Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Staying Off Buttons and Dagga - Melinda, First Session

I first heard about "Melinda" from her mother. She had been banned from visiting due to a time when it was suspected she stole to support her buttons and dagga (Cape Town slang for mandrax and marijuana) habit. Her mother explained that Melinda was a good person who had gotten involved with the wrong people, and that she thought Melinda was off the drugs but had many emotional challenges to overcome. When I met Melinda, she insisted that she had been clean for just over a month. She explained that she had insomnia since stopping smoking the buttons and dagga. She also had a number of fears. I explained that to help her live free from addiction and get a job, it would be good to get rid of the energy blocks in her path. I briefly explained about EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and how it releases unwanted feelings and behaviour with a mixture of acupressure and releasing wording. She agreed to try it.

Before we started, Melinda needed to use the toilet. Upon her return, she revealed that this was a scary experience due to being inside the cubicle. Now we have a lovely toilet, so this fear was very much a phobia, so we started work there. I asked her on a scale of 10-0, if she were to be in the toilet again, what number fear would she have, where 10 was the greatest. She said it was an 8. So we tapped something like "Even though I have this toilet fear..." and "Even though it was an enclosed space...", bringing this down to a 2 or 3; within minutes.

I then took a detour and asked her what the scariest thing in her life was, and she said it was her brother-in-law. We tapped a specific brother-in-law incident from a 9 to a low number. Then I had Melinda close her eyes and vividly imagine the incident, in case there were fears lurking in the background that we had missed which could surface later. Indeed there were, and we tapped them all down to a 2 out of 10. We then went back to the toilet incident and brought it down to a 1 out of 10. We then finished with some easy tapping homework that Melinda could do in-between sessions, and we scheduled another session.

When I next saw Melinda some 2 weeks hence, she had been able to have normal conversations with her brother-in-law and had even confronted him about an issue that was bothering her. She also visited the toilet without fear.

The reason why I worked on seemingly non-drug issues with Melinda is to help her release the negative emotions that can lead to re-addiction, and to help her re-build her life with confidence. I did not work directly on the insomnia in this session, because other issues were higher priority at the time. She is doing very well and going from strength to strength.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.eft-scripts.com/ - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 7 time(s).
Article Submitted On: March 30, 2011

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Saying "No" Without Feeling Guilty

Saying "no" without feeling guilty sounds like great advice but doesn't always seem to be that easy. What makes saying "No" sometimes feel like you are a horrible person? It's because of how you feel towards yourself that makes guilt such an easily accessible emotion.

The feelings of guilt when you don't accept to do something for someone else stems from the feeling of crossing that personal boundary. You know deep down that your energies would be better spent on other projects or at a later time. Your guilt stems from you stepping on your own self-esteem.

Learning to say "No" without feeling guilty boils down to one thing, a healthy dose of self-esteem. When you have a healthy level of self-esteem, you learn to identify when you overstep your personal boundaries by doing too much, saying "yes" too often. Saying yes all the time is a habit, a chronic habit of refusing to take care of yourself first. You sacrifice your own energy and down time moments when you always accept things that don't vibe with your spirit. No one can be all and do it all, all the time. Rest and recuperation are equal parts of the creation process. When you don't respect this vital part of your person, your self-esteem takes a blow and the feelings of guilt surge up from within you.

But people count and depend on you right? This seems like a valid point but if you are always doing for others, when are they going to learn to take care of themselves and do it for themselves? Of course, your small children need you. Yes, your aging parents need more attention now than before but you still have to take care of you. If you are always saying yes to them, then when do others say, "OK, I'll do that for you"?

One process to begin moving in a direction of feeling less guilty when you say no to someone is to start being honest, to yourself and to that person asking. You don't have to be ugly or sound excessively selfish, but it's important to begin letting other people know that you wouldn't be able to perform that request with your best energies. You can also be honest and say that you have other commitments that you need to honor first. Yes, that means the commitment to honor yourself, take care of yourself and feel energetic enough to do any other actions to the best of your abilities.

When you don't honor yourself and your health, your own time and personal commitments to a joyful life, your self-esteem suffers.

"Anne Dessens is the founder of AnneDessens.com - your one-link to everything 'self-improvement': diet, recipes, running & walking, deep breathing, success, journaling, energy and universal laws.

To learn more about how to improve your life by mastering your energy, health and motivation, please visit: http://www.annedessens.com/health.html

Stay up-to-date on the ever-changing self-improvement for success website by signing up for Anne's monthly newsletter. Get exclusive tips, articles and recipes that are just for her newsletter readers: http://www.annedessens.com/newsletter.html

- Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Dessens

Anne Dessens - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 11 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 03, 2011

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Stroke Relief With EFT

Sometimes, but not usually, pain or discomfort is the result of one single traumatic event. When that happens we can use EFT techniques to clear the emotions surrounding the trauma, and get physical relief really quickly. When a person experiences a medical trauma such as a stroke heart attack, a fall or even a finger cut, some of the residual pain might be a result of the trauma event itself.

EFT can often help to release the emotional charge, and associated pain, surrounding the trauma event. Mary (she gave permission to tell her story), 70 years of age, had a stroke which occurred 2 years before our EFT session. She told me that she had poor balance, walked with small steps, and wanted to walk with confidence. On the 0 to 10 SUDS scale she rated herself as a 7 for these three issues.

We decided to work on the stroke itself and the events surrounding the stroke, since that was a large and recent trauma, which probably needed clearing. I figured that we would address "what does this remind you of," and past events, afterward. Little did I know that this hour of work would bring her the relief she wanted.

We worked on the following stroke related events:

What happened right before the stroke? Mary (a reading teacher) had been moved to a more crowded classroom, without any notice beforehand. She was hurt and disappointed at the time, but had no feelings about it when we discussed it. We tapped for that event anyway.

Even though I was displaced...
Nobody considered my feelings...
They didn't ask me if it would be ok...

We did the Tearless Trauma technique (tapping without reliving the event itself, to minimize the emotional pain) on the stroke event itself and tapped around and on that event until it came down from a 10 (tightness in her stomach) to a feeling of sadness at a 3 and then a 0 for the stroke event.

Then we worked on events and feeling after the stroke, about Mary's falls, and embarrassment surrounding her condition. She felt a 3 thinking about it and came down to a one after the following tapping rounds:

Even though I fell on the street twice...
I was clumsy...
I looked funny and felt embarrassed...
I hurt and bruised my knee in the fall...
I don't like the students to see me like this...

At that point Mary told me that she was going to test her balance by walking across the kitchen without her cane. I nervously asked her to please stay near something secure and to be careful. We were on the phone. Mary was happy to tell me that she had gone from a 7 to a 3 in poor balance, short strides, and lack of confidence in her walk. We tapped a few more rounds and she was at 0 on those issues. She felt perfectly comfortable as she walked across the kitchen

Mary sent me the following emails, one the next day, and another about a month later:

Dear Ruthi
I'm still feeling confident. Even the PT teacher who passed me in the hall said I looked good and was moving good too. One kid said how come you're going so fast today? (as I walked them from the gym). Even if it is temporary, I know that I can get it back with tapping. That's a good feeling. I thank you so much. It helped to have someone do it with me and come up with the phrases. And winter is almost over...no more snow to fall down in! Thank you very much. I'll write after a month has passed. Gratefully,

Dear Ruthi
It's been almost a month since our tapping session. I'm pleased to report that I'm still balanced and taking longer strides. No snow and ice helps but I'm definitely improved. I've tapped by myself several times but your session started me off on the right track. Thank you.

Ruthi Backenroth, owner of EFT-ACTION LLC, uses results oriented EFT techniques to clear a path to creativity and resourcefulness for professionals, business executives, and busy homemakers, who want effective relief from stress, anxiety, and pain. http://www.eftaction.com/

As a certified EFT practitioner (AAMET Level 2; CERT 1), and founder of EFT-ACTION LLC, Ruthi combines her knowledge of EFT with NLP (neuro-linguistic programing) techniques and a lighthearted touch, to offer stress management and pain relief techniques, and to help improve productivity, increase confidence, and improve your focus. We tap on acupuncture points to address physical and emotional issues.

EFT is highly effective over the phone. You don't need to believe that EFT works. You don't need to talk about your issue. Relief is often permanent.

To learn more please visit http://www.eftaction.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruthi_Backenroth

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Recovery From Traumatic Relationship and Drug Abuse - Melinda, Second Session

When Melinda arrived for her second session, she was clearly calmer and more confident than before. I asked her what she wanted to work on, and she said she wanted to go to the shop alone without fear that her abusive ex-boyfriend would be there.

We started with Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping in general about this fear. Then I asked her if this was a real fear. It transpired that it was, although her ex had not physically harmed her since she had left him. I asked her then about the worst time he had beaten her. She said it was the last time, when she had a swollen face for weeks, needed to go to hospital and managed to finally end the relationship. I asked to to imagine watching the event on TV, and to tell me what she was seeing on TV at that moment.

She replied "My face". The TV face brought an intensity of 9 out of 10. We tapped Setups like "Even though I have this feeling about my face, I deeply accept myself" and Reminders like "What he did to my face", "It was horrible to go through this", and "It was really scary." We finally brought the whole event to a zero, even when Melinda tried her best to vividly imagine it. We then worked on going to the shop, which we reduced from a then 3 to a 1. I did not think we could go down further, as this was partly a real fear, so I used her session time moving on to other challenges.

Next came fear of the dentist and needles. Melinda was due to go to the dentist. She had to get some dental work completed before she could start a job, because of what looks like drug-related damage to her teeth. The work was needed so that her speech would become clearer. We brought these fears down from a 10 all the way down to 0. Melinda and I were both smiling by then.

Next, I used kinesiology-based muscle-testing to investigate physical sources of the insomnia. Melinda has had insomnia since coming off drugs. She had been using buttons and dagga (Cape Town slang for mandrax and marijuana) till nearly 2 months before. The muscle-test showed a challenge with neurotransmitters (important brain chemicals) on the left and in the middle of her brain. We treated those with a 635 nm cold laser until they muscle-tested in the clear for now. Muscle-testing also revealed a Vitamin B challenge, so I suggested that Melinda ask about possible supplementation. Melinda reported feeling very calm after the laser neurotransmitter treatment and looked very relaxed. We also had fun. For example, we were giggling when the test showed that her name was not Mickey Mouse. After all, just because this is a serious treatment does not mean we cannot have fun!

We finished with EFT homework for neurotransmitter balance and for insomnia. I said that I was not sure if it would do the trick with insomnia, but if nothing else, it can bring calm and balance. We certainly have achieved a remarkable amount in this session, and I look forward to our next.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.eft-scripts.com/ - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Relieve and Manage Stress Using the Power of TFT, EFT and QEPR

Stress, Anxiety and the 'tapping' therapies

What is stress and anxiety? How does it affect you? It is a common and normal fact of life that no matter who we are, where we live or how old we are most of us experience some form of stress and anxiety throughout our daily lives. Be it work pressures and deadlines, getting the kids to school on time or some memory that continues to bother us.

Stress and anxiety affects us all to one degree or another. Some people even say they need an element of stress in their lives, to motivate them to take action, to give them an edge, to work on something or to perform better.

Whilst a certain amount of stress is fine, and in-fact probably beneficial to protect or motivate us to take action, it can sometimes be too much and too relentless. Even to the point where it no longer stimulates us to take action but in-fact brings about fear or stagnates us, leading to in-action and procrastination.

Stress and anxiety has huge effects on our lives, it can lead us to drink, makes us gain weight, smoke, quit our jobs, fight with a loved one, feel depressed, perform poorly, or lack general motivation and energy and creates aches, pains and muscular tension.

How does stress and anxiety affect your life?

Apart from the emotional and psychological effects of stress it has been shown to greatly affect us physiologically too. It is estimated that 75% of all doctors visits are due to stress related ailments.

Stress and anxiety affects the immune system and can often influence the onset of, or the susceptibility to illness and disease. It can also affect the progression of illness or disease, and of course can greatly affect recovery time.

It affects the heart, increases the risk of coronary artery disease, elevates blood pressure, increases atherosclerosis, increases the risk of myocardial infarction, increases the risk of diabetes and increases the likelihood of obesity.

Stress has been linked to:

? cancer
? diabetes
? breakdown in the immune system
? auto-immune diseases
? alcohol and substance abuse
? cardiovascular disease

Therefore as you can see stress plays a major part in both our emotional and physical health.

'There's a strong connection between emotions and health' Dr. Joseph Mercola - New York Times Best-selling author 'No Grain Diet'

Baby shampoo of therapies!

TFT, EFT and QEPR - the baby shampoo of therapies? A client of mine once called them this after I reduced the sadness around the loss of a loved one, noting the 'tapping' was a very simple and effective technique that was both gentle, safe and tearless!

According to Dawson Church Ph.D author of 'Genie in Your Genes' - 'This (EFT) maybe the most important new therapy to arrive in both medicine and psychology for a century'

As you will notice when you visit a practitioner or use them yourself, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and QEPR (Quantum Emotional and Physical Release) are simply to apply techniques that quickly relax you. They will help to reduce any stress or anxiety easily from your life, and because they can easily be self-applied they're extremely convenient being available for you to use day and night, whenever and wherever you need them! You will be in control of your own emotional well-being, benefiting not only you but all those around you.

However, by using the techniques mentioned will no longer have to exclusively rely on time consuming and expensive therapies or countless medications for help, and it doesn't take years, days, even hours of practice to be able to gain substantial emotional relief.

'Your sub-conscious mind needs to get re-programmed' Jack Canfield Co-creator 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' and featured in the hit movie ' The Secret'

Proven Effective

I am always very excited and passionate whenever I have the opportunity to talk or write about TFT, EFT or QEPR. Not only because they are techniques that can safely reduce or as in most cases completely eliminate a wide range of emotional or psychological problems from fears and phobias to general stress, anxiety, worry and grief, but because they are generally so easily learned and have been proven effective on many thousands of people's problems worldwide from doctors, and top CEO's to movie stars and sports personalities.

I know in this ever increasing fast paced life of ours there are many demands on our time and we want things easier, quicker and cheaper, and this is what makes these modalities stand apart from most other techniques. They are immediately accessible wherever you are, and when self-applied at no cost.

Therefore, it is my wish with a series of easy to read and understand books and videos to make TFT, EFT and QEPR as simple and straightforward as possible, so that you can within a very short time start gaining relief on any emotional problem you may be facing.

'EFT is the best thing I've found - hands down!' Dr. Eric B. Robins M.D

Paul Emery is an internationally-renowned therapist who has helped thousands of people from all walks of life from doctors and movie stars to royalty. He is winner of the recent AsiaSpa award for - 'Holistic Treatment of the Year' for his 'Quantum Emotional and Physical Release (QEPR) therapy. He has worked at the worlds top health resort, appeared on Australian TV series 'Celebrity Overhaul', is featured in the best-selling book 'Ultimate Spa-Asia's Best Spas and Spa Treatments', in international newspapers and magazines including 'Luxury Spa Finder', 'Travel & Leisure', Gala, Harpers Bazaar, the 'Financial Times' and 'Wirtschafts Woche'. He is a counselor, EFT Trainer and NLP Master trained by celebrity therapist Paul McKenna and a qualified TFTdx advanced practitioner. Visit http://www.quantumepr.com/ or http://www.paulemeryeft.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Emery

Paul Emery - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Relationship Surrogate Tapping For Partner Not Telling The Truth

This is the result of my many years of ongoing training, experience, and collaboration with others as an energy, or light-worker. If it does not quite gel with you, you can tweak to to whatever works for you. Say you are tapping for your partner not telling the truth. This may be about your relationship, about partner's job, debt they are in, or anything that bothers you. This tapping script is for the situation. In other words, we are tapping for the situation, and not tapping on your partner to force him or her to tell the truth. Try it and see how you feel.

First of all, there is the Highest Good to be addressed. The following tapping is to be done without SUDS, as the result is one of insights that are not measurable in terms of numbers 0-10.

Here is a Setup to prepare you for this. Do the whole thing three times on the Karate Chop or the Sore Spot, whichever you usually use:

"Even though I don't know if [partner's name] is telling me the truth about [issue], I ask for healing for this situation. I am willing to open my mind to new possibilities. There may be good solutions I have never considered before. I am willing to open my mind to concept of the Highest Good. What I think is good for me may not be what is best for me. I am a human being. As a human, I admit that I am fallible. I admit that my emotions may rule my head. I admit that my emotions may rule my heart. I ask the Universe/God to help guide me. I ask that EFT removes emotional blocks I may have. These blocks may stand in the way between me and what is best for me. These blocks may stand in the way between me and what is best for the situation. I am only a fallible human, and that's OK. I love, accept, and forgive myself. I am open to loving, accepting, and forgiving [partner's name] for any emotional blocks that they may have. These blocks may stand between us and what is best for us. I ask that these emotional blocks are removed. I ask for guidance towards the Highest Good. I allow healing from the Universe/God/Mother Earth, for the Highest Good. The Highest Good is good for me, now and in the future. I allow guidance and healing. I allow myself healing and unconditional love. I choose to remove any blocks I have to healing. I choose to be patient whilst this healing takes place. I allow healing. I allow the light into my life. I allow the light into my being. I allow the light into every cell of my body. I allow the light to guide my soul. I allow healing for the Highest Good".

This is followed by this Reminder:

"I allow guidance towards the Highest Good".

Repeat this procedure a few times, and see what insights come to you. What messages do you get intuitively when you think about these insights? Whatever comes up for you is also a tappable issue. In the meantime, when you have finished with a surrogate session, it is good practice to do an energetic disconnect. You can see this as a cord between you and the other person (or between you and a picture of the situation) being cut. Also saying thanks for the healing is good. It make s very formal end-point and ends it on a good note.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.eft-scripts.com/ - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

View the original article here

Presentation on Food Cravings At The Tapping Summit

Sandi Radomski gave a very good presentation on food cravings at the Tapping Summit this year. I like Sandi's presentation in that she does highlight the physiological part and does not pretend that it is all in the head. She explains how cravings for food were important in the success of the human race. She explains that we were hard-wired to obtain high energy food, and that we have to overcome this in order to overcome cravings. She then goes on to explain that when people who need to satisfy an urgent craving for food most of the time, the brain, neuroreceptors, and neurotransmitters are involved. It is certain substances that she identifies as being involved in this, much like alcohol affects an alcoholic. These tend to be sugars and carbohydrates. They are connected with serotonin. Sandi suggests that sugars and salts make the problem worse. My inference from this presentation is that someone with this problem can, just like the alcoholic, remove these sugars and salty foods from their diet. This is where EFT can help. Although Sandi does not mention it, I find that people who are happy to do a Metabolic Typing or Nutritional Typing sort of nutritional plan become more balanced. The only problem from my experience is when beliefs are involved, for example, if a vegetarian is highly dependent on high carbohydrate foods when they ideally are recommended to eat mainly a meat-based diet for their body type.

Sandi also highlights how we respond to commercials and suggests that we tap on the advertising of these culprit foods. I would go further and tap on the way food is presented in a restaurant or supermarket.

Sandi gives us a tapping suggestion involving the brain and chemical imbalances therein. For example:

?My body knows how to have a normal release and reaction to dopamine?

She also suggests we tap for a normal amount of dopamine receptors. Having worked with Sandi's system successfully with myself and many clients, I like the dopamine angle.

She combines this in the presentation with tapping for the sight, smell, and thought of favorite foods. This is great for most people. In my experience however, for some people, there is no favorite, and they want to eat anything at all all day long. She also later taps on the pleasure given by food. However, again, although in my experience this works for most people, for some people with a really bad food addiction, they are in total denial about this pleasure. I would have liked to see something in the presentation on how to bring this category of food addict out of this denial.

In conclusion, I think this presentation is great for a good majority of food addicts. I like the explanation of the neurotransmitter connection, and it is good to tap for the physical as well as the emotional. You can access Sandi's presentation at http://www.2011tappingworldsummit.com. If you are new to tapping, otherwise known as EFT, you can download a free guide from many online resources, engage the services of an EFT practitioner, or attend and EFT workshop near you.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.eft-scripts.com/ - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Tapping Therapy and Massage As Effective Pain Relief Techniques

Energy healing, through EFT tapping and massage can physically relieve pain through stimulating the release of the natural pain relieving hormone, Calcitonin. This natural hormone has effects even stronger than morphine and is considered by some natural health practitioners and researchers to be the best pain reliever the body can make. Besides acting to dissolve pain, this hormone, when it is released produces a feel-good and relaxing effect in the body. EFT therapy also helps clear old trauma and old memories that may otherwise be blocking the free flow of our bio-energetic field. When our energy system is blocked this often results in symptoms such as pain and stiffness.

Tapping and Massage for Pain Relief

With this EFT technique start from the bottom or lowest point, i.e the feet and work your way towards the top, i.e. the head. First massage the areas described below for about half a minute, followed by fairly robust tapping with the fingers for another half a minute.

Acupuncture point (Kidney point) on the ball of the foot (about an inch down from the space between the big and second toe) under the foot. Massage with the right hand clockwise and then tap vigorously.Outside the ankle, between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. Again massage and tap.Behind the knees, right in the centre. Repeat the massaging and tapping action.Move your hand along the collarbone up to the shoulder and then again massage and tap.Go to the side of your Adam's apple, between the larynx and the muscle there. Pinch it hard to stimulate the acupuncture point (don't massage this area). Then go back towards the muscle about an inch down below the angle of the jaw and tap there.Top of head. Massage and tap.

Part of the reason this EFT technique works so well is because you are focusing on something other than the pain, but it also works because of the stimulation of the acupuncture points which releases blockages in the body's electro-magnetic flow and stimulates the release of the powerful pain reliever, Calcitonin.

It can often work better if you combine this tapping with some focused statements, such as:

- I forgive myself for anything I may have done to contribute to this pain.

- I forgive anyone else for anything they may have done to contribute to this pain.

- I am willing to let go of all connections to this pain in my body, my mind, in my relationships and in my past and present.

- I am so grateful for this healing now.

Exercise Pains and Stresses Away

Exercise is also a major component of healing and health and probably more important than many people realise. Apparently it raises one's DHEA levels which are essential for health and well-being. Low DHEA levels are often associated with aging and an increased risk of cancer, memory loss, lowered immune function, decreased energy levels, weight gain, greater risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. So exercising can help slow down the aging process, boost the immune system and lower the risks of more serious diseases whilst making you feel good at the same time.

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The Benefits Of EFT

EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, was developed by Gary Craig. It is a revolutionary healing method that aims at removing energetic blocks from our bodies, more specifically, from our meridian system by means of tapping.

What is the Meridian system? The Meridian system was discovered by the Chinese about 4,000 years ago. They noticed that there are numerous channels running through our body and it is in these channels or meridians that the life force, the energy or "chi" is flowing.

Gary Craig has discovered that by tapping on specific acupuncture points, along the meridians, in a sequence, serious emotional traumas - that result in either physical or psychological problems - could easily be healed. By using EFT Gary Craig was able to help soldiers who were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The solders were emotionally crippled by their traumatic combat memories. As Gary tapped with the solders on their fears, pains and sadness, they started to feel better and soon they were able to leave their traumas behind so much so that they were able to function again as human beings.

Gary Craig then started to apply the same principles to phobias, physical pains, all sorts of medical issues including allergies, heart problems, hormonal issues, emotional imbalances, anxiety, depression etc. The aim of this technique is to help individuals tune into the emotional aspect of their issue, to really feel that in their body and then to start tapping on the specific feelings. As we focus on these feelings we will soon notice that they slowly reduce in intensity. It does not mean though that every physical problem is psychological in nature. What is happening is that as we carry the burden of a trauma it takes its toll on our body. Some people, who suffer from physical pain, can actually pinpoint the start of their ache and it usually coincides with the appearance of specific personal problems, either at work, in family relationships, in the area of finances etc. Therefore it makes sense to tap on the traumatic event or memory and as soon as we removed the fear, the sadness, the anger or some other negative emotion from our system the body can start healing itself.

As Gary Craig gained more and more followers his system was expended to help people alter their negative belief system. It has even been used to eliminate procrastination and it has also been applied successfully to goal setting. The scale of possible applications of this system is endless.

The wonder of EFT lies in its simplicity. Children have found it easy to apply and it has been proved very effective in helping them deal with various situations at school including stress as well as bullying.

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The Basics on How to Overcome Emotional Pain

We suffer from emotional pain for certain reasons. It is the result of painful experiences we encounter such as the death or loss of a loved one. It arises from woefulness or depression, disappointment, guilt, fear, anxiety and tends to become worse when traumatic events in the past are recapitulated.

A lot of people had experienced psychological trauma during their childhood due to such events like loss of parent/s, abandonment, abuse and neglect. Though these happened years ago, the pain still remains in the person who had experienced such problems. And in this case, the pain stays longer. Emotional pain during adulthood may be resulted by retrenchment or loss of employment, being a victim or a witness of a crime, end of a relationship, loss of a loved one, and abuse.

Generally, when intense trauma is experienced, the person is haunted by nightmares and recurring thoughts. Some who undergo from emotional pain experience difficulty in ceasing the memories of hurts and sorrows. They find it hard to set the pain free and often don't they realize that they are in a cycle of guilt and punishment.

Emotional pain is a counterpart for depression. People who experience depression are drowned with the feeling of hopelessness. Some don't have the strength to face the pain that is why they just hide it by denial or pretending that they are happy even they are not. Though they are sometimes obvious, these people actually need help to cope up.

It is not that easy to deal with your emotions as well as letting the pain go. But don't be afraid to show what you really feel. This can make you feel relieved and better. There are ways to overcome your emotional pain so don't let the pain defeat you.

1. Cry. Crying doesn't mean you're weak, it means you are brave enough to show your emotions. Let your tears burst. That's healthy. It cleanses the eyes and makes you feel better.

2. Talk to someone who understands you. Don't be afraid to tell what you want and just show who you are and what you feel. Talk to someone you trust and comfortable to talk to. They may be your friends, family or lover.

3. Entertain yourself. Don't just lie down or sit at one corner. Go out and let all your pain be erased even for a while. Watch a movie, eat all you can, try some sports and the like. If you find yourself enjoying, that will help you in coping through your emotional pain.

4. Keep a diary. Treat your diary as your best friend. Though it doesn't reply, it still helps in letting you express your emotions.

5. Pray. Let Him give you the strength and the peace of mind.

If these can't help, you can try these treatments or therapies.

- Spiritual therapy
- Meditation
- Counseling and psychotherapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy

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The Emotional Freedom Technique - What Can I Use It For?

Today I was asked, " What can I use the Emotional Freedom Technique for?" You Know what? Why not try it for every situation you have to deal with!

The Emotional Freedom Technique

So what can we use it for? More to the point, show me something that we cannot use it for! Seriously I think most people are just struggling with the simplicity of this technique, they think it looks silly and cannot see it working, it seems too quick. All I can say is who cares if it looks silly, it does work! Don't think too much about it just give it a go, and try it on everything!

Two days ago, I had to make a phone call that I was little nervous about, so I used EFT, I told my self I did not need to be nervous, and it worked, no nerves! Honestly sometimes I wish it was a little more difficult then maybe we would accept it more easily. You know when we are trying to learn something that is really difficult, we press on and push ourselves, but when we don't have to try that hard it is almost as if it is not worth it. Not everyone believes in ancient healing systems I know, but most would think if they are paying a fee for say, acupuncture, then they would expect some sort of result, but because we can do this ourselves we create doubt.

How the Emotional Freedom Technique works.

Basically we are having a chat with our subconscious mind, we make a statement while the tapping of the pressure points, we are first addressing our problem, and then we are saying that we accept it, something like this; "although I have this problem, (you state your problem) I completely and deeply accept myself ". By admitting and accepting, we are bringing the problem and the acceptance into the present time. For us to make permanent changes we must bring the problem out into the open and address it now, accept that it is difficult for us.

All of our beliefs both negative and positive, are stored into our subconscious mind, therefore we are tapping into our stored memory, giving it a nudge, we do not want this old belief anymore, we want to bring the problem forward into the conscious mind where we are able delete it.

Replace the negative with positive.

Once we have deleted it, then we replace it with positive beliefs about the situation, maybe we could say, "I am grateful now that I am free of this old belief, I have released it and i am able to move forward".

Now If we are just stressed and worried over something, we just 'EFT' it! As we tap we relax and ease the stress, we are then able to see our situation more clearly, and find a solution.

Why am I so tired?

This is another question I received from the same lady, she said that during the session she felt exhausted, she wanted to yawn all the time and had great big sighs! This is simply your body just releasing tension and negative energy, it is a good sign, so yawn and sigh away! Remember this is energy work, it is important to rest afterwards, take a glass of water, (help your body to release toxins) and relax a while, let the energy keep doing its job and let your body rest, it has worked hard!

Learn this technique, to free yourself easily of your old negative patterns that are no longer serving you!

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The Issue of Weight

Have you ever just wanted to smack someone for the words that flew out of their mouth? I have - especially when people focus on the issue of my weight. When you are living with CF (or any disease for that matter), you hear it all. Sentences like these fly out of people's mouths all the time without a second thought:

"You look good - last time I saw you, you looked pretty chubby!"

"I liked how you looked when you were taking birth control - you had some chubbiness in your face then!"

"Eat something - you're so thin! Turn sideways and you almost disappear!"

"Gee, it must be nice to eat anything you want and look like that!"


Ok, I didn't really smack anyone. In fact, in each circumstance, I think I bit my tongue and pasted a smile on my face and answered as politely as possible, "thanking" them for the "compliment", or just walked away. Inside though, I was close to tears and seriously offended. How dare they speak those words! They have no idea what my life is like or how I feel or how I struggle! And by the way, make up your mind, am I chubby or am I skinny?!

Have you ever felt that way?

Last week I asked the following question on Facebook, and I was overwhelmed by the responses that came pouring in.

How does it make you feel when people focus on how much weight you've gained or lost?

Here are some of the answers that you gave:

"Well when people focus on dumb stuff like that. I don't know whether to pity them or laugh at them for being so shallow."

"Whenever I see my family they mention something about my weight. It makes me sad."

"Personally, it drives me crazy when the doctor congratulates me on gaining weight. Didn't you tell me to lose weight last month? Pick a direction already!"

"I love it when the diabetes doctors and the CF doctors give me completely contradictory advice on what to eat and how much. I try not to get too bent out of shape because it doesn't do anything but stress me out."

"When people comment on my daughter's weight, it makes me feel like a horrible mom."

The truth is the opinions of others can really hurt. They can keep us stuck in a world of confusion and self-hate because we just can't seem to measure up to what everyone else expects. But there's hope! Let me share with you some tips that have really helped me overcome this debilitating setback.

1. Feed Your Mind with Truth

We are told in the Bible to "focus on what is good and what is true." (Philippians 4:8) So...what is good in your life? What is the truth about YOU?

Here's some truth for you. Your size does not change your value or your worth. YOU are amazing and beautiful just the way you are! You were not made for a life of sickness and disease; in fact, you were designed to be a light and inspire others with your strength and tenacity. Whether you are tiny, large, or the perfect weight according to medical statistics, YOU are beautiful!

Sadly, many times we hear the opposite day in and day out. People speak without thinking how their words will affect us. Many of them mean well and think they are actually helping us, and some of them may even be a little jealous so they give us a "compliment" that comes out wrapped in sarcasm. The bottom line is it hurts. And at the end of the day, the only person you are stuck listening to over and over again is yourself.

Somebody said it perfectly today on social media, "Weight seems to be everyone's issue. No one will ever be truly satisfied with themselves unless they tackle what they see in the mirror and say to themselves "I am beautiful! I love my body! God loves me and thinks I'm beautiful too!"

Changing the tape that plays inside your head is going to take some time and persistence. Don't know where to start? I highly suggest you plug into mentors like Dani Johnson and Sandi Krakowski. Listen to them often! I listen to each of them several times a week, and if I'm struggling with my own internal radio station (i.e. my thoughts) I listen three to four hours a day!

Listen while you're sleeping, while you're making dinner, getting ready for the day, driving the kids to school, picking the kids up... and listen in a closed room with a notebook and pen. Feed your mind the TRUTH DAILY! Overcoming CF, weight issues, and other diseases depends heavily on your frame of mind.

2. Pay Attention to What Your Body Is Telling You

You are the only person who really knows your body. Have you ever been told that? Many times, when we are living with CF and disease, we depend so heavily on reports from doctors that we forget to listen to our own bodies. Your body is speaking to you. What is it saying?

Are you tired and weak? Are you constantly getting headaches or colds? If so, that's your body trying to tell you something!

If you've recently changed your eating habits and started exercising, what is your body telling you now? You might find that you have more energy and you are stronger. You might also find that because of all the running, you lost some weight. How do you feel about that? Doctors and family members will have their own opinions and suggestions and even fears, but the reality is this: YOU are the one living in your body. YOU know how you feel!

Right now, let's take a quick journey down a side street, shall we? Grab a pen and paper and write down the answer to this question: How do I measure the quality of my life?

If you answer that question with "having more energy to do the things that I want to do and need to do," then stand up for that answer and walk proudly in how you look and feel. You are the only one who knows how strong your body is and what makes you feel better or worse so pay attention to what your body is telling you!

3. Forgive Those Who Have Said Hurtful Things to You

Ouch. This one hurts a little, doesn't it? You're probably thinking things like:

"I don't want to forgive them! They should apologize to me first!"

This is how we feel when we've been hurt by people, whether they are family, friends, or even medical professionals. The truth is we keep ourselves in bondage when we don't forgive them. That bondage can often make us sick, thus prolonging the healing that is waiting for us. Unforgiveness can keep our bodies from moving toward a healthier lifestyle and it traps our minds from seeing the truth of who we really are.

Maybe you're wondering how I can identify with you and know so much about this. I've walked this painful, beautiful road, myself. I've had to forgive many people for words they've said to me about my weight and how I look. Up until six months ago, I didn't believe I was beautiful because I believed and dwelled on the words that others spoke over me. I felt amazing, had more energy than I ever had before, was running further than I ever had before, and yet... no one seemed to celebrate that with me. They all seemed to focus on the little bit of weight that I had lost because of my new found energy. It wasn't until I started implementing these three tips that things began to change. Today, I feel confident of who I am, how I look, and how I feel.

There's hope for you too! Feed your mind with truth. Pay attention to what your body tells you. Forgive those who have said hurtful things to you. Practice implementing these three tips every day and you will overcome CF, disease, and this issue of weight!

Child of God, loving wife, mom to her Shih Tzu Ajah, daughter, business owner, and artist are only a few of the countless hats Mandy B. Anderson wears on a daily basis. She is an overcomer and a goal achiever. Mandy walks the walk. She has brightened the lives of many with her smile and gifts of beauty, encouragement, and order. As you listen to her music and story, may it inspire and bless you as it has many others. Receive your free copy today of Mandy's song "Still Breathing" at http://www.mandybanderson.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mandy_B_Anderson

Mandy B Anderson - EzineArticles Expert Author

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The Benefits of EFT - From Weight Loss to Stress Relief


Many of the advancements you see today regarding health and medicine would have seemed unbelievable 25 years ago, but are now an accepted and regular part of many lives, as are modalities like Meditation and Yoga.

But unlike these highly visible breakthroughs and familiar modalities the advances within the realm of psychological and pain relieving techniques has gone generally un-noticed. Notably, 'Emotional Freedom Techniques' or EFT.

What is EFT?

EFT is a deceptively simple but decidedly effective technique that quickly reduces, or as in many cases completely resolves even the most chronic emotional or physical problem. It's based on the 5000 year old proven Chinese Acupuncture principles that throughout the body runs 14 micro-electrical pathways called the Meridians, situated along which are hundreds of microscopic but powerful energy points. When a combination of specific points are stimulated often by needles, the body's energy becomes balanced bringing about emotional and physical well-being.

EFT is a psychological version of Acupuncture, except no needles are used. Instead the client sits as a few specific and powerful upper body Meridian points are tapped whilst they lightly focus a few minutes at a time upon their issue.

East meets west

Success eliminating psychological and physical problems using Meridian tapping was discovered quite by chance 25 years ago by Psychologist Dr Roger Callaghan.

A patient, Mary, sought help after trying everything to cure a life long terrifying water phobia. In consultations she often said 'Every time I look at or think of water I feel it right here in my stomach'. One time Callaghan got an idea. Knowing a little Acupuncture he instructed Mary to tap a specific Meridian point as she thought about her fear. He didn't expect much but thought the tapping might balance or unblock her energy.

After a few minutes Mary stopped tapping with an amazed look. 'It's gone, the feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I'm not afraid anymore!' Callaghan was very skeptical but upon testing confirmed she was phobia free, and remains so to this day.

After years of research Callaghan formulated various tapping sequences for presenting problems, calling his method Though Field Therapy or TFT. However, one of his first students Gary Craig simplified and modified the method and named his version EFT.

How it works

Callaghan discovered that when we experience a distressing thought the Meridians gets disrupted. An electrical 'zzzzzt' short-circuit affect occurs within the body and it's this, not the thought or memory itself that causes many emotional or physical problems to arise. If it were just the thought, we'd all be afraid of spiders for instance!

Distressing Thought > 'zzzzzt' short-circuit = Emotion

Tapping at the middle stage releases, balances and resets the body's 'zzzzt' energy imbalance, breaking the link to the previously felt negative emotion or pain.

A four year back pain disappears within minutes

A woman in pain attended one of my workshops with a severe four year back pain sustained in a car accident, as with Mary nothing worked to relieve it, but yet within a short EFT treatment the pain vanished.

After treatment the woman remained motionless in disbelief not quite sure what to think, she moved her body about to locate the pain - but couldn't find it. She then sobbed, relieved that the pain she thought she'd always have to live with was now gone. A year on and the pain has never returned.

Food cravings, exercise and public speaking

'I can't stop eating bread!' one client mentions to me, another, 'I can't motivate myself to exercise!' Another, 'I'm afraid of public speaking!'
All were significantly helped with EFT.

EFT in spas

The future of successful growth within spas will be more than offering the usual treatments and modalities like massage and yoga. Frequently more and more spa goers are requesting that their chronic physical problems and ongoing emotional and psychological issues be addressed.

For instance how beneficial would it be for guests to get help to quit smoking whilst on their stay? Or how about really eliminating a chronic pain, sports injury or some corporate stress and also come away with a useful and practical self help tool? Or perhaps resolving a long standing phobia or past trauma? Often permanently too, because EFT gently eliminates the root causes for issues never to return.

Detox Symptoms

Guests don't have to suffer the detox symptoms of cravings, headaches and hunger pangs. Because symptoms are often magnified by psychologically induced energy imbalances they can be significantly relieved using EFT.

Weight Loss

We know it's not just diet and exercise that enables a successfully maintained healthy weight. It's about 'mindful' eating and addressing and resolving the emotional factors that cause people to over-eat, or self-sabotage or lack motivation to exercise. Factors that prevent weight loss, for weight to gain or for it to yo-yo. Factors why most diets fail time and time again and keep people where they are. Over-weight and unhappy.

So, it's absolutely essential that the emotional and psychological reasons behind excess weight be dealt with to attain any sustained long term success. Fortunately EFT can help by working to resolve these factors.

Golf and other sports performance

Most golfers and other sports players would agree that once you know how to play the game the remaining blocks to success are in the mind. Some even say it's not a game against an opponent, but against their own negative thinking, beliefs and limitations. EFT not only deals with the aches and pains associated with sports, but also the anxiety and psychological aspects too.

At its very basic level EFT balances the energies and relieves mental stress and physical tension, boosts the immunity, helps blood pressure, the heart, and benefits all other bodily systems promoting good health. It's an effective internal workout that's easily learned and self-applied.

No, EFT is not a cure all. Nothing can ever realistically be, but with a very high success rate it just might be the nearest thing we have to really helping spa goers quickly and effectively resolve problems. Tap tap.......

Paul Emery is an internationally-renowned therapist who has helped thousands of people from all walks of life from doctors and movie stars to royalty. He is winner of the recent AsiaSpa award for - 'Holistic Treatment of the Year' for his 'Quantum Emotional and Physical Release (QEPR) therapy.
He has worked at the worlds top health resort, appeared on Australian TV series 'Celebrity Overhaul', is featured in the best-selling book 'Ultimate Spa-Asia's Best Spas and Spa Treatments', in international newspapers and magazines including 'Luxury Spa Finder', 'Travel & Leisure', Gala, Harpers Bazaar, the 'Financial Times' and 'Wirtschafts Woche'. He is a counselor, EFT Trainer and NLP Master trained by celebrity therapist Paul McKenna and a qualified TFTdx advanced practitioner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Emery

Paul Emery - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Test Taking Anxiety and EFT: How to Use EFT to Calm Down and Prepare Effectively for Your Test

Are you stressed about taking tests? Do you find that you blank out in the middle of the test because you're so nervous you can't remember anything? You don't have to put up with that. Why not use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to ease your anxiety and regain your ability to focus on what you must do to pass the test, starting with studying effectively.

Test taking anxiety can start a long time before you're even taking the actual exam. Even as you prepare for your exam, self-defeating thoughts might crowd out motivation and make you want to give up before you even started. And they may make it very difficult to even study for the exam.

The thing is that your brain works best when you are feeling calm and confident, so you need to do whatever it takes to feel that way. But that can be easier said than done.

So how can you get yourself to calm down and start feeling more confident?

You can do that by practicing EFT. EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique is particularly good at reducing test taking anxiety and other negative feelings. It's a bit like emotional acupuncture without needles. You simply tap certain parts of your body, primarily parts of your face, while you repeat a series of statements.

Since you're trying to reduce anxiety about studying, you focus on that:

You tap two fingers of one hand against the karate chop area of your other hand, while repeating the following statement (or a similar statement - you can make any adjustments you like to make it fit your situation):

Even though I am afraid I can't study all I need to know to pass the test, I choose to feel calm and confident.

Even though I'm worried that I can't remember it all, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I'm nervous about the test, I choose to study anyway and I choose to focus on a good outcome.

Feel free to repeat the same statement three times, or each of them just once.

After that, you tap on 8 key points, one after other, about five to seven times, as you repeat the negative parts of the statement for the first round or two. After that, repeat the positive portion of the statement for another round or two. Then take a deep breath and see if you feel better. Repeat as necessary until you have gotten rid of your test taking anxiety and are able to study effectively for your exam.

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The Best Reasons Why You Should Smile

Why should you smile? Smiling is one of the special aspects of a human being. It is the best way to show your great mood as well as to share the happy feelings to others. Smiling is also a symbol to express your love, friendship, and care that will be recognized by others as something that comes from your heart. In addition, a gesture shows your self-confidence.

Some people say that smiling is transmittable or contagious because no one wants to live in cranky community or world; they prefer to spare their time to those people who always wear a smile on their face and have a great laugh. In this article, you will be able to find out why you should smile and why it is important in our lives.

Why people should smile? There are several reasons why people need to smile. There is a saying that smiling makes you live longer because it is the way to be more positive in any aspect of life that will lead us to a healthier and a happier living. We can attain more health benefits in smiling, too. Most of the doctors said laughter is the best medicine.

Smile reduces stress and makes you relaxed. So have a smile to improve your lifespan and that is a priceless gift that you can give to everyone. Giving the sweetest smile to someone will ease his or her problems and loneliness. Most of the songs make us smile and it is the best therapy for depressions.

Another health benefit of smiling is strengthening of our immune system. An emerging healing effect shows how smile can be a best therapy for faster healing among any other thing. When you smile it strengthen more muscles on your face and it prevents to look like old. There are ten best reasons why you should smile always, and these are:

1. It administers your hormones.

Smile lessens the level of the stress hormones. It is like a cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine, growth hormone, and dopamine. It also helps to boost the level of the health-enhancing hormones such as neurotransmitters, and endorphins as well as the antibody-producing cells and effectively enhance of the T cells. Those are the benefits-to have a strong immune system.

2. Good internal workout.

A good smile and a belly laugh can be an exercise for the face and the diaphragm. It makes us look younger because of the thousands of muscles that undergo a workout when we are smiling as well as when we laugh. This workout will leave the muscles and shoulders stronger. Lastly, it gives a great workout for our heart.

3. Physically Free.

Did you come to a time that you want to smile or cry? Moreover, did you experience the feeling after you had a good laugh and great smile? Well, laughter and smile provides the best emotional and physical release.

4. A positive outlook of mind.

Smile brings your center of attention away from guilt, anger, negative emotions, and stress. It will boost your self-confidence and makes you happy.

5. Change your point of view.

Some studies say the best response for the stressful events is a smile or laughter. Smile can give you more light in your points of view and it will help us to view the all the challenges and threats positively and conquer them by having a positive point of view.

6. Social Benefits of Smile.

A smile always connects us to others. As I mentioned above, it is contagious, if you smile, the world will smile back at you. You can help those people to smile more and realize the benefits of it. You can elevate the mood of those people around you by giving them the best smile and you can also improve the value of the social interaction with different kinds of people. The more you show your smile with them, the more they will smile too. Smile helps us to reminisce those happy moments more vibrantly. We feel more positive and optimistic as well as motivated.

7. Smile will fight against illness.

Optimistic people have a high immune systems and that is the best way to beat any illness. According to the study of optimism, there is a connection between the good health and the optimistic attitudes. Most of the optimistic persons are healthier and they have more vigorous immune system.

8. Longer Lifespan.

According to the study of psychiatry, most elderly at the age of 65 up to 85 are optimistic. They believe that it is better to expect good things rather than to expect bad ones.

9. It makes you feel like you eat two thousand chocolate bars.

A smile gives same level of eating chocolate. Why? The researchers determined heart and brain activities have the same depiction of smiling if they receive money and some bars of chocolates.

10. Smile will absolutely cost nothing.

Smile is the ambassador of your good will. It brightens up the life of those people who see someone smiling on them. It is like a sunrise that gives light to dark clouds.

Therefore, it is very important to a person to learn how to smile and why we should smile. Start your day with great smile so that the whole world will smile at you, too. No depressions, no stress, and it will make everybody feel welcome by giving them a wonderful smile.

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The Solution to Procrastination: Benefits of Emotional Freedom Techniques

Procrastination is a serious problem for many people. It can prohibit successes and cause health issues such as stress, anxiety, headaches, blood pressure and other psychological issues. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offer a healing system that has many benefits. Studies have indicated that it can improve performance in any aspect of your life and provide a sense of satisfaction to its users.

Emotional Freedom Techniques basic premise is that unresolved emotional issues cause many mental and physical problems which include putting off work and tasks. As Emotional Freedom Techniques are a solution to procrastination, it is also a healing technique. Consciously being aware of the discrepancies created in the mind by bad habits and on-going procrastination will help break the cycle of making the same mistakes repeatedly. Therefore, helping to release the bad energy of those unresolved issues and help you get back on track.

If your life seems like a continuous battle of never-ending tasks with no end in sight, then Emotional Freedom Techniques can help you.

Discovering this secret solution to procrastination will allow you to manage your time wisely while reaching your goals. Having the ability to work through those tough periods of procrastination is imperative to leading a successful life.

Emotional Freedom Technique guides are available for those wanting a solution to procrastination. Taking advantage of simple exercises can re-train your mind and allow you to charge forward. There is nothing more satisfying than realizing that as a person, you can accomplish anything. Through mounds of paperwork, or an endless to-do list, Emotional Freedom Techniques will help you conquer procrastination and put an end to feelings of inadequacy and being overwhelmed for good.

Distractions from your own negative thoughts can cause emotional barriers that make it hard to obtain goals. Emotional Freedom Techniques have been used as a therapeutic measure to cast out negative thoughts using simple exercises resulting in the ability to complete even the most daunting tasks. These easy exercises are a long-term solution to those with procrastination issues.

EFT helps its users to discover the reasons why procrastination occurs as well as techniques to solve the problem. Achieving your goals while discovering your priorities is essential when trying to find solutions to procrastination.

EFT has proven itself as a solution to procrastination as well as a healing tool for the mind and body. Personally identifying the things that hold you back can be a life-changing experience.

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The Magic Formula of Relaxation

Do you often work late? Didn't pick up your child at nursery due to clash in schedule? Or do you have sleepless nights whenever a deadline is approaching? In our modern lifestyle, many of us are rushing and stressing ourselves with a list of never ending commitments, work, and activities.

What Is Stress?

In order to overcome stress, we must understand how it strikes. Stress basically strikes us when we do not get what we want -- this is the crux! The next important thing is for us to understand what is happening to our body when stress becomes serious? The body is an intelligent organism. Nature has it that when stress reaches a level of seriousness, the body will naturally release stress hormones. This is basically setting up the body into a state to overcome an emergency situation. You will notice that when you become stressful, your heart may pump at a faster rate, and you may feel tense. When this becomes serious, you may notice that your breath will become shorter and quicker. At this stage, blood pressure will also rise. These are all the natural responses of the body to increase its reaction time and focus, and prepare it to overcome the danger at hand.

Causes Of Stress

There are many reasons and situations where stress can be triggered. However, the root cause of stress is actually not something outside. Rather, the root cause of stress is from within. When situations do not meet our mental expectations, then we experience stress. Therefore, if we really want to resolve stress, then we need to change our mind-set. We need to understand that life is such that things will not always happen the way we want it. In fact, things usually fall short of our expectations. This is because there are many conditions which are beyond our control. Things that are beyond our control may result in outcomes which fall short of our expectations. And when this occurs and it threatens our ego, we will experience stress.

Effects Of Chronic Stress

Stress isn't always bad. In small doses, it helps us perform better under pressure and motivate us to do our best. However, when we are constantly functioning in emergency mode and experiencing elevated cortisol level, our mind and body pay the price. It is natural to feel stress in our daily lives. Our body can take a small amount of stress. However, when our stress rise beyond a certain tipping point on a daily basis, then it will affect our health. It will start to damage our mood, our productivity, relationships, and affect the quality of our lives. If this pattern continues, it will slowly lead us to many chronic diseases. We will become sick.

The Magic Formula For Relaxation

At times, we may feel like the stress in life is spinning out of control, but we can always control the way we responds include the following relaxation tips for stress relief:

Recognize and avoid unnecessary stressorsAdopt to stressors and accept the things we can't change.Make time for fun and relaxation.Adopt a healthier lifestyle and exercise regularly.Take natural remedies such as L-theanine (green tea leave extract) for relaxation and brain wave balancing beta-sitosterol and phosphatidlyserine for cortisol control and achieve a calming effect from Magnolia bark extract and Epimedium.

It's time to toke action and balance bock to our nervous system, Let's start to protect ourselves by applying the magic formula mentioned above to help us relax and enjoy life.

I am Allan Gile, a professional herbalist/acupuncturist and an investor with 20 years of experience. In my herbal and acupuncture practice, I focus on harmonizing the body and mind, giving it the best condition to heal itself. I cultivate yoga, meditation, martial arts, and classical music to maintain and heal the health naturally.. http://www.aboutmusictherapy.com/

When it comes to wealth building, I am inherently a value investor who invest in stocks and properties which sell at deep discount to its intrinsic value. At times, I take short term trading positions in stocks and forex markets using technical analysis, pattern trading, and price action indicators.

I believe in taking time off. I will do that a few times a year to travel to different parts of the world, capturing interesting photographic shots of different culture and tradition. For more information, please visit http://www.allhealthhealing.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allan_Gile

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Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions - Manage Stressful Situations and Gain Emotional Freedom Today

Are you feeling overwhelmed by stressful situations? Do you feel there too much going on in your head? This article will help you tell the difference between your thoughts, feelings and emotions, and set you on the path to personal peace.

Thoughts are located in the brain and our what make up our 'internal dialogue'.

We are conscious of our thoughts and despite what many people believe we do have control over them. However, many people get into patterns of thinking, which become subconscious over time, it's only when they become aware of these patterns that they realize how much they are affecting them.

Emotions are much more physical in nature. They are believed to be situated in the limbic system of the brain - something that all mammals share.

We can think of emotions as very primitive evolutionary mechanisms that we share with animals. Experiences such as anger, sadness or fear originate from the body as a primordial response to a physical situation.

We can consider feelings as how we actually experience emotions. We might 'feel' fear as a tightening in the stomach, or anger as a hot sensation in the head. Heartache has it's name because of the literal ache around our heart we experience when we are deep in grief or loss.

One of the problems in managing stress is that sometimes our emotions can actually be caused by thoughts rather than physical situations. Psychologists call these 'secondary emotions'. When we think of a scary situation we become scared. What stated off as a thought quickly becomes a physical reaction in the body.

One of the major tricks in learning to deal with stressful situations is to learn to separate thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The next time you are stressed or feel out of control, go into what you feel. Close your eyes and ask yourself, where am I experiencing this?

If your experience is mainly a sensation in the body, you are probably dealing with an emotion. Explore it, go into the feeling and experience how it feels in your body. You may often find that just by bringing awareness to the feeling it will dissipate.

If your experience is mainly in the head - then you are dealing with a thought. In this case you need to break the pattern of thinking that is causing you distress. There are many tools to do this, but often just becoming aware of what is going on in the present moment will do the trick.

But careful, you may be dealing with a secondary emotion - an emotion caused by a thought, not a real situation. Although you may feel this in the body, you will need to focus on stopping the thought in your head rather than the exploring the physical sensations of the experience.

You can tell the difference between primary and secondary emotions by watching what happens when you stop the thought. If the physical feelings resolve then you are most likely dealing with a secondary emotion. If they remain then the emotion is probably primary in nature.

Emotional Freedom Technique can help you deal with a wide range of emotional problems including depression, anxiety, confidence issues, self esteem problems and much much more.

For more information in using EFT to deal with thoughts, feelings and emotions please visit http://www.eftapp.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Bichara

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Thoughts Of Cigarettes Three Months After Quitting

There is a third-month phenomenon reported by some smokers. Something like three months after your last cigarette, you may be feeling that you are over them, but there is another thought that may creep in. This really horrible thought of "wouldn't it be nice just to have one cigarette" may crop up every now and then. You may have gone through hell and back in those first two weeks, and now you are finally over any withdrawal feelings and finally thought you were safe. And all of a sudden, you may be getting these "wouldn't it be nice" thoughts. It must be so disturbing!

You know deep down inside that you do not actually want a cigarette. But these thoughts keep cropping up. Then there are the justification thoughts that go along with them; thoughts of "well, I have done so well, I deserve a cigarette as a reward". Of course, you will not be tempted to go through all that all over again, but it is so annoying, and threatening, to get these thoughts. You are determined, however, not to give in, and that is the right mindset. No matter what thoughts you get, they are just thoughts. They will soon pass. It is just your mind playing tricks on you. You do not have to act upon them. After all, if you did act upon them, that cigarette would taste disgusting and you would feel very dizzy. But you know that it would be the start of another slippery slope that you have just worked so hard to climb out of. You certainly do not need all that hassle in your life again.

There is another way of looking at this. Whenever you get a thought that calls you towards the cigarettes, you can actively release the emotion behind that thought. Then the thought can go away much faster, and you do not have to wait for it to pass. There is a very easy self-acupressure method that can release that thought, craving, desire, or whatever you want to call it. And this method can do so literally in minutes. It is called Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT for short. It does not cost you anything unless you wish to learn it from a practitioner or attend a workshop. You can download simple instructions for this method from many an online source and get using it in the next hour. How you learn it is your preference, but what I am trying to say that it is available, and you do not have to suffer these intrusive thoughts.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.eft-scripts.com/ - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 8 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 06, 2011

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Use Qigong And Tai Chi To Control Your Emotions

One of the key aspects of a successful life is maintaining our emotional health. If haven't notice yet our daily interactions with people help you maintain the emotional state that you desire. Most of us are victims of uncontrolled emotion, and sometimes you embarrass your own self in social situations.

More often our unstable emotion gets the best of us and as a result our actions could scar our personalities. Several techniques have been developed for the purpose of emotional stability. Some people find it hard when dealing with their emotions as result they seek the aid psychological techniques. More often they would rely on the expertise of psychologist, however not all of us could afford their services.

In ancient times the Chinese people have discovered a technique called Qigong. The very essence of this art relies on the on the philosophy of the two opposing forces popularly known as the Yin and the Yang. It tackles the five elements of the earth and the connection between nature and man's existence. Tai chi is another ancient technique that promotes calmness to the practitioner. The principle of the arts is not far apart from each other that is why elder Chinese would love to call Tai chi as Qigong in movement. The best part is that the two ancient art is has no exception and it is available for almost anyone.

Understanding Qigong

The flow of our chi is important to the practice of Qigong. Even the modern Chinese people believe that chi is involved to almost every aspect of life particularly with our emotions. Aside from chi another key component of the technique is the life force; Chinese elders sight it as a major force that has the power to top almost anything that has life. In practicing Qigong you must follow certain steps to achieve good results. If your posture is not in the proper state then the flow of chi is disrupted and it cause more than just emotional imbalance in a person well-being. The basic goal of the technique is to make you stronger so that you have the strength to ward off diseases.

Chinese medicine existed long before the advancement of medical science we know. With all the amazing breakthroughs in the field of medical science Chinese medicine was able to hold its ground. Both arts simply teach you to harness the positive energy present and nature, and to maintain balance some of the available negative energy should also be in the mix.

What makes Qigong so effective?

The process you have to go through in practicing Qigong and tai chi is a long one, however you obviously can't deny the fact that it is very effective. Stress is the biggest reason why our emotions are spinning out of control. People in way tend to stress themselves on work to earn money to support their respective families. All these time we thought that if we could balance mental and physical health we would be okay, but the need to stable emotional health is a must also.

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