Monday, May 23, 2011

True Motivation

Do you want to know who your real friends are? Then complain to them and then ask them how they really feel about your complaining. A real true friend will tell you the truth, even if it hurts your feelings. Real friends don't beat around the bush and spare your feelings because they know the truth will make you a better person. So, if you're ready for the truth, then ask your friends how they really feel about your weight. Some will try to be nice and say that they are worried about your health. Others will say that they never liked you being over weight, but they just didn't want to tell you about it.

Then you have that one true friend that gives it to you straight in the gut. That friend will tell you that you need to stop complaining about your situation and change it. That friend will tell you that they don't have time to hear you complain about being over weight, and they're tired of hearing you talk about losing weight but you never do anything about it. Take these words and use them as your ultimate motivation to lose weight.

I had a friend tell me about myself recently and it has motivated me in ways I could never have imagined. I am ready to change my situation right now! I have a lot of dreams and I talk a good game, but I've always been slow to move on my dreams. I guess that's why it took me 12 years to lose 48 lbs. I had excuse after excuse about why I couldn't lose the weight. Here's a couple that might sound familiar to you:

1. Healthy food is just too expensive

2. I don't have time to go to the gym

3. I don't like to sweat

4. If I had a chef like Oprah I could lose weight (she gained it back though)

5. I'm happy with my weight

6. I just have to accept that I'm a big girl

7. I want to lose weight I just need someone to help me

8. I'm not that big if the stores still make clothes to fit me

9. I'm not that big if I can still get out of bed and walk

10. At least I'm not as big as that person

My list could go on and on. I had 12 years of excuses, but the fear of becoming a diabetic is what motivated me to get my weight under control. The only friend that snapped me into reality about my weight was God. He can help you achieve your weight loss goal and so much more.

So, stop beating yourself up, stop making excuses and stop complaining about big over weight. You got yourself in this situation and only you can get yourself out. The training wheels are off, it's time to ride that bike and stop playing with it. Get real with yourself and get motivated to take your life back. You have nothing to lose but weight.

Felicia B. White is a photographer, writer and poet. A graduate of he Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, Felicia moved to Georgia with hopes of becoming a product photographer when life took over and she became a hospitality project manager instead. After finding a good church home Felicia has started writing songs and poetry and dusting off her photography equipment and is back in the creative world again. She's currently writing for a few well know web sites and is using her photography skills to take pictures for her articles. Felicia is very passionate about helping others through her writing and is ready to embark on a new chapter in her life. Check out some of the helpful free weight loss tips that she has written about at

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Felicia B White - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Tips for Getting the Best From EFT

1 Tune in to or associate with how you are feeling - tapping on the short circuit that fear or guilt causes in your energy system when you are actually feeling guilt or fear makes EFT extremely effective. If you need to, tap for the courage to be able to feel what you don't want to feel.

2 Tap on different aspects. An aspect is an important feature or part of an issue. For example, an aspect can be an emotion, a smell, a look on someone's face, anything at all. You will find as you tap, dissolving the emotional charge on all the different aspects will give you emotional freedom on an event or person.

3 Say the 'unsayable' - even if just to yourself - your body knows you feel this way and is manifesting the symptoms, what you deny, bury or suppress will show up in your body.

4 Clarify what your intention is before you begin tapping. For example, if you tap with the intention of helping stuck energy to move rather than tapping with the intention of wanting to get rid of it (be specific about what 'it' is), which is resistance in action, you will experience more shifts and relief.

5 Be as specific as you can. You will see results a lot sooner. For example, the belief 'I am not good enough' has evidence to support it. You can tap on the belief itself by rating its truth from 0 to 10, 0 being false and 10 being as true as it can be, and watch as that 'truth' collapses. Or you can tap on the specific events, the evidence, that hold the belief up. Both will work, but you will see results faster if you tap on the specific events, and as a result feel more encouraged with the EFT procedure.

6 Make a list of all the feelings and emotions that you fi?nd hard to feel and the reasons why. For example, disloyalty can be a huge block when it comes to expressing how you feel about a family member, as is the resulting guilt. Or maybe a particular feeling is too painful to feel so you avoid it (write down how) and so on.

7 The 'right' words are always your words, insert exactly how you feel into the set up statement and repeat the words/feelings that have the biggest emotional charge for you as a reminder phrase. If you doubt that you can 'find' the right words, tap on trusting your self.

8 Experiment with the karate chop point and the sore spot and see which is more effective at correcting psychological reversal (any objection, conscious or unconscious, that you may have to healing). Change the words you use, put feeling into them, shout, scream, cry, tune in to that energetic disruption.

9 You can tap on physical or emotional symptoms, our body speaks our mind, so both are tappable. Very often, how we feel about having a physical symptom/dis-ease will be a repeating emotional/energetic pattern in our life, once resolved, the dis-ease or symptoms usually fade too.

10 If you are feeling really upset or overwhelmed, continuously tap until you feel calmer, even on one point, the collar bone or gamut spot for example, you don't need to say anything as you are already tuned in to what disturbed you. This really is an ideal time to tap if you can stay with how you're feeling.

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Using EFT for Anxiety

Hurt is the most basic negative (or uncomfortable) emotion we can feel, as Deepak Chopra, states in his book, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. When we don't know or have never learned how to be with, feel and express our hurt, it will build up. When we're full up and can't take any more which can often be precipitated by a life crisis, our buried hurt and pain starts to leak and its effects are often felt as anxiety and depression. States like anxiety and depression are secondary formations once we learned not to feel or express our hurt in the moment. Our body wants to release hurt the moment it occurs but we humans have the power to suspend and freeze painful experiences. Only thing is, we often later forget to feel them or don't want to feel them, just because they were so painful the first time round. So the frozen experiences stay trapped in our nervous system as undischarged stress. Because anxiety is a state of many many experiences of unfelt pain, it overrides the natural release mechanism of the body and mind, so it can and very often does lead to overwhelm.

The effects of anxiety are acutely felt in the body, anxiety can make us feel like we want to climb out of our skin, and go somewhere where the pain doesn't exist or where we can't feel it. Because we can't physically step out of our skins, we'll find all sorts of creative ways to help us numb and sedate our pain while we're in our bodies. Food helps us do it, especially carbohydrates and sweets, cigarettes will do it as will dissociating, racing thoughts will do it in an attempt to regain some control, alcohol, drugs, watching television, anything and everything that you can use to distract yourself from that frozen ball of pain humming away in your nervous system.

This is why using the body, its felt sense and sensations is so effective in helping us to release undischarged stress and hurt that has become anxiety.

Try using the set up statements and reminder phrases below, continue tapping until you feel a shift/release and make sure to customise it for you, locate body sensations, see if they move or change as you tap. Set an intention of helping this frozen energy move, not to try and 'get rid of' the pain or hurt. You know from experience that resisting your hurt only makes it worse. You can't release what you're resisting.

Even though I don't want to be in my body, where all the hurt is, that's the way it is for now

Even though this pain is humming away in my nervous system waiting to erupt, I acknowledge it's there

Even though I just can't feel this pain, it's too painful, maybe I can feel some of it

Top of the Head: These anxious feelings
Eyebrow: They are so hard to live with
Side of Eye: I'd love some peace
Under Eye: From this
Under Nose: I just don't feel safe
Under Chin: Or in control
Collar Bone: I feel overwhelmed
Under Arm: I have to distract myself from that

Top of the Head: I keep thinking
Eyebrow: That I should be over this!
Side of Eye: But I can't release this anxiety
Under Eye: Or overwhelm
Under Nose: And that makes me feel...
Under Chin: What's wrong with me?
Collar Bone: I'm exhausted
Under Arm: I feel...

Top of the Head: Maybe I'll release the pain instead
Eyebrow: The pain that makes up this anxiety
Side of Eye: And tap
Under Eye: On all this pain
Under Nose: This frozen unfelt pain
Under Chin: And hurt
Collar Bone: I never wanted to feel that hurt
Under Arm: And I still don't

Top of the Head: I want to feel safe and comfortable in my own body
Eyebrow: I don't want to keep running away
Side of Eye: From these feelings
Under Eye: And me
Under Nose: And my body
Under Chin: Breathing helps me feel my body
Collar Bone: Breathing helps calm me
Under Arm: And brings me back into my body

Top of the Head: Where I choose to feel safe
Eyebrow: And protected
Side of Eye: I choose to inhabit my body fully
Under Eye: And completely
Under Nose: And feel good
Under Chin: And light
Collar Bone: And joyous
Under Arm: And just be me!

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Using EFT to Overcome the Fear of Terrorism Following the Death of Osama Bin Laden

Along with feelings of relief and closure, Osama Bin Laden's death has also reignited the fear of terrorism for many people. Memories of the losses on September 9, 2001 have bounced back into people's minds as if it was just yesterday.

We all know how debilitating fear can be. What if there was a simple way of overcoming such fears? And not just of terrorism, but also the many common fears that prevent people from leading full and richly rewarding lives.

There is. You can start with a rational approach. Statistically, for a person in the US, the chance of being killed by a terrorist is extremely low. It is reportedly about the same as the chance of being hit by lightning. For some, a few deep breaths and a reminder of the statistics may sooth recently elevated fears. But the thought of terrorism can bring up deeper fears that are not easily soothed by logic.

Fortunately there is another option. More and more people are turning to a remarkable technique called EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) to address fear, anger, anxiety and more. It's so effective that people like Deepak Chopra and Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, are heralding its benefits.

What is EFT and How Does it Work

Not familiar with EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques)? That's fine. The most important thing is to have an open mind, because it's unusual. This approach is unconventional and very rapid. It's not painful or invasive, so just about anyone can do it.

There is also a logical explanation for amazing effectiveness of EFT. It involves tapping on a short series of specific spots on the body that relate to the acupuncture meridian system. In theory, EFT tapping works by releasing blockages this system, bringing the recipient into an enjoyable state of wellbeing.

You don't have to understand any of this to experience relief with EFT. Results vary, but people commonly experience relief from debilitating fears as well as a wide range of other symptoms within minutes. EFT is so effective that a rapidly growing number of people are learning EFT for personal use, and in some cases, for use as EFT Practitioners.

Using EFT to Overcome Fear of Terrorism and More

Living habitually with fear can take the joy and adventure out of life. But now it's easier than ever to overcome fear. If you can tap with your fingers and repeat a few simple statements, you can do EFT. An investment of time learning EFT will pay for itself time and time again. Imagine the power of being emofree.

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Using EFT for Prior Programming

Prior programming is the collection of ideas, concepts, views, and beliefs that we use as our "operating system" in daily life. These programs come from our parents, religious institutions, schools, families, peer group, media, and society. Sometimes the programs are valid. Sometimes they are not. When the programs are not valid they definitely work against positive change.

One aspect of prior programming may be the expectation that we should be content with what we have. Do you remember an experience as a child when you wanted something, but you were told it was wrong to want it? I do. I also remember being told to consider all of the poor unfortunate people that had even less than I had. There is a lot of programming that goes on to convince us to not want more or not want something different.

Say this statement aloud. "I should be content with what I've got." Rate the intensity or truth of the statement on a 0-10 scale. Remember that 10 is very intense or very true for you. Write down your rating.

Repeat the following statements while tapping on the karate chop point. "Even though I should be content with what I've got, I deeply and completely love and accept where I am right now. Even though I've obviously been taught that I should just be content with what I've got, I deeply and completely accept myself and all of my feelings. Even though I know I should be content with what I've got, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and my desire for more."

While tapping on each of the eight tapping points, say this statement while tapping 5-9 times.

Eyebrow - "I should be content with what I've got."

Side of Eye - "I? should be content with what I've got."

Under the Eye - "I should be content with what I've got."

Nose - "I should be content with what I've got."

Chin - "I should be content with what I've got."

Collarbone - "I should be content with what I've got."

Under the Arm - "I should be content with what I've got."

Top of Head - "I should be content with what I've got."

Take a deep breath and check the intensity of your original statement, "I should be content with what I've got." Write down your new rating. If the rating is above a 3, continue tapping with the previous statement. Once your rating is quite low, move on to the positive tapping round below. Use a different statement at each of the eight tapping points.

Eyebrow - "I appreciate what I have now."

Side of Eye - "It is okay to want more."

Under the Eye - "Wanting more doesn't mean I am unhappy."

Nose - "It just means that I see possibilities to make things better for myself."

Chin - "I feel gratitude for what I have right now."

Collarbone - "I will feel gratitude if I get the things I want too."

Under the Arm - "I choose to feel calm and relaxed about wanting other things."

Top of Head - "I choose to love and accept myself and all of my feelings."

Take a deep breath and let it out. Check the intensity of your original statement, "I should be content with what I've got." Record your new rating.

This is only one example of how EFT can be used to address prior programming that keeps us from being all we really can be. Try using it for all of your "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts".

Dr. Leanna Manuel is the director and supervising psychologist for CCA Companies, LLC. Dr. Manuel is a graduate of Wright State University School of Professional Psychology and has experience in medical and mental health care settings. She was a featured psychologist on MTV: True Life. To learn more about EFT check out

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Leanna Manuel - EzineArticles Expert Author

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What to Do When Your Feathers Get Ruffled

You can be sailing through your day feeling great then something or someone gets your feathers ruffled and you spiral down that feeling of well-being to one of upset and negativity. Here are a few tips that you use when you find yourself out of sorts and angry about a situation.

The first thing to do is take a deep breath. Take a moment to focus on something else like counting to ten. Actually, the angrier you are, the more deep breaths you'll probably need to take. So, focus on your breath, taking in as much air as possible, holding it for as long as you can before letting it out again. Repeat until you can feel yourself centering again.
Becoming of your aware of your thought process when your feathers are ruffled will also be a main key to maintaining your center and your focus. This means, begin observing your thoughts as problems arise and others say things that sets you off. Notice how you get defensive or angry. As you learn to identify you thought processes in the moment you can begin to change them. You can learn to say something to yourself that would help you to change your focus to a more empowering thought. Perhaps a thought such as, "I can stay focused" or "this isn't that important".
Getting better perspective is also important and vital to keeping your center when you get upset. This can take the form of seeing that perhaps there is something to be learned in the situation, or from what the person is saying to you. If you can listen to words and not the emotions or feelings behind this person's comments, you can perhaps then see that there is some validity in them. Perhaps you do need to modify your behavior or make necessary changing. If do can learn to see this as helping you succeed quicker and not from the perspective that everyone is out to destroy you, then the lesson to be learned will be quickly acquired without you getting your feathers ruffled.
A final tip for maintaining your calm and not getting upset when a situation gets your emotional juices flowing is learning to feel confident enough that you can take a little criticism. Learning to hear that the words the person is saying or the "failure"' of your project or action isn't an attack on your person or your honor will help you immensely with maintaining your focus and calm. We are all human. We all have flaws, make mistakes and can use some advice or 'conflict' to see just where we need to change and grow.

The best way thing to do when you get your feathers ruffled is to maintain your self-esteem and center by saying that you can stay focused on the final goal and not getting caught up in the heat of the moment. What's your ultimate goal, be happy or be right?

"Anne Dessens is the founder of - your one-link to everything 'self-improvement': diet, recipes, running & walking, deep breathing, success, journaling, energy and universal laws.

To learn more about how to improve your life by mastering your emotions and personal growth through journaling:

Stay up-to-date on the ever-changing self-improvement for success website by signing up for her monthly newsletter. Get exclusive tips, articles and recipes just for her newsletter readers:

- Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact."

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Anne Dessens - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 4 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 03, 2011

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What Are Breakthrough Sessions?

A breakthrough session is also considered as an integral part of training in NLP. This session primarily deals with the actual limitations as well as the problems in a particular area of your life. The duration would be around 8-12 hours and it might take 2-3 sessions. Here is the actual process that outlines the whole structure of a NLP breakthrough session which helps in resolving the limitations as well as problems in the key areas of your life like your health, relationships, growth, wealth and spirituality.

The breakthrough session is quite intensive full-day session which involves NLP, the time-line therapy as well as Hypnotherapy. This session helps you get into the root cause of your issues and also enables emotional healing at a very deep level of identity. So, the first part of the session involves a deep investigation into the issues; how you would actually define them and how you represent them in the mind. This helps you in knowing how they actually express themselves in your day to day life. This will help you look directly at the root cause so that you can start redefining yourself to deal with the actual problem. Then, the second part of the session involves the applied therapies which enable you to heal yourself at a very deep level of emotions. If you are undergoing training in NLP, you will come to know about the whole process.

We all know the fact that loss, rejection, grief and trauma affect the way we actually value ourselves. So, this pattern can also affect our confidence levels and thereby influence various day to day choices. This is a negative cycle. So, whatever has happened in your past, you can still work and create a concrete sense of self worth. This way, a breakthrough session can surely help you to become more than what you are; if you are holding yourself back due to any type of fear, shame, frustration, bitterness or even anger or guilt, you can still get back to normal. So training in NLP surely helps.

So this way, the breakthrough session helps you in bringing you to terms with your actual past so that you can make peace with yourself. This way, you can gain a new perspective towards life and also let go of emotional pain.

It is quite important to undergo this process if you really want to win in life. This whole process has helped millions of people all over the word and people have come out of their problems quite easily with this particular technique. So if you can actually undergo training in NLP, then you'll come to know about how to handle the whole process so that you can easily empower the lives of others. Nowadays, there are quite a lot of certification programs which can surely help you a lot to completely train yourself in this particular subject. However, you would require the guidance of an expert in this particular subject in order to completely master various techniques. So, training in NLP requires you to completely understand the breakthrough session because it is quite an important process.

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What To Say For Addiction Tapping With EFT - A Quick Guide

One of the frequently asked questions in my inbox is ?what do you say or tap on for an addiction?? The addiction may vary. The more physically, economically, and socially challenging addictions may require a team effort, a physical rehab, or perhaps just liaison with the medical practitioner (unless the medical practitioner is doing the EFT). Having said that, the tapping procedure itself is pretty much the same with any addiction. This is a brief step-by-step guide.

1. Find out what emotions the addiction is trying to compensate for. For example, grief, anger, sadness, fear, terror, disappointment, shame, overwhelm, to name just a few emotions. Then ask if there was one incident, even if out of many that involved this emotion which comes up, which would it be. Get this event and it them to zero. Repeat with a number of events. You can perhaps tap one event per session, at the start of the session, or go through several in one session. Whether you do this all in one session or spread out over a number of sessions depends on time, preference, and how many events there may be. For example, if this is a series of childhood abuse incidents involving serious trauma, it could take months or even years. If this is something relatively lighter, it could take one session.

2. Identify a cravings incident that was followed through. Ask ?On a scale of 10-0, if you were to relive the incident, on a scale of 10-0, how likely are you to follow through with the urge?? Tap for the need to engage in the addiction if the incident were relived. Continue doing so until it becomes zero. Repeat with a number of cravings events. You can probably do several in one session. If there are many aspects to each event, you may even not finish working on one event by the end of the session. That is OK. Everyone goes at their own pace. Take one step at a time.

3. At the end of the session, a positive tapping affirmation is always good. An addiction can really be very frustrating. The addict may be fed up with the compulsive behavior and impatient to get out. Or they may be free from it, but it takes a few weeks to cement a new thought pattern into one?s being, so it is good to tap in a positive statement each day. Some examples include, but are not limited to ?I choose to be calmly free?, ?I am now free from this habit?, or ?I choose to live healthily without dependence, easily and calmly?.

4. Should any elements of the addiction have been missed or not completely worked on, there may or may not be an unexpected craving afterwards. Should this happen, just tapping on ?Even though I have this craving...? in the situation can help. Other suggestions are ?Even though I need this...? or ?Even though for whatever reason, I am upset and triggered...? or ?Even though I thought I was over this and feel overwhelmed...?

5. Repeat 1-5 until the addiction is firmly and definitely a thing of the past.

Happy Tapping!

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

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Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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World Tapping Summit

You might be wondering what is a World Tapping Summit?

What is different about this summit, compared to others - you don't need to travel as it's completely hosted online. This provides an opportunity to learn everything you need from the comforts of your home while using your computer to attend. This event last year attracted over 100,000 people, to learn from the expert speakers talk about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

What are the benefits of attending?

With a large resource of expert speakers, allows you to learn what tapping can do for you and make it more effective for you.There will be ten days of tapping information and it's free!And if you can't attend online at that time, there is opportunity to listen to the replays of the interviews at your convenience.It can be very powerful to listen and learn from the experts who do this all day and coach others. As they already know the skills to teach others, this powerful tapping technique, gives you the opportunity to learn from their experiences.

Benefits of Attending the Tapping World Summit Online

There are a lot of great reasons to attend the upcoming Tapping World Summit. If you're interested in learning more about what EFT can do for you or how to make it even more effective for you, then this is the perfect way to find out from the experts - their views, lessons and opinions on EFT.

EFT is not a fad and is attracting a huge following simply because it works. Thousand of people have benefited from applying the tapping technique principals daily, which in turn has made some amazing things happen in their lives.

This is why the World tapping summit is so important as it provides opportunity for experts to reach out to those, teach you how to use it for yourself.

This free online World Tapping Summit has a lot of great reasons to attend. If you're interested in learning more about what tapping can do for you or how to make it even more effective, then this is the perfect way to find out from the experts their views, lessons and opinions on EFT. Check it out and discover what EFT Tapping is all about.

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Why You Have Those Sugar Cravings When You're Stressed

If you've had a hard day at work, you may not know why you want two pieces of pie after dinner (or FOR dinner). Your mind is not on why you have those sugar cravings. We know sweets taste good but we don't know why we have such a craving for them. We know it's bad for us but we continue to eat them. It's almost like our body needs that sugar... because it does.

Sugary sweets and the sugar cravings for them can be a sign that our neurotransmitters are in distress. Neurotransmitters are the brain messengers that carry information between brain cells. When we are in stress our neurotransmitter levels drop, especially serotonin, known as the happiness transmitter. Our body attempts to correct this problem by doing something that feels good. Such as have a piece of lemon meringue pie or that chocolate bar.

Most of us have subconsciously buried memories where we associate sugary food with relief. From the first time grandma made us chocolate chip cookies, we began to associate sugar with feeling better. When we get those sugar cravings, our subconscious is attempting to boost endorphins and to stimulate neurotransmitters in the way it remembers with a sugary treat.

If you are trying to control your sugar cravings, it's helpful to know why you want those treats in the first place. You can stop yourself a little easier if you realize that you don't really want the pie so much as you want to feel better.

You can slow down sugar cravings when you're stressed if you take time to examine what you can do to lower your stress levels. Find ways to feel better emotionally so you can feel better without reaching for a candy bar. A little trick that I have been using for years, that works real well: stop what you are doing, and take three huge, deep breathes... and then exhale very slowly.

This gives you a chance to "clear your head" and to think about what you are about to do... and ask yourself if that is what you really want to do. I make myself give 3 reasons why it is OK to go ahead and eat the food AND 3 reasons why I don't want to have that food. Usually by the time I think of those 3 reasons, my mind has gone elsewhere and I do not feel the urge to have that decadent indulgence. It just doesn't seem quite so worth it... or certainly not the consequences.

Next time you find yourself faced with a sugar cravings when your stressed, give this a try. I think you will be pleased with the result.

With 10 years experience in the weight loss industry, in my opinion, the one component that was really missing from many weight loss programs is fighting the cravings for sugar. People need to find ways to fight their sugar addictions by using real world, affordable behavioral modification techniques. I have found that: "When you conquer the conquer the pounds!" And then you enjoy vibrant health!

If you wish to help yourself to prevent illnesses, such as adult onset diabetes, excess weight and you want your control back, then check out my blog. I deliver fire tested, people tested strategies that work in real life.

For more tips from Gretchen, check out her blog: or get her free report:

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Gretchen Jack - EzineArticles Expert Author

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You Are Sabotaging Your Own Healthy Weight Loss!

I think it's safe to make the assumption that if you are reading this you want a healthy weight loss solution. In fact, I don't think there is a rational person alive that wants to intentionally live unhealthy & remain fat until their final days. We all aspire to live healthy lives and have healthy strong bodies. Yet, for some people this desire is so far from their reality it is more of a dream or what they hope for, something that they would wish upon a falling star. And it is exactly this type of mental framework that limits their beliefs in their own capabilities. Have I just described you? If so, we will attempt to break down these mental barriers and then scale the wall until we reach the other side of your healthy weight loss ambitions.

Your perception is your reality. Douglas Adams once said, "Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you." Everything that you emotionally, physically & mentally consume in your universe specifically revolves around you. To put things a little more lightly, what you see and feel is what you believe. For instance, if you want to lose weight but have been overweight since childhood & your immediate family is overweight along with some of your closest friends as well as your significant other then you have created a world where you subconsciously qualify your weight problems by associating with other that are similar to yourself, yet deep down inside you still desperately yearn to achieve healthy weight loss. It is this type of subversive behavior that destroys your attempts before they even have a chance to develop.

What we must do is to acknowledge this behavior. We need to confront it and stop ignoring the fact that we place these limiting beliefs on ourselves. Whatever your underlying reason is, dig deep inside yourself until you find it. Once we can grasp this fact then we can begin to demolish these destructive thoughts and replace them with positive reinforcement. Whereas, previously you may have subconsciously felt that you didn't deserve to lose weight now we will completely obliterate that belief and replace it with the personal truth that you have all the qualities and characteristics that constitute greatness. And surely someone that is as capable of greatness such as you are would never allow a small challenge like achieving healthy weight loss to defeat them or their self-esteem.

The mind is a tremendous weapon. It has been known to conquer empires, invent groundbreaking technology and inspire the hearts of a nation. And this was all achieved through the power of perception. You can & must perceive your future in order to make it a reality. Set your goal & pretend as if you have under went all the specific actions to already attain it. Now use that mental framework as an outline to achieve your healthy weight loss. You are an unstoppable force and will always remain that way as long as you perceive it to be so.

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What You See, Is What You Get - EFT Therapy Works

A lot has been written on the principles for an abundant life, financial experts all claim to have the magic formula needed to attain wealth and yet regardless of the blue prints set out before you many never attain the prosperous life they desire. Attracting abundance with EFT therapy is a relatively new concept that has been gaining recognition primarily within the past 5 years or so.

The reason it has become so popular is because many are now seeing that attracting abundance is more than just having a financial blue print in front of them, it's about getting in touch with the underlying emotions we hold about money, and prosperity.

EFT therapy is a very simple acupressure technique that allows an individual to connect with their sub-conscious programming and eliminate beliefs towards money and prosperity that are keeping the person stuck in a lack mentality.

Prosperity, is a state of consciousness, it is an inner feeling rather than an outer experience when our inner dialogue is in harmony with our conscious thoughts and beliefs we then see that result in out outer reality. Attracting abundance then becomes something we easily attain rather than something we feel we have to chase.

How do you know if your beliefs about money are the culprit?

It's relatively simple to gauge if limiting beliefs are what has been keeping you stuck first, explore your inner dialogue take the time to be in a quite space ask your self "What are my beliefs about money" and pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that rise. Human beings are said to have at least 60,000 thoughts daily many of which are repetitive it's the ones that repeat that you want to pay close attention to thoughts such as

I'm not good enough

I'm not smart enough

I hate rich people

Once you identify what your personal beliefs about money are then take a look at your present reality where do you live, what job you have, what circle of friends, what are your earnings?

Do you make?

More than enough

Just enough

Not enough

All these factors of your present reality speak of where your inner thoughts are and because thoughts are creative they are electrical impulses that send out and receive, what you put out is what comes back to you.

EFT therapy and attracting abundance works because it address the limiting beliefs, by using light tapping on key pressure points one can clear the way for new healthy life sustaining programming that will open the doors to attract wealth into our life.

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What Are Some of the Common Cold Sore Causes?

Anyone who has ever had a swollen, blistery sore on their lips, and suffered for days with the pain, and the terrible look of the thing wants to know, what are the common cold sore causes?

The cold sore causes are the Herpes Simplex 1 virus. If you suffer with cold sore symptoms then you have this virus, and, there is no cure for it. Almost all of us, at some point in our life (usually before we were 7) had an awful sore throat and some little blisters in our mouth. This condition lasted a couple of days and then went away. Really it did not go away. It left the Herpes Simplex 1 virus living inside you in a dormant state.

Now when you do things like get overexposure from the sun, or become ill, you have an outbreak of the virus. The outbreak consists of those nasty painful little sores that last from 3 to 5 days, and make you miserable while they are there.

Anytime your body is put under extra stress that the stress from an illness, your menstrual cycle, the stress from a lack of sleep, or simply a poor diet, you get sores on your lips, or on the opening of your nostrils.

The symptoms of cold sores are very easy to recognize. You have that distinct tingling one day, then by the next day you have a reddened area, or a blister, then the blister keeps swelling, and ruptures, leading to a crusty, painful sore. It does not help that all the cold sore causes are times when you are least equipped to deal with an outbreak. That is why you are having an outbreak. Your immune system is being compromised by something else, and is unable to fight the virus like it normally does.

There were a few lucky souls that got this nasty virus, but they never suffer from, the painful symptoms related to a cold sore outbreak. The rest of us are left looking for cold sores treatment that will take away the pain.

There are several over the counter ointments, and creams that you can use to help alleviate the pain, and the swelling, associated with an outbreak. If you have severe outbreaks, and have a compromised immune system from another disease, such as diabetes, your doctor can prescribe you some medications to use.

The biggest thing to remember when you are treating an outbreak is to use some type of ointment to keep the area moist. Do not touch the spot anymore than you have to. The sores are contagious, and you can cause them to spread to other areas of your lips. If you do not keep them moist they will become crusty, and often they crack, and make your lips bleed.

Try to eat a proper diet, get plenty of sleep at night, drink plenty of fluids, and as much as possible, avoid extra stress. Learn to recognize the factors in your life that cause your outbreaks, and possibly you can eliminate their occurrence.

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What Vitamins Should I Take? Vitamin E Is One of the Answers

To ask what vitamins should I take is great question to lead you to a healthy and happy life.

Supplements are ineffective if they are not administered properly and for the correct reason. Vitamins alone will not lead to health and well being. The secret is to combine exercise, good relationships with family and friends and of course a diet rich with the right types and amounts of vitamins.

People are so caught up looking for high potency vitamins that they are not reading between the lines. People with less thiamine for example may experience weakness, fatigue, and depression, along with other symptoms.

Vitamins are similar to the energy-yielding nutrients in that they are vital to life, organic, and available from foods. Vitamins are essential nutrients found in foods. Vitamins are natural substance found in plants and animals and known as Essential nutrients for human beings. Vitamins are organic substances, essential for maintaining life functions and preventing disease among humans and animals and even some plants. Vitamins are essential aspects of a healthy diet, and are key in maintaining healthy bodily functions.

Vitamins are organic compounds in food that are needed in very small amounts for various metabolic processes and other functions. Vitamins are organic compounds that our body requires in small amounts for a diverse range of metabolic functions. Vitamins are chemical compounds that the body uses in a variety of ways. Vitamins are chemical compounds found in nature. Vitamins are organic compounds and as such they're found naturally in many of the foods we consume.

A vitamin that is often overlooked by a diet authority is Vitamin E, found naturally in some founds but is also added artificially to others. E is actually a collective name for fat soluble / distinctive antioxidant compounds.

It is also found in foods such as spinach, wheat germ, sunflower seeds and corn. Vitamin E is found in nuts such as walnuts and almonds, and vegetable oils such as sunflower and safflower. Vitamin E is commonly found in vegetable oils. V E is found in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fortified cereals, in leafy greens, whole grains and vegetable oil.

It can inhibit platelet aggregation and antagonize vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. Vitamin E is a potent lipophilic antioxidant and is a fat-soluble antioxidant that stops the production of ROS formed when fat undergoes oxidation. It is particularly important for counteracting oxidation in fats and helps a baby's body to form and use its muscles and red blood cells.

Vitamin E helps prevent cancer, heart disease, cataracts and reduces scarring from some wounds. Vitamin E is widely promoted as a beneficial antioxidant to take to help prevent heart disease. Vitamin E is the name given to a group of fat-soluble compounds with distinctive antioxidant activities. Vitamin E is relatively non-toxic at intakes up to 800 mg. Vitamin E is involved in helping to clear blood vessels, through its ability to slow the formation of cholesterol.

Vitamin E is part of a family of supplements known as tocopherols. Supplements that are commonly taken with tea supplements are enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Vitamins are key supplements in the various processes of the body. Vitamins are essential to normal functioning of the human body because they serve as co-factors for important biological processes. Vitamins are organic substances necessary in very small amounts to direct different processes within living cells.

So just one of the vitamins to consider when asking what vitamins should I take has to be Vitamin E.

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What Causes Flatulence?

You won't find out whats causing your flatulence until you really delve deep into this topic, and once you do, you will discover what really is your problem. But if you are anything like I was, before I found a cure to my own stomach gas problems, then you are completely fed up of the discomfort, abdominal bloating and this embarrassing problem and want to know what causes your flatulence and how to get rid of it.

After much of my own research into what causes stomach gas, a couple of eating experiments with different food types and sources, I finally found out how I could put an end to my stomach discomfort.

I'm not a doctor by the way, just someone who reached his threshold with stomach gas. I became almost obsessed with finding a treatment and once I found it, I felt I had to share what I discovered with anyone who was experiencing the same problems.

Flatulence is the end, and usually smelly product of the mix of excess gases pushed from your large colon and out of your rectum. The noises that you hear are caused because the gas is pushed out between your buttocks.

The expelled gas forces them apart, which forces a vibrating of your 'cheeks' and surrounding area. The process which causes your normal toilet movement, is also responsible for you passing gas.

This gas is a mixture of gases air which you have breathed in through your mouth, and intestinal gases which are created as food passes through your digestive system.

Another more serious cause of flatulence is an underlying health problem, like if you have a lactose intolerance problem. Constipation is also a cause, and I can testament to this because I was suffering a great deal with abdominal cramps and constipation previous to finding a cure.

But for most of us it is the food we eat and the air which we swallow which causes gas. Ways which we swallow gas include smoking, chewing gum, chewing and swallowing food too quickly, and sucking on things like pencils or pens like if you are in work and always have a pen in your hand, where does it usually end up when you're not writing? In your mouth right!)

We are all told to eat vegetables as part of our health nutrition plan, but believe it or not, there is an abundance of vegetables which contain non digestable carbohydrates, which can cause a bunch of problems including the production of intestinal gases.

When you eat these foods, some of it resists the digestion process and are left undigested in your colon. This causes flatulence and is one which we cannot usually avoid, unless you know which foods not to eat, and which foods, including vegetables that you should be eating to combat the formation of intestinal gases.

The undigested food is what causes endogenous gases - gases which are produced in your digestive system. As the digestion process begins to work, any food which is not digested by your stomach, moves along through the colon and forms these gases.

Symptoms of flatulence. Passing of gas is the main symptom, however this is typically accompanied by stomach bloating and discomfort, along with burping.

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Why You May Need a Medical Alert Device: Case History 1

Karen* lives alone, and although she has two sons that live within 20 minutes driving distance, she spends the majority of time alone in her apartment in a semi-rural town. Karen is battling cancer, and dealing with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), arthritis, obesity, neuropathy and is over 62 years old.

After battling cancer for about two and a half years, (a cancer with a 5 year life expectation) her health is gradually weakening due to inactivity to the point that difficulty breathing and weakness are becoming increasing problems plus numbness of the toes and feet (neuropathy) are creating the "perfect storm" for a potential fall hazzard.

All of these factors make Karen a perfect candidate for a Medical Alert device. The brutal reality is that Karen has a very high likelihood of serious problems from a fall, which is the leading cause of fatal and non fatal injuries among those aged 65 and older.

According to the CDC, over 15,000 persons aged 65 and older died in 2005 as a result of injuries related to falls. Clearly, time is of the essence when it comes to fall injuries. Internal bleeding from organ injury and bone breakage are major concerns in addition to pain and suffering. Immobility following a fall could potentially last for a day or more without a Medical Alert device.

With these factors in mind, Karen and anyone in a similar situation should seriously consider the benefit of a medical alert device and the potential complications of not having one after a fall. While the price of such a device/service may seem expensive, the cost of not having one in the event of a serious injury or downturn of health may be devastating.

Is a medical alert system right for you? Keep in mind that there are two primary types: monitored, and unmonitored. The monitored systems typically cost around $29.00 per month for the service with no upfront costs while an unmonitored system has an upfront cost of around $270.00 but no monthly costs. This means that the unmonitored systems are essentially paid for after the first year of use while the monitored systems require the monthly fee for as long as you use them.

A major reason to use a monitored system, however, is that you can have access to a monitoring service for less urgent situations. For example, say a suspicious person is at your door. You can use the medical alert system to contact the monitoring service before you answer the door and have them listen while you determine who is there and what they want. With an unmonitored system, you don't have this option.

Either way, if you can afford it, consider the value of a medical alert system in your life today!

*Name is changed for privacy

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What Is A Natural Sports Rub?

What is a sports rub? A sports rub is a lotion, cream, balm or ointment that helps relieve sore muscles and joint pains associated with all types of sports activities. A natural sports rub is one that has absolutely no artificial compounds such as petroleum byproducts, preservatives and countless other chemicals that supposedly help.

Do not use an artificial product because the synthetic compounds can absorb into your bloodstream through your skin. It doesn't make sense to use potentially harmful ingredients to relieve minor pain!

Some natural sports balms contain capsicum for the heat producing qualities and arnica for the relief of soreness and bruises. There are many other natural ingredients that have been known to help relieve pain including camphor, eucalyptus, nutmeg, cedarwood atlas, peppermint and countless other botanical based compounds.

The important thing to remember is to stay natural. The next thing to look for is a product that has more of the best pain relief ingredients in a pure beeswax base with carrier oils and plant butters. The purpose of the sports rub is to be able to absorb deeply into the muscles & joints which is facilitated by the various active ingredients represented by the essential oils.

A good sports rub should be exothermic in nature which means it produces it's own heat and is usually a result of capsicum being mixed with camphor & eucalyptus. It should not burn the skin but create a soothing warmth that radiates around the aching muscle or joint.

Usually a lithographed tin signify a higher level of quality you the consumer should also look at the ingredient label very closely. With the advent of the internet you will be able to determine for yourself if the sports rub is all natural and does nit have active ingredients that will actually help relieve your muscle aches and joint pains.

If there are only two or three ingredients you can rest assured the product is sub standard and should be avoided because you are not going to get your money's worth. On the other hand if there are a lot of ingredients but you can't pronounce them well then you probably are looking at a sports rub that has plenty of artificial compounds. this is especially true with products that you find on the shelves of discount drug store chains.

Avoid these synthetic products at all costs because your long term health may be at risk!

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Water Ionizers - Using Water to Heal and Improve Health and Well Being

For people who are not only interested in proper hydration, but also want to cleanse the body from toxins, water ionizers are effective and excellent machines, these can turn normal tap water into a good cleanser that has antioxidant effects.

Water with a negative charge(ORP) is known to retard the aging process. A high or rising ORP, on the other hand, causes oxidation and therefore aging. Machine-ionized water counteracts this rising ORP and has a rejuvenating effect on a cellular level. For instance, freshly squeezed orange juice has a negative ORP of -250. Although we can only drink comparatively small amounts of orange juice in a day without becoming overburdened by the sugar it contains, we can drink as much ionized water as we wish in a day (although it is generally best not to exceed 8 glasses per day).

Ionized water also contains hydroxyl ions. These are oxygen molecules with an extra electron attached to them, as are such antioxidants vitamins A, C and E. You can see these molecules in the form of thousands of tiny bubbles when you slow down the water flow on the water ionizer. Hydroxyl ions scavenge free oxygen radicals and provide us with extra oxygen and energy. Oxygen carries away acid waste from body tissue. It inhibits cancer cells and protects us against bacteria and viruses invading the body. Oxygen is the body's most essential nutrient. Ionized water also helps balance the body's pH which tends to become acidic when on a diet comprised of processed, refined and preserved foods. Besides meat and highly acid-forming foods, medical drugs and soft drinks contain the most acidifying substances you can consume. Because it is alkaline, ionized water can help dissolve accumulated acid waste and protect the body against acidity-related illness (most diseases are a form of acidosis).

The human body consists mostly of water. Ionized water is fundamentally different from conventional water. In ionized water, the size and shape of the water molecule cluster is smaller, which allows it to pass through intestinal walls, blood capillary walls, and cell walls more easily and remove toxins and acidic waste matter more effectively. This makes ionized water an excellent detoxifier. Water ionizers have several levels of strength. Accordingly, people who have accumulated a lot of toxins in the body may begin by drinking "mild" ionized water (lower alkaline pH) and gradually increase ionization levels as they get used to it. Besides its health benefits, ionized water also improves the taste of foods and beverages. It also ionizes the minerals in the food, which helps make them more biologically available.

One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition which leaves the body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. Ionized water is up to six times more hydrating than conventional water. In other words, by drinking less or the same amount of water but in ionized form, you will actually hydrate your cells much more effectively. (Note: The sipping of hot ionized water is used to remove toxins from the tissues and therefore rarely hydrates cells directly. However, once the toxins are removed, the cells become more efficiently hydrated than before.)

The water ionizers separate alkaline water from acid water. The alkaline water is good for drinking and the acid water is good for external applications. When applied topically, the ionized acid water tightens skin, and helps remove wrinkles, acne and other blemishes. At its strongest level, ionized acid water kills most harmful bacteria on contact. It improves hair and skin conditions of any kind, including removal of fungus, healing of cuts, scrapes, and even serious wounds. It takes the itch out of mosquito bites, and the sting out of other insect bites. You can also use it to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Lastly, ionized acid water promotes substantially healthier plant growth. Tyent USA offers one of the most efficient, precise and user-friendly water ionizers, and I can recommend it to anyone who is interested in using water as a healing method or as an enhancement of health and well being.

(This is an extract from the book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz)

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation and Cancer Is Not a Disease. His most recent book is titled Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time.

Moritz is also the creator of Ener-Chi Art ( ) and Sacred Sant?mony.

Much of his life's work has been dedicated to understanding and treating the root causes of illness, and helping the body, mind, spirit and heart to heal naturally.

Connect with Andreas at:

Copyright ? 2011 by Andreas Moritz

Article Source:

Andreas Moritz - EzineArticles Expert Author

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What Food Will Get Rid of Phlegm?

Phlegm is a thick mucus or gel that blocks your throat and nasal passages usually when there is a viral or bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Your body produces phlegm when there are excessive toxins in your body. The natural reaction is to try to cough it out. However excessive cough can damage the lining of your throat. Some people prescribe honey & lemon drinks, some take bitter herbs or gargling with salt water when you have a sore throat. What about nuts; some people say they are too dry, but they have many beneficial oils. But which remedy is the best to get rid of phlegm and soothe your throat?

First, honey & lemon both have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. (Only buy organic honey as most non-organic honey is processed at high temperatures that kill most of the enzymes in it.) Honey & lemon juice added to boiling water initially soothes the throat then it continues the healing process by killing the virus or bacteria that's causing the mucus.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) says that excessive phlegm is a condition of the lungs, kidneys ans spleen. When your immune system is weak and cold air enters your lungs or your kidneys are cold moisture in your body condenses and thickens to form phlegm. Bitter herbs and food strengthens your lungs, kidneys and spleen so that it can get rid of phlegm. Alfalfa, bitter melon, romaine lettuce, citrus rind, asparagus, fennel and celery are some common vegetables that help loosen phlegm, push it down your throat and through your digestive system to the bowels. Other more potent bitter herbs are chamomile, dandelion leaf or root, fennel, horseradish, chaparral, burdock, echinacea, and yarrow. Fresh leaves can be added to salads. Dried leaves are added to cooking or brewed as a tea. Dandelion root ground up makes a great coffee substitute.

Many nuts are also useful for getting rid of phlegm. Almonds and walnuts are bitter foods that loosen phlegm. They warm the lungs and relieve asthmatic symptoms. Hazelnuts fortify the spleen and gives your body more energy to fight disease. Nuts are best roast on low heat in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes to bring out their oils and flavor. Once you smell the flavor coming from the oven turn it off. (Any longer you will burn them and dry them out.)

Gargling with salt water or eating sea vegetables loosens phlegm that is sticking to the sides of the throat. The salty flavour partially dissolves the phlegm so that it can be eliminated. Sea vegetables are rich in essential minerals like iodine, calcium, magnesium and potassium. The mineral salts in sea vegetables work together to mop up toxins in the body (including phlegm) and take them to the bowels.

Other cleansing foods like onions, garlic, kale, cabbage, apples, avocados,grapefruit and various berries are also great for restoring the nutrient balance of your body then your immune system can function efficiently to get rid of unwanted bacteria.

"If we eat wrongly, No doctor can cure us: if we eat rightly, No doctor is needed."

- Victor G. Rocine, Circa 1930

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Where Pulse Oximeter Began

A pulse oximeter is one of the most common and convenient medical health devices nowadays that anyone could use anywhere, anytime. Thus, it is an effective method of measuring the blood-oxygen saturation and pulse rate.

It is said that the original pulse oximeter was developed since 1935; it is just a two-wavelength ear saturation meter with red and green filters. This device only measures O2 saturation until it later switched to red and infrared filters. In 1949, some scientist added a pressure capsule to squeeze the blood out of the ear thus, this method is not used clinically because it is hard to implement. Therefore, in 1964, it appears an eight wavelength of light which is absolutely used to read ear oximeter. It is used usually in laboratories due to its size and cost.

The pulse oximeter was developed in 1974 using the ratio of red to infrared light absorption of pulsating components, then it is introduce commercialized in 1981. During that time, it focused mainly on the respiratory care and later on used in operating rooms to monitor oxygen levels. The introduction of oximeter allows continuous measure of patient's oxygenation, through this non-invasive measure, practice of anesthesia improve patient safety.

Operating rooms in 1987 use oximeter for their standard care monitoring, this usage of device rapidly spread throughout hospitals from recovery rooms to various intensive care units. Pulse oximeter device also particular in neonatal units since newly child born do not thrive for inadequate oxygenation; thus, they are blinded with too much oxygen.

In 1995, oximeters could measure not only the pulse rate but also patients' motion and low perfusion which are advisable for those who have sleep disorders. During the development of oximeter, there also appear some portable and in home oximeter devices that are useful for those who need to measure their oxygen saturation and determine their pulse rate.

The latest involvement of oximeter is in 2009, when the first Bluetooth-enable fingertip pulse oximeter was introduced. It enables medical practitioners to monitor patient's pulses and oxygen saturation levels even at distance. It also allows patient to monitor their own health through online access for their health records and data.

Because of the simplicity and speed of oximeter, they are usually of critical importance in emergency medicine and are also very useful for patients with respiratory and cardiac problems; some portable pulse oximeter devices employ software that registers a patient's blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate.

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