Friday, May 27, 2011

EFT on Mother's Day - Tapping Before The Brunch Cravings Begin

Just when we thought we were in the clear! Easter is over, the Cadbury Eggs and Peeps are either too hard to enjoy or out of the house completely. You can take a deep breath and thank your lucky stars you won't be faced with the temptation of a deceivingly cute chocolate bunny until next year. (Thank you to whoever made him hollow!)

But around the corner comes Mother's Day, and we must replace the temptation of coconut M&Ms and Robin Eggs (geez, do I know my Easter candy or what!?) with the dreaded brunch buffet with just about everything you forgot you loved so much, with butter to top it off!

Not dreaded so much before-hand. But afterward. After you've gorged yourself with firsts, seconds, and thirds....(plus dessert. Don't tell anyone!)

Here I come to save the day!!

Goodness, how I wish I were a superhero.

Where was I? Oh yes. A tapping routine just for you from my heart with love. As my Mother's Day gift to you...even if you aren't a mommy.

This tapping routine is intended to use before you head out for brunch. If you can, do it a few times, a few days in a row to really get your subconscious mind thinking in the direction you want it to. When you have the cooperation of your subconscious mind, it will be a breeze!

So, starting on the karate chop point:

Even though I'm afraid I'm going to lose control, I choose to remain in control

Even though I just know I'm going to blow it, I choose to make healthy food choices

Even though I always binge at things like this, I choose to make this time different

Tapping through the points:

eyebrow: I'm so afraid I'm going to lose control

side of eye: I just know I'm going to blow it

under eye: I always binge at things like this, why should this time be different?

under nose: I'm afraid I won't be able to say no when all the food looks so good

chin: All that food will look, smell and taste so good!

collar bone: I can't, I won't say "no"!

under arm: What if I lose all control?

top of the head: I'm not that strong. It takes more will power than I have!

eyebrow: I'm still afraid the food will control me

side of eye: but what if this time could be different

under eye: What if smaller portion sizes could be easy?

under nose: What if I could effortlessly serve myself healthy food?

chin: I can handle my own actions

collar bone: I can say no if I choose to

under arm: I am in control of my actions

top of the head: I choose to crave healthy foods today

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EFT and Love: How EFT Can Help You Find Love This Valentine's Day

When you believe you are unworthy of love, it's not surprising your life is full of people who agree with you. However, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can help you dramatically change your experience and, as a result, find a loving partner.

As we grow and develop we also build an internal map of the world and how it works. This is often described as "the writing on our inner walls". We look around and see that other people manage to find good, loving, lasting relationships but sometimes, because of our experiences in the past, we can build an inner map of the world where that is just not possible for us.

The good news is that these inner maps - the psychological term for them is "schemas" - can be rewritten with EFT.

Imagine a scenario where you have everything you want from your closest relationship: love, trust, openness, security, excitement and fun. Imagine that's really possible for you.

If that visualisation immediately brings up objections in your mind - a little voice that starts its sentences with "yes, but... " then EFT can help you turn your relationship experience around. With EFT tapping, we address the past, the present and the future of our relationships - or lack of them - redrawing our inner maps, clearing out old negative beliefs and creating new more positive ones.

First, we address the specific events that led to us constructing old negative beliefs about ourselves and our worthiness of love - the old emotional baggage and clutter. There might seem to be a lot of it, but with the help of a skilled practitioner, tapping on several of these specific events tends, after a while, to generalise to all of them. The reason for this is that as we have similar experiences, neurological connections build in our brains, forming bundles that become more and more dense as we repeat similar experiences. This is one of the ways that human beings learn so quickly. Unfortunately, when the lessons are negative emotional experiences, the neurological connections built from past experiences all pulse together and our relationship patterns seem to become worse and worse over time.

However, when using EFT to release emotional clutter, the bundles become less dense and, after addressing a few of the biggest events, the bundles collapse and the connections are released, leaving the "inner walls" clear, so that we can then use EFT to tap in positive, relationship enhancing beliefs.

In this way EFT can open you up to loving yourself, accepting yourself as you are... and finding yourself surrounded by people who agree with you.

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Easy Ways to Manage Stress

Stress is defined as a response of our bodies to challenges of everyday life. This response can be mental and physical, and can often be triggered by many different factors. There are two types of stress, one that presents opportunity for growth known as Eustress. The other type is negative stress called Distress, which can result in deliberative strain. Negative thought that come with stress, manifest into chemical reactions that bring more stress into the body and lowering the immune system. Most people are not aware that stress can cause the immune system to get weaker by reducing the ability of the natural killer T-cells. The natural killer-T cells get destroyed or reduced by the adrenal hormones who's levels get elevated during a prolonged periods of stress. During the flu season, most visits to the doctor or urgent care are due to flu-like symptoms, which in most cases turn out to be upper respiratory infections. Those who are prone to upper respiratory infections should consider stress as a likely cause of illness.

Since there are so many causes of stress, thankfully there are also ways to reduce, manage, and even eliminate some of the stress out of the day. First step in managing stress is to identify and reduce the sources of it. It is important to take time out and breathe; breathing can alter the psychological state. It is okay to say "no" before overloading yourself with too many commitments, this will also give you better control of your life. Exercising is highly recommended. It increases the secretion of endorphins, which are naturally produced substances that induce the feelings of peacefulness. Make time for one fun activity daily. Do not underestimate the power of a good laugh.

Laughter can make it a lot easier to cope with difficult situations, it is also know to ease pain, so please do the "lol" - laugh out loud. Pets are always a good companion and something as easy as petting your dog can be beneficial for both. It may not seem like it's a big deal, but if you pet your dog for a few minutes your body will release feel-good hormones like Serotonin, Prolactin, and Oxytocin. Orange juice is suggested during flu season for its vitamin C, but it can also boost the immune system due to the fact that vitamin C lowers the levels of stress hormones like Cortisol. However, if the stress levels are to high to handle, and they begin to interfere with your life, professional opinion may be necessary. If it affect your sleep, appetite and begins to cause anxiety, it is okay to ask for help.

Lower the stress levels not just for the psychological and emotional, but also for the physical reasons. It will improve your health and the quality of life. Laugh often, relax, enjoy the small things, and take control of the stress, do not let it control you.

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Does The World End In 2012?

Some days ago I watched a television program on a really reputable channel on this subject. They "proved" for ninety long and painful minutes that planet earth in its current form will be history by the 21st December 2012.

I was so scared! But I just couldn't believe that a reputable TV station really found so many scientists -- who talked about the subject very calmly and seriously -- seemingly with no fear at all! Are they all nuts? Or are they all saints who don't mind meeting their Maker? How can they be so calm when telling the world that they will die soon?

During the next days I caught myself thinking about things like, "How can I prepare my daughter?" She will be eight years old at that time and very excited, because it will be just before Christmas. "Shall I tell her that she is going to die just before Christmas?" That was the thought which made me wake up from this nightmare and I decided that I had to do something about that situation.

First of all I started to use EFT on my fears and thoughts and tapped on:

"Even though it is so unfair that my children will have no chance to live their lives..."
"Even though I am in a state of panic..."
"Even though I'm afraid of what will happen in December 2012..."

After I had calmed myself by tapping out all the aspects of my fears, I remembered the law of attraction. I decided that a catastrophe would only happen on that day if we all do believe that it will happen. So I started tapping on my belief that something bad will happen at that day. Every time I caught myself thinking that something would not take place because it was after that date, I started tapping on all those beliefs and often also fears I found. After a while the year 2013 started to manifest in my thoughts and plans.

Some days later -- I had not thought about the matter anymore -- my husband showed me a video on YouTube from one of the scientists which were shown in the TV program. In that rather short video he explained how the Maya calendar works and that it does not really end but only passes a very special date. It seemed like all of these "so calm" scientists had said something not so frightening in their original context.

This illustrated to me how much panic can blur your vision and how much tapping can clear this blur and thus change your point of view. This amazes me again and again.

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EFT Running Training - Be Your Own Cheerleader

Go to any football match, and you will see that great-sounding cheers from the crowd encourage the players. And if you go to an American football match, you will hear the most inspirational clever ditties from the cheerleaders. Good cheers work. They motivate where motivation is needed, console when consolation is needed, and inspire for excellence. Now imagine having a cheerleader encouraging you all the way when you go for a run. Isn't that just great?

"But I can't even afford a personal trainer" you may think, or maybe you have a personal trainer but you often train on your own. Well, that is no problem at all, because you can be your own cheerleader!

Let me illustrate from my own experience. I am a relatively new runner training for my first half-marathon. I use a combination of techniques to help me with my stamina and speed. One of these is Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT for short. It involves stimulating certain acupressure points whilst repeating a specific releasing phrase. There are two ways of doing EFT whilst running. One is by concentrating on releasing negatives, and the other is by releasing the negative combined with installing the positive. It is the latter that leds itself wonderfully to cheer-leading. The points that I stimulate whilst running are located on one side of the thumb, forefinger, middle finger, and baby finger. I usually rub or tap the thumb point with either the forefinger or middle finger points whilst saying my cheer. For the cheering statement itself, I use whatever comes to me and hone it down to a better form as I rub or tap the points. The rubbing or tapping itself helps to inspire me in forming perfect ditties.

Cheers that I have used include:
"Oh my God, this hill's so steep. But I will not, I will not, I will not break down and weep.""Oh my God, this road's so long, but this is my journey where I belong. And it will, it will, will make me strong.""I can do it, yes I can. I can, I can, I can, I can.""I can do it, like Superman. I'm the one, the one who can."

You can learn EFT from many online resources free of charge, or you can attend an instructional workshop or practitioner session to get you started. EFT is suitable for everyone, unless you have one of the more severe mental conditions such as schizophrenia or psychosis. And although you can tap before your run, I find it even more powerful to tap my cheers during my actual run. You can experiment with it and see how you feel. If EFT is not for you, then try saying positive affirmation cheers to yourself whilst you run. One more tip that I think is important - say the cheers in your head rather than out loud. This way, you can breathe better for your run, and it is more socially acceptable too.

I wish you great progress with your training.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source:

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 8 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 14, 2011

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Benefits Of Using EFT Through Skype

Skype offers a whole new outlet for the therapy world. People can now receive all the benefits of one to one Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapy, and from the comfort of their own home.

Via Skype you can receive EFT whilst sat at your living room table or from your favourite armchair. Clients who have used EFT on Skype have reported no difference from using it in a one to one, face to face therapy session. In fact, some say they prefer the EFT Skype sessions because they feel as if they are even more focused on the issue at hand. Looking at the screen gives them a focal point and keeps their attention.

Once you've signed up Skype is free and easy to use, all you need is a webcam and a microphone headset (though not everyone uses one of these). The Skype connection can break now and again but this is becoming rarer as computers, laptops and webcams become more sophisticated.

Skype allows you to make video calls so you are able to see the person you are talking to. Again, some people prefer to be in their own space rather than in the same room as a therapist. On Skype you can see the therapists face in a live link-up - so there is still the sense of connection.

You can speak to anyone in the world provided (as mentioned previously) they also have a laptop or computer and Skype (and a webcam). So you could be the US and have a session with a therapist in the UK.

On a more practical note, EFT sessions through Skype means no more battling the rush hour traffic to reach an appointment. You won't have to work out the train or bus timetables either. Therapy sessions through Skype takes away such minor details allowing you to focus on your session. So, if you have a busy schedule you can use your Skype therapy session to fit your lifestyle.

Skype is changing the way therapists work because of its user friendliness. More and more therapists are offering their clients therapy sessions via Skype. It means people who would never have contemplated having therapy sessions for one reason or another can link up.

There are so many qualified therapists specialising in a wide range of issues. If you search the internet for your issue you're bound to find an EFT expert who uses Skype. What's more, most therapists offer Skype sessions at a lower cost then normal face to face sessions.

John Blosse offers Confidence Now sessions on Skype and over the phone worldwide and from his practice in Brighton, UK.

John is an advanced level 3 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and runs regular Confidence Now workshops as well as EFT workshops in the Brighton area.

You can visit John's website at

Article Source:

John Blosse - EzineArticles Expert Author

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EFT Tapping - Practical Methods - Four That You Can Utilize

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a simple method for easing emotional pain you may be experiencing. This method has been proven to be clinically effective for the treatment of trauma, panic, abuse, fear, phobia, anxiety, mild cases of depression, and even some addictions. The physical symptoms of emotional stress, like headaches, allergies, pain, breathing problems, and more, can also be addressed with this technique. There are 14 self-administered acupressure points that are used to release you from emotional pain. The results of EFT tapping are usually quickly seen and quite astounding to the one previously in distress.

There are several practical methods that you can use to make EFT tapping work the most for you. One is called Borrowing Benefits. This is a method where you tap along the 14 acupuncture points with someone else. You follow exactly what your leader is saying and where they are tapping to get the greater benefit of working with someone else. Even if your issues are different, you may find that your problems can decrease faster and more significantly when you borrow benefits.

Chasing the Pain is another method that may need to be done because many times EFT tapping will cause the pain to shift to a new location, or several different locations, in your body. Chasing the pain is to follow and tap on the area of pain as it shifts in location. This concept is a manifestation of the fact that physical pain can result from stressful thoughts and feelings.

Another idea is to use the Choices Method. In this EFT tapping variation, you use positive affirmations on top of the tapping to make the process even more helpful. An example is to say to yourself that even though you feel helpless and vulnerable, you can choose to be calm and confident. There are many EFT affirmations that utilize switchwords to make extraordinary changes in your life.

A final EFT tapping practical method is to use Imaginary or Mental Tapping. Without physically touching the acupuncture points, you can imagine in your mind's eye that you are performing every part of EFT tapping. It is fascinating to learn that this method can be just as effective as actually tapping the spots on your body, thus confirming the power of your intentions. This method can be used at night before you fall asleep when you are too tired to raise your arm or in front of others without them even knowing.

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EFT For Procrastination About Tidying Piles Of Paperwork

Do you have paperwork in an ever-expanding pile? Maybe it has over-grown your in-tray or the designated place on your desk. Or perhaps your organisational skills do not include an in-tray or a designated place in the first place! You may even have more than one pile. Some people's piles only part for a path from the door to the desk, fridge, or window. Whatever piles you have waiting to be sorted, here is a simple way to get started.

First of all, designate a day and time to start the task. "When I'll have time" is just too much of an opt-out. Instead, we can schedule a specific day and time, such as "this Friday from 10 till 11". Do not worry if this time is not enough. Remember, we are just getting started. Waiting till you have a whole weekend to deal with it is pretty much like waiting forever. Doing one bit at a time gets the task done without the massive overwhelm or sacrificing big chunks of your time.

Secondly, pick a part of the pile or piles that you can realistically start to work on. For example, you may choose to work on the bit under the desk on the right, or the little pile on the window sill.

Thirdly, write this in your diary. When we write a goal or a mini-goal down, it cements our intention and determination to carry it out. For example in the Friday in your diary, you can write "10-11" and next to it write "clear the pile under the desk."

If you would like to turbo-charge your pile-sorting and do it with even greater ease, you can tap for each step along the way. If you do not EFT-tap as yet, you can download a free guide from many internet resources and get started. If you already do EFT, tapping suggestions include:

"Even though I can't find an hour in which to get started, I deeply love and accept myself."

"Even though I can't decide which part of the pile to start on, I allow inspiration to come to me."

Then all you have to do is follow the instruction in your diary. You can briefly also tap at the start of the task to get you going. For example, you can tap "Even though this is so boring, the sooner I'm done, the sooner it's over. And that's OK."

After completing this mini-goal, schedule the next one in exactly the same way. Step-by-step, you can get there with ease.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source:

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Using Tapping As A Self Help Method

E.F.T. stands for "Emotional Freedom Techniques" which were developed by Gary Craig. This method of tapping was derived from the ancient practice of acupuncture. Basically, it is the tapping of meridian points on the body to restore energy balance which eliminates negative emotions.

Your body, like all else in the Universe, is composed of energy. "The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." This quote by Gary Craig, is the founding principal of meridian tapping. While tapping, focus on the negative event (a fear, problem, anxiety or what ever is bothering you) by reciting and verbalizing the memory. You tap five to seven times each, on nine of the bodies meridian points. The tapping of meridian energy points in concert with focusing on a problem brings the bodies energy back into balance.

The meridian points on the body are the top of the head, inside portion of the eyebrow, between the eye and temple, under the eye, between the nose and mouth, between the mouth and chin, on the point of the collarbone at the base of the throat and on your side below the arm. You can tap these points in any order. Tap each point five to seven times while verbalizing your problem statement then move on to the next point repeating the statement and continue moving on and repeating the statement until you have done so at all nine points. After completing all nine points, you will want to repeat the sequence twice more.

Your problem statement should be a short declaration of the problem followed by an affirmation of complete acceptance of yourself. An example of a person with a stress problem, their problem statement could be similar to this: "Even though I am suffering from stress, I completely and totally accept myself".

With a little bit of practice, you can perform this technique quickly and as many report, get amazing results. Since it is based on the ancient Chinese medicine, the concept of "Chi" and the bodies energy fields, the concept of tapping certainly has merit. Although some consider Tapping as unscientific, it is the power of your mind that can benefit your well-being. Any method that helps you to recognize, face and deal with an issue, puts you on the path to self-improvement.

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EFT For Rude Service In A Restaurant

I had an interesting breakfast experience one morning...

Me: What is the M&B bread here that is listed with the breakfast?

Waitress: It's just bread.

Me: But what makes it special? Does it have anything put on it, for example?

Waitress: No, it is only bread, toasted. There is nothing on it at all. The M&B is just a nice branding, which means Mugg & Bean. The bread is just ordinary toast.

Me: Is there butter or margarine or anything else on it?

Waitress: No, it's just toast.

Me: OK, I'll have one of those breakfasts then please.

The breakfast arrives, including a piece of toast with a fatty substance on it. I do not trust that it is butter rather than margarine, and I was looking forward to toast without butter anyway. So I asked the waitress what is on the toast. This is when the whole breakfast experience changed. She became visibly anxious and it was clear she had no idea whether the fat is butter or margarine. She also got very defensive about the fact that the bread she had told me was plain toast with nothing on it actually arrived with a suspect fatty substance smeared all over it. I explained that in the future, honesty would be more helpful, and I returned the bread. She suggested a plain toast replacement. I said no thank you, I will have my breakfast without bread.

I was really not that fussed about the toast, as there were potatoes, and that was more than plenty. And I fare better on less bread anyway. After finishing the aforementioned breakfast and feeling replete, there was a surprise for me. The waitress turned up with a plain piece of toast. She was so keen to allay whatever anxious thoughts she had that there was no consideration for either requests I had made:
The promised breakfast as initially described.When it turned out that this was not the case, my request for no bread.

Waitress: But I just want to please you.

Me: Please, do yourself a favour and don't try to ?please? the customer. This is what you want for yourself. Just serve the customer according to what they order.

Waitress: I can get you butter and jam with that, please let me.

Me: Please listen to what the customer says. I am not interested. I just want service.

The waitress now started shaking and crying, clearly distressed by having to do her job. It could have escalated from there. Only my companion, who had received equally unpleasant service, said "Tap, Suzanne, tap, let it go, tap". I tapped furiously, as I was telling the waitress she had just lost her tip, and then I totally went calm. We gave her a tip anyway and just knew not to visit that particular branch of Mugg & Bean again. Other branches seem just fine and provide a pleasant experience, especially for business meetings, my main use of this fine eaterie. Thanks to tapping, the waitress got a tip anyway (although not a generous one), I stopped trying to be heard (no point when others do not listen), and just let it go.

If you are an EFT tapper and want to know more, I was tapping on my collarbone and rubbed the Side of Eye, which I could get away with in a public place. If you are new to all this tapping stuff and are prone to flying off the handle in testing situations, you can download a free manual from many online resources and learn the basics for yourself.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source:

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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EFT Tapping? You Cannot Be Serious, It's the Most Ridiculous Thing I Have Ever Seen!

In Western medicine we tend to focus on the disease rather than the person. Pain in the back will be treated as a physical problem and treated with painkillers or physiotherapy. In holistic health and wellbeing however, the focus is on the whole person. We are all comprised of three parts - Mind, Body and Spirit or Soul. These three are one unit and holistic health focuses on addressing all three by bringing people to a state of wholeness in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Holistic therapy will consider whether emotional issues have played a part in causing pain which is manifesting itself as back pain.

Maybe you think this all sounds a bit touchy-feely, but I'm sure you've seen for yourself how your emotions can have a physical impact on your body - butterflies in your stomach before an important meeting; your mouth going dry; that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Most times however it is more subtle, and you may not even be aware of the impact. Damage can be long lasting and childhood traumas can surface as physical pain and disease in adulthood. These can be treated with painkillers and other medicines, but unless the underlying emotional cause is addressed they will continue to cause problems. Your mind tries to protect you by burying the problem, but it won't go away until it has been addressed. Tackling it is best done by bypassing the watching, protective, conscious mind and getting to the underlying issue. EFT tapping is a powerful techniques for addressing these deep seated emotional issues. The amazing thing is, it often delivers results where everything else has failed.

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique is a unique therapy and, until you have experienced the benefits for yourself, it is very easy to be sceptical about how effective it can be. During a session, various points on the body are tapped. These points are on the body's energy lines and the tapping clears blockages, freeing trapped energy and restoring balance. EFT has been described as being like acupuncture but without the needles. During a round of tapping the client focuses on the problem. Unlike other 'talk' therapies like Cognitive Behavioural therapy it doesn't require any analysis or discussion of an issue, rather it works directly on the blockage. So instead of focussing on the trauma the client will focus on the pain. That can make it a less traumatic experience. Releasing the energy will address the root cause and address the pain. However, EFT should be handled with care since blocked emotions can release powerful feelings.

I have used EFT for various physical ailments including a bee sting and muscular pain and am always surprised by how quick and effective it is. EFT will deliver results very quickly. EFT will help you deal with emotional blocks, phobias releasing physical pain. One session, lasting no more than 30 minutes can have immediate and long lasting effects.

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Conversions And Namasmaran

While the instincts of not merely survival, but racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are natural and understandable; they are undoubtedly the obstacles in individual and global blossoming. The rabid propaganda and the indiscriminate violence for one's racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are counterproductive and self defeating.

But this statement is not new. It is written and spoken by almost every alternate person.

But the question is how to evolve ourselves out of our basal instincts and free ourselves from the shackles of barbarism?

We have to realize that our devotion and dedication to our religions is marred by our basal, barbaric, fanatic and frantic efforts to convert others to our religions. In fact by imposing certain way of life and code of conduct on others, we are insulting the spirit of our religions and the motto of global welfare of our religions.

We have to admit and confess to ourselves that conversions per se; whether by force, deceit or temptation are nothing but promotion and/or imposition of our pettiness, superficiality, whims, fancies, names and titles.

Furthermore; the conversion (whether by force, temptations or deceit) to certain names, titles, certain dress, certain arbitrary rules and regulations; is the greatest insult to an individual and greatest violence against his/her freedom.

Let us therefore; as world citizens abstain from conversions and oppose them; morally, legally and in possible way at individual and global levels.

Let us wake up from our slumber and revitalize ourselves from the inertia and lethargy to realize that we are blessed to rededicate to the true spirit of our religions and participate (and hence right from now; must participate) in the real and most urgent expedition of conquering our basal nature.

But this is merely a beginning.

The success in rededicating to the motto and spirit of our religions and conquering our basal nature ensues when we begin NAMASMARAN, as per our beliefs and traditions. It is the simplest and universal way to individual and global blossoming.

Practicing, preaching, writing, publishing, broadcasting, sponsoring, talking, sharing; in fact; doing whatever we can to promote NAMASMARAN (and other activities and programs in respective fields conducive to NAMASMARAN and self realization) ensures and ensues individual and global blossoming the motto and spirit of all religions.

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EFT Heals Accident Trauma

Car accidents, as well as any kind of threat to our safety, create after-shocks that are symptoms of PTSD. One reason for this is that the accident is stored in our memory in a specific way. It is stored in "episodic memory." That means that, when the accident happens, our survival instinct from way back in history kicks in and we unconsciously notice all kinds of things that our nervous system believes will be important to us to survive such an event in the future.

PTSD in the Making: the Accident

Here's how it goes, for example: We're driving along a mountain road. Suddenly, there's a patch of ice and the car starts sliding into the lane for oncoming traffic. We feel the slide, and start to tense our stomach. Then we see a car coming toward us. Our neck starts to tense. The two cars crash into each other. We hear the sound of screeching tires accompanied by the scorched smell of burning rubber and the crunch of metal. Our hands clench on the wheel, and our whole arms start to clench. Our chest hits the steering wheel.

How an Accident Creates PTSD

Episodic (meaning "one time") memory stores, all at once, in a unit, the feel of sliding and accompanying tensing of the stomach; the sight of the car coming toward us and tensing of the neck; the sound of screeching tires, burning rubber smell and crunching-metal sound along with clenched hands and arms. Adrenaline spurts through the nervous system. Depending on how severe we perceivethe threat to us, we may also go into a trauma reaction of overwhelm, where another chemical, more like an opiate, is released, and blankets over the adrenaline so that we're spacy, numb, sleepy, or feel separated out from ourselves. This is PTSD trauma.

PTSD Stays in Our Bodies

Now, forever after, unless we find a way to release it, all of the above stays in our bodies and our nervous system. Whenever something happens that has any of the elements above, we automatically go into the same tension and adrenaline and/or opiate reaction that we went into during the original accident. For example, we may flinch and startle when we're driving on an empty road and suddenly see a car in the other lane; the smell of burning rubber can bring on an adrenaline rush; tires screeching-even when we're not in a car-may automatically create a tensing of muscles. This is all automatic and immediate. And it may delay the healing of physical injuries as well as emotional pain resulting from the accident.


I've worked with a number of clients who experience PTSD after car accidents, or other high speed accidents. I use EFT Tapping, which helps the trauma move through and calms the nervous system, alleviating PTSD symptoms.

Zoe Zimmermann, MA, LPC is a Certified EFT Practitioner and long-time licensed psychotherapist. She uses EFT Tapping as her modality for fast breakthroughs with core issues and specializes in clients who suffer with PTSD from accidents, surgeries, abuse, dysfunctional family dynamics, other traumas and physical pain.

EFT is an exceptionally effective energy psychology and alternative therapy, where EFT Tapping on acupuncture meridian pressure points is used to take emotional charge out of traumatic and painful memories and experiences, often alleviating pain.

Zoe conducts in-person, phone or Skype sessions. Schedule a session now by calling 303-444-1195 or visit Zoe Zimmermann's website.

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Zoe Zimmermann - EzineArticles Expert Author

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A Great Acupressure Method That Releases Phobias

EFT is a great way to release a phobia gently and effectively. Short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT involves the stimulation of easy-to-reach acupressure points whilst repeating a releasing phrase. EFT can be self-applied, or you can ask a practitioner to apply it for you. It is best performed in the waking state, where you are fully awake, and you remain conscious at all times. Like any other healing modality, EFT sometimes results in a gentle release, such as tears, but this soon goes away, and you are left with feelings of peace and calm.

Let me illustrate with the case of "Melinda", who has graciously agreed for me to write about her case. Melinda had one session, lasting just one hour, where we dealt with her fear of dentists. She was not only afraid of dentists, but she was also afraid of needles. However, she had a trip scheduled to go to the dentist for some extensive dental work which also involved the use of needles. These fears were at a 10 on a scale of 10-0 at the beginning of the session.

I tapped (did the EFT acupressure) on myself as Melinda mirrored my tapping, and we used many phrases, including "Even though I have this fear of needles, I deeply love and accept myself". We worked on incidents such as the last time Melinda visited the dentist, moving all the way forward to this forthcoming dentist visit. In less than an hour, the fear of both dentists and needles was a zero or thereabouts. Just in case we had unwittingly left any aspects untreated, I gave Melinda a simple EFT tapping homework to use, should the need arise.

I next saw Melinda with her mother, who reported being amazed that Melinda had actually been saying to everyone how much she looked forward to seeing the dentist! The dental work is making good progress, and Melinda is well on her way to a perfect smile - inside and out.

EFT for phobia release worked beautifully and very quickly for Melinda. If you are interested in what EFT can do for you, you can download a free EFT guide from many online resources and learn the basics for yourself. Or you can dive right in and work with an EFT practitioner or attend a workshop near you. And soon, you can find that the phobia has become a thing of the past.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

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Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 21 time(s).
Article Submitted On: April 14, 2011

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Contagious Results From Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is instrumental in making life look more bright and positive, but it also helps in your daily life with better health, happiness, better relationships, and a satisfied outlook on life. Better life is not brought about by a few minutes of positive thoughts. The desire to be truly happy with life has to come from within. You need to make a commitment to yourself to change the way you think from within and then you can positively affect yourself, as well as those around you.

Effective positive thinking does not come from simply repeating some words to yourself every once in a while for a few minutes. If you are prone to such behavior, you will notice that shortly after, the doubts, uncertainty, and a more negative outlook quickly returns. You need to fully commit yourself to thinking positive all the time. Before starting anything visualize the positive outcome in your mind. Clearly identify what you want to see happen, you will be amazed at the results. Use only positive thinking, use words such as 'can', 'will', 'possible', 'able'. Allow this positivity to saturate your mind and allow yourself only to think successful and positive thoughts.

You will also notice that positive outcomes are contagious and spread out over your environment. People will be impressed at your positive outlook and disposition. It can give you a huge boost to your relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. You'll be surprised at how quickly you will gain the reputation of a positive aspiring person. In your conversations, use words that evoke happiness and success. Not only will you be reaffirming it to yourself, it will definitely come across to those around you.

In turn, surround yourself with positive people. Try to minimize the time you spend around people who are constantly complaining or thinking negatively. Instead, try to help them find think positively and bring about a positive outlook on life. Try to curtail any complaining and negativity that spews out, instead, turn the conversation around into how the situation can be remedied and what could be a good plan of action that can bring about a positive and successful outcome.

In conclusion, think positively and you will be surprised at how quickly your life can be changed around. Even if the circumstances surrounding your life now aren't all favourable to you, the mental strength and positivity that you are working towards will be a big step to changing your life to what you desire.

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EFT Tapping: The Funny Thing That Works

What is EFT?

The Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT - uses tapping certain points to free our emotional blockages. Perhaps, there is no better time to understand the relationship between emotional problems and health, than now. But, the wonderful thing about EFT is that it demonstrates a technique by which we can get rid of these emotional problems by tapping.

The ancient Chinese Acupuncture system uses a certain Meridian Energy System in its healing process of different ailments. EFT tapping utilizes that very same system to help remove emotional energy blocks.

Does EFT Tapping Work?

Yes, it works. Thousands of people around the world are practicing and benefiting from this wonderful technique. Some of the present applications of this include psychotherapy, treating obsessions and phobias, weight-loss, handling stress and anger, insomnia, quitting smoking and facilitating for success in any field.

The Science of EFT

Modern Psychology confirms that phobias are strong psychological traumas undergone by individuals in recent or obscured past, same as obsessions. There seems to be no logical explanation to these compelling human behaviors, but it is certain that these are the result of strong traumatic experiences of the victims. Modern science does not have a way to release this traumas but it concurs to the cause.

Hypnotism to some extent demonstrated a technique of suggestion to release these blockages through the help of the sub-conscious mind. We as common people rarely consider abstract phenomena as something true or trust worthy, so such things always lack the patronage of the rich or the masses.

With the advent of electronics, demonstration of such abstract things became possible to the masses, so we are slowly starting to wake up to this new reality of biological energy fields, Kirlian Photography and Alpha brain waves.

The Tapping Technique

Acupuncture uses needle punctures in the energy points on the energy meridians to achieve positive result where as EFT uses mild but purposeful tapping on those points for the same results. The focus of EFT is mainly on the release of blocked negative emotional energy into the main energy meridian stream or into the cosmos. This tapping is associated with certain amount of understanding and resolution. To keep the intention in a fluid state a script is used.

The Tapping Script

This script resembles most hypnotic suggestions. Though these scripts are highly customized as per the nature of the malady, it has three basic parts. The first part pronounces acceptance of the present problem as a part of the self, the second part pronounces that this belief is self-limiting and is the cause of suffering and the third part of the script calls for a strong action to release this emotional problem or belief. The pronouncing of the script and the tapping go hand in hand to get the best results.

EFT Training and Certification

The best thing about EFT tapping is that any average individual can learn it. One can even master the intricate things of EFT tapping with some practice. One can self heal or one can heal others. There are many institutes who give training and certification for this.


EFT tapping is a relatively new technique and is in its infancy. It will take much time and effort for the necessary refinement it needs to become an all-round art to prove efficacious in any situation. It is heartening to see the popularity is has gained in a very short time, but the same popularity may be counter productive for the intrinsic development of this science. Sometimes, out of enthusiasm people include their own fancies into a proven system and corrupt the very thing they love. Hopefully, like all other great systems EFT will stand the test of time and come out a winner.

Himanshu Sekhar Satapathy belongs to an Ayurvedic gharana in Orissa, India. He learned the intricacies of Ayurvedic medicine from both his maternal and paternal grand parents. During his service tenure of 20 years in Electrical branch of Indian Air Force, he learned Homeopathy, Pranic Healing and EFT. He is a trainer for the basic level of Pranic Healing. He has treated many people by classical Homeopathy and Pranic Healing. Presently he stays at Bangalore and Bhubaneswar; treats people, blogs and writes.

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Himanshu Sekhar Satapathy - EzineArticles Expert Author

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A Review Of The Tapping World Summit Presentation On Work Productivity And Procrastination

Pamela Bruner's presentation is about productivity and how to overcome procrastination and putting tasks off at your work. Pamela is already a successful businesswoman and already was so when EFT came into her world. Once I heard that at the start of this presentation, my ears perked up. This is obviously someone that knows how to succeed and can genuinely advise us on how to succeed at work.

Causes of wasting time and procrastination in the workplace were discussed. In order to find the cause, Pamela suggests that we ask ourselves what is the downside of doing the task. For example, if you go ahead and make more money, then you may be more successful than your family. Or if you do not know who you will be if you move up to a higher position in work. And a very common worry about finishing projects is fear of criticism, and Pamela gives examples such as fear of finishing your website worrying what people may think.

Another cause of procrastination and lowering of productivity discussed was the need to feel busy. She explained how keeping busy is not necessarily being productive; in other words, that people can be needy of being busy. Pamela also explained that when we are doing a task and allow ourselves to get distracted, it takes 18 minutes to get back into the task. I did not know that before, and it certainly explains a lot. Pamela also discusses the need to do more social media surfing than is needed, emotional eating, compulsive checking of emails, and other unproductive activities that keep people from being more productive at work. Pamela usefully explains how to reduce overwhelm by making a list of tasks and prioritizing them, so that the important ones to your productivity get done.

All the above issues are tappable, of course.

In terms of style of EFT delivery, the interviewer, the lovely Jessica Ortner, asked a very useful question. She asked about Pamela's use of Setup statements that did not stick to the traditional "Even though I have this problem, I deeply love and accept myself" format. Together, they explained to the listener that it was perfectly OK to deviate from the traditional Setup statement. I like that, as sometimes I am doing EFT with clients and they panic when I use anything other than the strictest Setup statement format. This explanation is very helpful to anyone who would go on to use the services of an experienced and skilled EFT practitioner and saves a great deal of worry thinking they have to do it strictly by the book. Jessica also asks about the use of positive phrases in the statements that Pamela uses. Pamela explains that she uses positive statements when the charge has already released somewhat from the situation. She also explains using positives in order to bring forth aspects for healing. This is very important to note, as in my experience, positive statements can be a much gentler way to bring stuff up for release than making a load of negative statements.

And my favorite style discussion in this presentation is this. Pamela explained about how she does EFT on action rather than just tapping on emotions. In other words, considering the action you need to take next and tapping on the blocks in your path to that specific action. This is also great for new tappers who need to tap for moving forward, and it goes for any goal, not just business-related ones. Pamela also recommended speaking our business worries as we tap rather than using a traditional tapping procedure. I like that too.

All in all, this presentation gives great tips on how to be more productive at work and gives an insight to EFT newcomers on how we can tap in alternative ways. It is probably the most succinct and information-packed presentation of this year's Summit.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source:

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Do Dreams Come True?

We always ask ourselves do 'dreams come true'. Maybe not always, but we believe that our dreams are trying to tell us something. Are these our troubled thoughts or worries that we and cannot let go of at the end of the day? In our sleep, these thoughts still pop into our heads to try and tell us something "What do my dreams mean?".

The world of dreams are where rules of realty do not apply. Knowing the meaning of dreams can give you a better insight to your real feelings and understanding. How many times have you heard someone say I have to sleep on it? They aren't trying to buy time but dream about how they feel about the current problem or course of action.

Often people feel that there is meaning to their dreams and can find some comfort in there meaning. There are many books and blogs on dream explanation that help individuals determine what their dreams mean and how it affects their outlook in life.

Artists and writers are more interested in the inspirational dreaming. While spiritual and tribal people will have a different meaning of a dream often thought to be a message from god.

Spiritual and tribal people are often aware of a different meaning of a dream, the dream as a message. The message may be from an ancestor, a spirit or god, or even from own soul or unconscious.

Dreams were also considered prophetic or omens of particular significance by each individual interrupter.

The unconscious mind has access to all of your fears, desires, and inhibitions, and in your dream they show you pictures, sounds, feelings and even scents. It is believed that dreams give us important information about ourselves and those around us.

Is your dream is telling you something? Think about it! Is your life out of control and at night you have a dream that can leave you a sense of failure in the morning. While some dreams seem to be negative, are they really? What is the message? Can it really be the dream that you had last night means you simply have to change your life. While some dreams leave you with a sense of well being and give you a happy glow in the morning. So what do your dreams mean?

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A Simple 4 Step Process for Manifesting What You Want With EFT

How would you like to have a system that you could do for just 15 minutes a day that would guarantee rapid results in your life? If that sounds like something you would like, read on... My work as a change expert is based around this simple concept:


Your thoughts create feelings. Your feelings dictate your actions. Your actions determine your results. In order to achieve the results you want you must be able to put your thoughts on the results that you want to attain. If you were to just do this step alone you would achieve your goals much faster than most. But what we are going to discuss is the habits of super successful people. We are interested in super fast results, right? Sometimes people may try to focus on their desire and visualize but they are unaware of the importance of one critical factor. Can you guess what that factor is? It's your FEELINGS. If you think about your desire and your thoughts immediately turn to all of the excuses why you can't achieve your desire, how do you think that will make you feel? What kind of feeling would that produce in your body? That feeling is your signal and it means...

You are not focused on your desire!!

That's right, those negative feelings are your signal that your thoughts have strayed from what you want and you are instead focusing on what you do not want or why you can not attain your goal. Usually these are related to negative self-esteem issues such as "I'm not good enough", or some other variation.

The key here is that when you put your thoughts on your desires those thoughts must produce a positive feeling. This is how we achieve anything in life. We are emotional creatures. All of our actions are guided by our feelings. The good news is you are now learning how to steer your own ship!

Remember, you can attract anything you want in life, as long as you can imagine it and feel good about it. Once you do this your subconscious will take over and your actions will automatically guide you. It will seem at times "effortless" or you will feel "in the flow". This is what high class athletes or super achievers all talk about.

A lot of people like to talk about this as being supernatural, mystical, magical, or "New Age". Call it what you want but don't fall into the hype. Although I prefer to see life as a blessing and a miracle...this is real and it's how you were designed to work.

So now that we understand this concept, here is a simple 4 step process for manifesting faster:

Step 1. Focus on your desire.

Step 2. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling. The goal here is to feel good about your desire. If you feel any negative feelings go to step 2a.

Step 2a. Using the FasterEFT technique, focus on the images, sensations, feelings of the thought that is producing the negative feelings and tap repeatedly on all five meridian points while affirming that you are "releasing and letting go". In between rounds pause to take a deep breath and say "peace". Repeat this process until you can focus on your desire without the negative thought interfering.

Step 3. Once you are able to focus on your desire for a few minutes while feeling good write down any inspirational thoughts, ideas, or action steps that you can take. If you are truly focusing on your desire and feeling good you will automatically begin picking up ideas from the ether. Write down everything!

Step 4. Choose 3 action steps you can do that day based on what you wrote down while focused on your desire.

That's it!

Now this sounds like a simple process and it is but it's not always easy (take it from me). In my experience I get the most benefits from this technique when I perform it consistently. Do this exercise for 30 days and see what happens. You may want to set up some accountability such as calling a friend every day after you complete it and if you don't call them you owe that person $50...get the idea?

By far the most important part of this process is tapping out your negative beliefs and subconscious blocks (Step 2a.). This is where a coach can come in very handy. Having someone walking you through the tapping process can be extremely beneficial because they can see things from a neutral point of view. An experienced FasterEFT Practitioner will know how to help you "aim" at the problem and tap it away.

If you are at a point in your life where you just want to make some changes, this process will help you do it FAST.

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A Review Of The Tapping World Summit Presentation On Redefining and Recreating Work Relationships

Kate Beeders' presentation is about your relationship with your work colleagues and associates. Kate worked for over two decades in the corporate world. Her entry into the EFT world was about just such a challenge. Her then boss had delivered bad news for her, and there would have been a very bleak outcome for Kate had she not chanced upon a practitioner who did EFT with her for the situation. The next day, she calmly renegotiated her contract with her boss and went on to renewed success.

Kate points out the most common complaint of workers about their boss is not being appreciated. Kate recommends tapping before a discussion with your boss. Tapping before a meeting with the boss at work, and in my experience, certainly before any kind of potential conflict situation, is very useful. It can release the emotional blocks that stop us from seeing the situation just as it is rather than loaded with our past baggage.

Kate recommends that we rate the present situation with the boss first, and then go to the underlying issue, maybe one with a parent or teacher. She uses a beautiful Setup ending with "I want to find a way to love and accept myself" instead of "I deeply love and accept myself". This is great in cases when one is feeling less confident and comfortable in their own skin than usual. Kate also makes a suggestion for when you do self-EFT. She suggests that you talk to a mirror and ask yourself what it is about the situation that upsets you, and then tap on whatever comes up.

Kate is a fan of what I call vent-and-tap (or swear-and-tap). She recommends it for those who have a really difficult boss. So basically, you tap on your usual points and vent at that person as if they are in front of you and you could say what you really want to say. This gets a lot of the pent-up feelings out of the way. Kate also recommends that you tap whilst pretending to be your boss and explaining your point of view. I find that this can help you get the bigger picture and feel calmer about the situation.

As well as bosses, Kate makes recommendations for tapping about co-workers. When we tap about issues with co-workers, it removes the emotional blocks that stop us communicating effectively with co-workers and getting more of what we want out of the situation. She gives the example of a woman whose co-worker always left early, leaving her with all the work to finish. As a result of tapping on the situation, this lady was able to communicate her needs calmly and effectively to her colleague, and her colleague stopped leaving early all the time.

A very important lesson from this presentation is that when we change in ourselves, others around us change the way they treat us. In other words, we can change our work environment by changing ourselves. EFT is a great way to move forward with work or any other issue. If you are new to EFT, you can download a free guide from many online resources. Or you can dive right in and work with an experienced practitioner or attend a local workshop.

? Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is. And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!

Article Source:

Suzanne Zacharia - EzineArticles Expert Author

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