Monday, May 30, 2011

Colic Remedies - 3 Effective Home Treatments for Infant Colic!

A colicky baby is a normal occurrence. The majority of the newborn babies tend to suffer from colic. New parents need to understand that their baby could be crying for a number of reasons without having assumptions that the baby is abnormal or having a disorder. They also need to understand that most often than not it is because the baby is suffering from colic.

Colic generally starts within 2-3 weeks of the birth of the baby, and it may continue until about the baby is 2-4 months of age. The latest could be 8 months, as it is for some babies. There is no medicine to treat this disease, but there are some home remedies for it.

Handling a baby with colic pains can be very difficult for new parents. They tend to get worried as to why the baby keeps crying continuously. Due to the continuous crying which sometimes can go on for about 3-5 hours, the baby ends up with red cheeks. Initially the parents need to find out the real cause of the baby's crying. If the reason is colic, some of the home remedies stated below can help:

- One of the common reasons that can trigger colic could be the type of food that the mother consumes. If the mother eats any type of gassy foods or any type of food that could cause an allergy reaction, this gets transmitted to the baby through breast milk. Thus the mother needs to take care on the food she eats. This is one of the simplest colic remedies.

- Try to get the baby to relax. This can be done by playing some soft music, or rocking the baby, or even carrying it. A pacifier is also a good resort.

- A small and gentle massage using very light hand movements in a circular action also gives relief to the pain in the baby's stomach. This massage will also help the baby to have a motion which also gives some relief to pain. Try to learn this technique from some good books or even a website.

The best and the simplest of these colic remedies is the care and warmth from the mother herself. You should always remember to burp the baby in between meals and also after meals. This can be done by holding the baby upright for some time and giving it a gently pat on the back so that the air in the tummy gets released.

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