Monday, May 30, 2011

Food Consumption While Your Baby Has Diarrhea

There are many causes of infant diarrhea. The most common is known as a stomach bug which is usually caused by a virus. This seems to pass by quickly with little or no concern at all, just extra diaper duty for mum and dad. However, parents have to be vigilant, during this time so as not to worsen the condition. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and other complications. So many parents wonder what to feed their baby when he or she has infant diarrhea.

Believe it or not there are some foods that can actually help stop the diarrhea. The important thing to remember is to feed the infant complex carbohydrates. These types of food is easily digested and does not irritate the intestinal tract. The other important thing to remember is to feed the baby small meals, but more often. Here are just some foods to stop diarrhea: rice cereal, dry toast, mashed potatoes and pasta. Your baby can also be fed apple sauce, oatmeal, strained bananas and yogurt with live cultures. The live cultures in the yogurt do not allow any bacteria to adhere to the intestinal tract so it is then eliminated in the feces. Ensure that the baby remains hydrated as well. Infant electrolytes are available at your local grocery store or pharmacy for purchase. They come in a variety of flavors as well. If your little bundle is picky, they also have an electrolyte that can be frozen, and given as a Popsicle.

Another cause of infant diarrhea is teething. Some experts believe that teething does cause diarrhea while other believe that there is no correlation. Just as there are some foods to stop diarrhea, there are some foods that can worsen the condition. Avoid giving your baby apple, pear or cherry juice. Avoid peaches, pears, prunes and apricots. No milk products should be consumed by the infant either. If you are nursing however, continue to do so. But mothers be warned avoid any caffeinated products. These products are passed to the infant through the breast milk and are known to irritate the digestive system. The unusual thing is that apple sauce stops diarrhea as it has a product called pectin in it. Pectin is something that makes stool firmer. On the other hand apple juice has a sugar called sorbitol. This sugar makes diarrhea worse and will irritate the baby's digestive tract. If you find that your baby's condition is not improving be sure to consult a pediatrician immediately.

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