Sunday, May 22, 2011

10 Of The Best Cancer Fighting Fruits and Vegetables

The Bad News
I cannot remember a time when cancer has been such a horrible threat in our American society. I recently watched a video about the rate of cancer in America as compared to other countries around the world and I was shocked into stunned silence. I was sickened in my spirit when I learned the horrific truth and I had to ask... why? Of course the answer only God knows and someday all of that will be revealed. For whatever reason, call it greed or ignorance, we Americans are really suffering with this horrible blight! When I go to church and prayer requests are spoken out loud - a shudder of fear runs through my body when I hear the word - cancer, why? These things should not be!

The Good News
The good news is that we have at our disposal the knowledge we need to make things right in our own bodies. We just need to put that knowledge into action.

The Challenge
How much broccoli can you eat? What about cauliflower or spinach? I love all of these yummy vegetables especially broccoli. They are so good; but more than taste good they are good for our bodies. These are just a few of the many "super-foods" available to us that do a wonderful thing - - they fight free radical cells in our bodies, the cells which cause cancer! The challenge comes in getting enough of these cancer fighting fruits and vegetables into our diet.

Here is a list of cancer fighting foods

Broccoli (part of the cruciferous vegetables family)Cauliflower (part of the cruciferous vegetables family)SpinachBeetsRed Beet RootAcerola BerryTomato, (rich in the antioxidant Lycopene)Barley GrassWheat GrassCarrots

Amazingly enough the American diet has become so disease ridden that it is no wonder why we are suffering from so many ailments. Step back in time about 50 years ago and the picture tells a different and far more healthy story of the American diet; step back another 50 years and you will begin to see just how far we have gotten off track from eating just plain old good wholesome food!

Although, for most people it is quite difficult these days to afford to eat a pristine and healthy diet, it is wise to avoid processed foods when ever possible. It has been said the best place to shop in the grocery store is along the edges where you can then avoid many of the processed foods. Below is a short list of foods to avoid, especially if you have a history of cancer in your family tree.

Cancer Causing Foods

sodahigh fructose corn syrup sugarsucroseenriched bleached flourwhite rice white pastasartificial colorsartificial flavorspreservativessodium nitrite and nitrates (found in hot dogs, bacon and most lunch meats)hydrogenated oils monosodium glutamate

Growing Your Own

While it is not always affordable to buy organic produce, growing your own garden can be a doable alternative. You can grow a small garden which may include one or two tomato plants, a squash, green beans and/or peppers in a small 3 foot by 6 foot garden box. You can even grow these plants in individual pots on a small patio.

Wheat grass (and probably barley grass) can be easily grown by placing whole wheat berries in a shallow tray with soil. Keep moist and in a moderate to warm atmosphere. The fresh sprouts will come up like grass and once the grass gets to be about 8 to 10 inches take scissors and cut the grass. You then put it into a juicer to get the nutrient-rich, life-giving nectar. You can Google wheat grass juice and I'm sure find out more about how to do this.

The point here is to grow as much of your own produce as possible. If you have more room to grow, share your space with your neighbors who will be very grateful for your kindness. You can also rely on their help to keep up with the weeding and other garden care. I know of one man who grows a large garden for relaxation and then shares his abundance with his neighbors, what a blessing! I only wish he were my neighbor!

For a link to the you tube video mentioned above click on the link to my website (below).

I've been a bookkeeper for 17 years because I had to. Now, my kids are grown and I'm learning to do the things I like plus I'm making an income working from home. It's my best job ever! I'm a people person, I like to see them smile and succeed. Cynthia Sadler is a small business owner, entrepreneur, conservative Christian, family oriented individual. She has been writing on various subject for the past 18 years.

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Article Source:

Cynthia Sadler - EzineArticles Expert Author

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