Tuesday, May 31, 2011

EFT Tapping: What You Are Expecting Is What You Are Manifesting

Way too often, we focus our attention on what could go wrong, what's not right, what doesn't change. It's so unfortunate that we've been conditioned this way, because while we feel like it's safe to expect the worst, we really attract that into our lives just by focusing on it.

What are you expecting in your near or distant future?

What do you expect in relationship to your body?

This is a question I want you to think about honestly, without adding positive but insincere fluff. Listen to your inner chatter about the results you've had physically. Or are you complaining to yourself that you haven't had the results that you want? All this noise is sucking up your energy and taking your focus on the possibility of success.

It's important for you to realize that what you focus on is what you are attracting into your life. What you expect, you will receive. So if you are expecting nothing to ever change, it won't. If your expectation is that it's too hard to wake up early enough to work out or it's impossible to eat right, then you have already taken away any possibility for it to happen.

Can you start to change your thoughts from expecting failure to expecting success?

Changing your thoughts may seem difficult at first. If it is, it's only because you've been conditioned for a lifetime to think another way. Just like it took you a long time to make the old way of thinking habitual, so will it take a little practice to reverse your thoughts.

Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if all of your energy was directed to positive expectation? What could happen physically if you expected your future body to be more energetic, healthier, and more fit? The answer is that your mind would start searching and finding that as a result.

Here's a tapping routine to start to break up negative expectations and bring in more energy for the possibilities:

Karate chop point: Even though I've always expected nothing to change, I choose to look at things differently now

Even though I have so much proof that I've always been stuck, I choose to expect something different for my future

Even though I feel the need to focus on what's not working in my life, I now choose a better way

Eyebrow: Nothing ever changes for me. Why would now be any different?

Side of eye: It doesn't feel natural or right for me to expect success

under the eye: What if I have positive expectations and nothing changes?

under nose: I don't want to pretend that things are better than they are.

chin: It feels better to focus on what's not working

collar bone: It's not smart to ignore what's not working with my body

Now for the positive round:

Eyebrow: What if my future could be different? Just by changing my focus?

Side of eye: I can try expecting success and see what happens.

under the eye: I'm willing to expect a positive change

under nose: I realize that my thoughts and expectations are shaping my future reality

chin: I'm reaching for a higher thought vibration of positive results in my life

collar bone: I can create more energy in my life when I look at what IS working with my body.

Make this week's practice to focus on what is working and what IS possible. When that little voice starts to criticize, or convince you that nothing is going to change; that you will always look a certain way or that you'll never be strong enough, start to tap on those beliefs and thought patterns. And as always, PLEASE let me know what's working for you!

Much love!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lainna_R_Dobosz

Lainna R Dobosz - EzineArticles Expert Author

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