence of any type of fever, should put their efforts in determining what the actual underlying problem is.

Apart from Hyperhidrosis, constant excessive sweating can be linked to numerous other conditions. One for example is high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to an increase in an individual's core temperature and also lead to other problems such as liver ailments and thyroid problems.

Treatments for people suffering from these conditions are relatively limited. One of the most common and popular remedies is to use aluminum based substances which clog up the sweat ducts and prevents it from releasing sweat. However, there are numerous links associated with using aluminum compounds for long periods of time that have been mentioned in many of my previous articles. With that said, although aluminum chloride has proven to be somewhat effective in stopping sweat for certain periods of time, they do not work for every individual so make sure you check with your doctor to prevent yourself from getting an allergic reaction.

There are both natural and non natural methods to choose from. Surgery and Botox are the most extreme ways of getting rid of the excessive sweating but both come with their own side effects. There are also a number of natural remedies available online in the form of e-books and informational videos.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat.

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Healing Yourself and Others With Reiki Symbols

Most of us have heard about Reiki symbols and that each symbol has different energy vibration, which is used for healing. Everyone has the potential to do Reiki because it only consists of being aware of energy.

Reiki healing symbols are used to assist in the practice of Reiki. It is a powerful and effective method to use energy and the symbols to clear blockages, balance chakras which assists in healing ailments and conditions, easing stress, encouraging relaxation. There are special Symbols that are used for health and Reiki emotional healing.

One of the most effective uses of the Reiki healing symbols is Stress Relief. To be able to use the Reiki Symbols, the student should experience a Reiki Empowerment or Reiki Attunement. It is a favorable experience that usually occurs throughout the Reiki training though some Practitioners have created these courses that allow you to be attuned and use the symbols in your own home.

In general, you do not need to consume years to have any spiritual knowledge and practice meditation at all. You just need to be attuned to the proper level and you are ready to go. You can start healing yourself and others with Reiki Symbols very easily indeed.

One of the most used Reiki healing symbols is the Cho Ku Rei, also known as the power symbol. The primary function is to advance the level of Reiki energy. It attracts energy from around you and concentrates it to where you want.

Sei Hei Ki is known as 'the Mental-Emotional Symbol', helps in healing mental and emotional and calming the mind. This symbol gives clearing, protection and purification.

Han Sha Ze Sho Nen is applied when you want to transfer the Reiki energy to anywhere you want it to go. It defies space and time. It can be used for healing problems from the past to save good energy for the future.

Another symbol is Dai Ko Myo. This is a Master symbol. It is profoundly attached to the souls spiritual journey. It heals the soul and the broadening the wisdom.

It is important to know and be able to draw the Reiki Spiritual Healing symbols by heart. These symbols open your mind, body and soul. and assist in enhancing the flow of what is known as Life Force Energy that serves as a door opener to help you gain a higher level of consciousness.

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Stop Underarm Sweat - Heavy Sweating and a Fast Heartbeat

To an average person, a rapid heart beat and heavy sweating can mean many things, whether it is because of doing high levels of exercise, being anxious about something, fear of confrontation and many other situations. However, having excessive sweating combined with an unusually fast heart rate in a medical perspective could mean many dangerous things. There are known to be numerous conditions and diseases that include fast heart rates and excessive sweating as symptoms. It is highly advisable to check with your doctor what your conditions mean as they could be connected to other numerous conditions or even be linked to drug abuse. Allergic reactions as well as stress also could be a major factor in these conditions and should be considered when seeking out treatments.

The link between drug abuse with heavy sweating and fast heart beats can be explained using the example of amphetamine. The abuse of this substance as well as numerous other dangerous substances is known to have resulted in a fast heart beat as well as sweating in a number of people. Extreme uses of amphetamine have been linked to a number of cases of heart failure. The way amphetamine works is that it accelerates an individual's heart beat up to a point where it even may begin to strain it.

Another cause of having these two symptoms may be a case of high fever. It has been widely known for high levels of fever to cause severe levels of sweating as well as fast heart beats. There is a difference between high grade fever and low grade fever and distinguishing the difference between the two and what you actually have can go a long way in helping you find the right treatment.

A good way to keep cool is just to take regular sponge baths and keeping away from areas with humid and warm temperatures. Regular exposure to fresh air is also a good way to keep your body at an optimum temperature level to function smoothly without the daunting symptoms of excessive perspiration and fast heart rates.

There are a number of other conditions that can either cause these two effects or are a result of the two symptoms however it is highly advisable to get a check up to see which of the two is your case. You may need immediate medical attention and finding out before hand is the best way to prevent any serious damage to your body.

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Choosing a Home Care Provider

There can be many reasons to employ a home care provider. Home care assistance helps those who are disabled, recovering, or terminally ill with activities necessary for daily living, and can consist of nursing, medical, therapeutic, or social treatment. Home care is popular amongst elderly adults who want to retain independence, but do not want to move to a nursing home or burden their loved ones with the responsibility of caring for them on a daily basis.

Assemble a List of Providers

The right home care provider will treat your loved one with compassion and dignity, while providing a quality level of service. Contact your loved one's hospital for a list of reputable providers, and ask friends or colleagues if they've had any personal experience with a certain provider.

Narrow down the list of providers by reading information on their website or reading their pamphlet. Speak with another loved one close to the patient, and the patient themselves about the different companies. Feel free to call the providers if any questions arise as you're doing research.

Interview Prospective Providers

Once a consensus is reached about the three providers that best match the patient, arrange to visit their offices in person or ask if a representative is able to come to the house. This will help you assess their qualifications, and determine their level of professionalism.

Important Questions

? How long has the home care provider been in existence?

? What is the selection process for training employees?

? Is a medical professional (nurse, doctor, therapist) required to evaluate the patient's needs?

? How is an emergency concerning the patient handled?

? Are caregivers available at all hours?

? How does the provider enforce patient confidentiality?

? Has the provider cared for another person in the same situation as my loved one?

? Are family members involved in updates or changes to the care provided?

? Will a supervisor or medical professional oversee the quality of care my loved one receives? If so, how often?

? How will the provider resolve a problem should we have a complaint or concern?

Request Additional Information

Request any additional information pertaining to the service the caregiver will provide. Most providers carry a Patient's Bill of Rights, which outlines the responsibilities of all parties involved: the provider, patient, and caregiver. Also, ask for information relating to cost and fees, and find out if Medicare of health insurance could help cover the expense. (This may be a question for their main office, as the caregiver may not be versed in the billing process).

Ask the provider for a list of references from previous patients, doctors, or family that are familiar with their care and services. Upon completing the interviews, speak with your loved one about which provider seemed to be the best match. Proceed with calling the references given, and ask about their experience with the home care provider, how long the patient received care, etc. Ask if there were any problems or complications, and how well the home care provider resolved the issues.


Your loved one deserves to be served with compassion, grace, and dignity. Be diligent when choosing a home care provider, and do not be afraid to voice any concerns you may have.

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Do You Sweat After You Eat? - Stop Underarm Sweat

Sweating after you eat is a more common condition than most people think. Contrary to popular belief, the most common reason why a person sweats after they eat is not due to some sort of medical disease or condition, but simply due to the certain types of foods they consume. The medical term for this condition is gustatory sweating which means that an individual begins to sweat excessively in the facial area as well as the neck and other parts of his body right after eating certain foods. The major foods that cause this are spicy foods. Spicy foods are known to generate heat in the body when the body reacts with the spicy ingredients. The thing with gustatory Hyperhidrosis is that it happens without the control of the individual as their nervous is over stimulated by the spicy foods.

One syndrome that is not as widely known is called the Frey syndrome. The way in which Frey syndrome is unique is that although it does cause perspiration after eating food, it only leads to sweating on one side on the individual's head. As a result, the salivary gland which is located at the cheek region experiences severe damage. Another main factor about Frey syndrome is that not only does a person sweat after consuming g food, but also sweats by just thinking about food which is one of the reasons why it can be a very daunting and worrisome experience.

Another thing that perspiring after eating can be linked to is diabetes or even that you have a risk of getting diabetes. As a result, an individual's nerves located in the face become unresponsive and begin to sweat excessively after he or she eats any food. The most common situation is when sweat occurs both during or after eating and is most commonly found in the neck or facial region.

Perspiration after consuming food has numerous embarrassing repercussions and many people choose to seek medical attention in an attempt to treat their condition. Your best bet in knowing which treatment to go for is by figuring out what causes your sweating first. It will help a long way in choosing the right treatment to maximize its effectiveness.

The recommended thing to do would be to perform a check up with a medical expert if the condition starts becoming overly excessive or bothersome. They will be able to give you detailed information about your condition as well as guide you on which treatment you should be seeking out.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

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Cool Skin Rashes Effectively

Skin rashes can be caused by the food that you eat, the things that you use and the activities that you do. Some bacteria and fungi can also trigger the appearance of these rashes. There are various conditions that will surely cause rashes to surface out like jock itch, ringworm, dermatitis, allergies and athlete's foot. With these conditions, you need to identify the cause first for you to apply the right treatment. You may need the help of a doctor to confirm the infection. These rashes may cause various discomforts like pain and itchiness. You need to do something to soothe your skin for it to be relieved from the discomforts. Cool your skin with the best methods to feel comfortable. There are some tips that will help you cool and soothe your skin.


You can apply cold compress over the affected areas. Soak clean towel in water and place it inside the freezer. Apply it directly over the itchy areas. You may also use ice cubes. Put these ice cubes inside the towel and apply it over the rashes. It is an effective method to alleviate the discomfort. it can numb the nerve endings for a short period for time.


Aloe vera can be used in various ways. It can be used to cool or soothe your skin. You may use aloe vera creams and ointments that are available in the market now. You can also use the fresh juice of aloe vera leaves. Apply it over the affected areas. It has a cool and soothing effect that will alleviate the discomfort that you feel.


Oatmeal can be utilized to soothe your skin from the rashes. Dissolve old-fashioned oatmeal inside a bathtub. Submerge the affected areas in this solution for at least 20 minutes. Oatmeal is very helpful in relieving discomfort caused by allergies, poison ivy and psoriasis.


Calamine lotion is an old remedy that you can use to soothe and cool your rashes. A lot of people have tried using it already. Try to buy calamine lotion from the nearest pharmacy. Apply it over the affected areas. This is very effective in insect bites, fungal infection and food allergies. Calamine lotion contains zinc and iron oxide which are very effective in relieving skin discomforts.


There are creams that contain menthol. Menthol creams can surely help cool the rashes and relieve the discomfort. But you must not apply this kind of cream in open areas since it can become toxic also. You may also use creams that contain benzocaine which is an anesthetic. This kind of cream will help numb the nerve endings. It will help in relieving itchiness and pain that these rashes can commonly cause.

These skin rashes can give you much discomforts like pain, swelling and itchiness. You have too cool and soothe these rashes to reduce the discomfort. There are effective methods that you can do to cool them. The tips will guide you how.

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What Options Do You Have For a Wheelchair?

Wheelchairs are appropriate for use by many different age groups from young children right through to adults and are acceptable for day-to-day use but can also be used for all those wishing to participate in sporting activities. Wheelchairs, electric or manual, come as either lightweight or ultra lightweight models and they've been designed for greatest comfort. They are usually manufactured from aluminum and light-weight titanium. The folding varieties are just right for storage and travel.

Furthermore, they're, for the most part, nice-looking in design and accessible in an array of various colors. Wheelchairs are widely used by people for whom walking is not easy or not possible as a result of health issues (mental or physical), injuries, or disabilities. A basic standard manual model incorporates a seat and back, two small front (caster) wheels and two large wheels, one on either side, plus a foot rest. A fully functional wheelchair gives you many years of use with the proper care.

Wheelchairs have become considered not just a way of transportation but also as a way to permit consumers to express their personality. You will find a large number of custom-made high quality ultra-light high-performance wheelchairs available at RoSa Medical Supply along with accessories that enable people to individualize their look and style.

Nowadays, wheelchairs are designed to satisfy every conceivable necessity for function, size, style, price and suitability. A relatively normal, happy life is possible for just about any fast growing population of individuals living with disabilities, impairments, ailments and illnesses.

There are several additional options to consider if you don't need or want a wheelchair.

Battery driven wheel chairs range from trendy luxury to practical economy. The mid-wheel models are extremely maneuverable and have a turning radius as little as 16". This makes them well-liked with patients who must navigate environments with restricted space, like in homes.

Lightweight manual wheelchairs are easier to propel and much more convenient than typical manual wheelchairs. They're well suited for patients living a physically active life in a wheelchair and if you have to load the chair into a motor vehicle without a powered lift.

They are most popular in institutional settings, when individual use is restricted and when a chair is necessary for only a short period of time.

Improve your life when using the stylish and state-of-the-art performance of a scooter. The sleek, quiet and agile performance desired for outdoor use as well as the power, range and stability necessary for safe, secure outdoor use, all in a sleek, stylish package. They're well-liked among patients who live a physically active life.

It's an undeniable fact that a lively lifestyle has many great physical and psychological benefits. Walkers will promote this healthy lifestyle by making walking much easier.

About the Author:
Bob Nielsen is co-owner of RoSa Medical Supply an on-line Retail Store consisting of a variety of HomeCare Medical and Mobility Supplies from dozens of manufacturers.
I invite you to visit us today at and see how it is so easy to find exactly what you are looking for in Home-Care or Health-Care Equipment.

Article Source:

Bob Nielsen - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Can Kids Have Acupuncture Therapy?

In this world, many people experience different kinds of allergies. These kinds of allergies vary its symptoms from person to person. Children should know their allergies, in order to prevent them to have problems with allergic reactions. Though allergies can be treated with some over-the counter medications, side effects is still a problem. Limiting yourself from exposure can reduce the risks of having allergic reaction to a substance. But because of that, many people still prefer to undergo different other treatments like acupuncture to reduce the side effects of allergies.

Acupuncture practice is a traditional Chinese way of curing a sick person. The basic concept of this therapy is to enhance the body system through proper distributing of energy in each body channels. The energy in the body regulates the systems way of homeostasis. It is the body's natural way of balancing things inside the human body. In acupuncture, energy is their main concept. If the body's energy is flowing freely, the body should be in perfect condition. But if it is disturbed, the body will become prone to illness. Acupuncture treatment can help relieve such allergies like rhinitis which is caused by the reduction of spleen.

Now the question is can kids have acupuncture therapy? The answer is yes. Children though are young, can undergo acupuncture therapy because of its benefits. Acupuncture indeed can solve allergy cases and can also be applied to children at any age. It can help control the side effects of allergies like headache, stomach problems and fatigue. Acupuncture needles are usually long but for kids, they use smaller needles especially for the young clients. It reduces their fear of having an acupuncture treatment. In having acupuncture as a remedy to allergy side effects, it may not be too effective but it can help your child having a healthy flow of energy, which makes them healthier and enthusiastic.

Allergy reaction is not the only problem that acupuncture can cure. And as for kids, they can cure different problems and discomforts they feel. Having acupuncture treatment even once a month can help your kid grow taller, think smarter and makes them more alive. It is safe and not harmful. The age limit of undergoing this treatment depends on the ability of the person to remain still while applying acupuncture needles. But in ancient China, acupuncture were even used in babies!

Acupuncture has a lot of benefits not only for your child but also for anyone. Don't hesitate to apply this on your own daily habit. It can really put out your allergies and stress!

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Stop Underarm Sweat - The Truth About Anxiety Sweating

The fact is, any type of excessive perspiration, no matter what, is inevitably going to have a negative effect on a person's morale and psychological positivity. The thing about anxiety sweating is that not only does the person suffer excessive amounts of sweating, but also high levels of anxiety. This can lead to a back and forth cycle where sweating leads to anxiety and anxiety leads to sweating. This is one of the reasons why anxiety sweating has always been identified as one of the most distressing situations over other kinds of excessive perspiration.

Not all people who suffer anxiety sweating experience this unfortunate cycle however if the cause of the sweating is not as a result of high levels of anxiety. The burden of heavy sweating in a social context is unbearable for most and not only do they have to deal with the psychological aspect of sweating, but also face a risk of going through anxiety attacks.

The bad thing is that although there are many normal treatments for sweating that society has come to know of, the majority of these treatments are ineffective for people suffering from anxiety sweating. Regular deodorants and antiperspirants have little to no effect as they simply sweat a result of anxiety. There are even extreme lengths that people with this condition go to in an attempt to get rid of the effects. Surgery for example, is a known method of reducing sweating however, although it may sound like the ultimate way to get rid of these effects, surgery is also known to have side effects that many people experience after having undertaken the process.

Although I hate to admit it, it's inevitable that people who suffer from this condition will probably find that society has very little understanding of the things they go through and their hardships. The chances of being ridiculed by society are always present which only makes the condition worse for them.

However, in spite of all these negative mindsets towards this condition, people who suffer from this can still turn o therapy which has proved over and over again to be effective in controlling anxiety simply by teaching how to deal with it and how to reduce it through lifestyle changes.

Overall anxiety sweating can be controlled and you should definitely surround yourself with the right people to do this as well as seek out which method of treating this is the best for you. In my previous articles I detail numerous methods of treating anxiety sweating so check them out.

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Natural Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

An unfortunate side effect of the computer age is the growing prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition, which affects the proper functioning of the fingers and hands, is caused by the repetitive use of fingers and hands in improper positions. The culprit, of course, is the computer keyboard. The condition arises when a major nerve, the median nerve, is compressed at the point where it passes through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway of bones on the underside of the wrist. The result is pain, tingling, and numbness in the fingers or hands. The condition particularly affects the thumb, index, and ring fingers. Complete loss of sensation in the fingers can also occur.

If you are beginning to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, the first thing you can do is purchase an ergonomic keyboard. Such keyboards are usually split, with keys separated into two or three groups and splaying slightly outward; they are often adjustable. With a normal keyboard, the hands must be aligned at a 90 degree angle with the desktop, forcing them to angle away from the forearms. With an ergonomic keyboard, however, the hands and forearms can stay aligned, putting less stress on your wrists. Many of these keyboards are also angled upward in the center, such that the index finger is higher than the pinkie. You can try different configurations to see which feels most correct. Any ergonomic keyboard will take some getting used to, and your typing speed may never be the same, but you may save yourself a great deal of pain.

Acupuncture is one common treatment for carpal tunnel, though it doesn't work for everyone. Traditional acupuncture theory holds that pain can be caused by blockages along energy pathways in the body, called "meridians"; by inserting thin needles into specific points, these areas are unblocked, and the flow of energy is improved. Contemporary theory holds that the needles release natural pain-relieving chemicals in certain areas, both improving circulation of body fluids and balancing the nervous system. For carpal tunnel treatment, needles are usually inserted in the hands, wrists, and arms; needles may also be inserted in the upper back and neck, along nerves that run from the spine down the arms to the hands.

Acupuncture is only effective when applied in a series of treatments; a single treatment will have little effect. If you are squeamish about the needles, some acupuncturists are using laser therapy instead, following the same acupuncture principles. Another noninvasive technique is acupressure; the application of directed pressure to points on the wrists, forearms, and hands is thought to stimulate blood flow to the wrists and ease swelling and numbness. If you wish to seek a practitioner of any of these techniques, be sure that your practitioner is experienced specifically with carpal tunnel, and get references from people who have already been treated.

Much research has associated vitamin B6 deficiency with carpal tunnel syndrome; some studies suggest that high levels of vitamin C in conjunction with deficient levels of vitamin B6 lead to greater susceptibility to carpal tunnel. Common food sources of vitamin B6 include avocados, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, brown rice, chick peas, salmon, bok choy, barley, bananas, mangoes, and some poultry. You can also take Vitamin B6 supplements, at 50 milligrams two or three times daily. But don't overdo it; daily intake of this vitamin from all sources should not exceed 200 milligrams. It can take several weeks for the vitamin to take effect.

Other supplements that may help include enzyme supplements such as bromelain, which helps reduce tissue swelling. Bromelain is naturally present in pineapple. In some studies, Vitamin B12 has been shown to improve carpal tunnel symptoms. And if you've had surgery for carpal tunnel, arnica, an herbaceous species in the sunflower family, can help with recovery. There are various homeopathic arnica ointments on the market that can reduce post-surgery pain within two weeks.

Finally, various kinds of bodywork can help reduce carpal tunnel symptoms, and retrain you to use your hands and arms in more natural ways. Yoga can help improve grip strength and increase flexibility. Chiropractic care for carpal tunnel involves manipulating the tender tissues and joints of the arms and spine. Feldenkrais and the Alexander Technique are both systems of movement reeducation, in which people are taught individually or in small groups how to move their bodies correctly in ways that reduce joint stress and muscle strain. Hellerwork is another bodywork system with three principal components: deep tissue work around the arms and wrists, education about correct posture in conjunction with an ergonomic assessment of the workstation, and a dialog addressing how one's mental state might lock muscles into inappropriate holding patterns.

Many people who suffer from acute carpal tunnel syndrome resort to surgery. Although success rates are high, there is always risk with surgery, recovery times may be slow, and the condition might not be fully corrected. Before assenting to surgery, it would not hurt to try natural techniques to alleviate your condition first.

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