Sunday, May 29, 2011

Simple Home Remedies To Cure Feminine Itch

Most of the time, it is men who are most affected by itchiness because of the types of activities that they do. Most male athletes suffer from fungal infections like jock itch and athlete's foot. But women are at risk of having feminine itch too. There are a lot of possible causes that you can point out like yeast infections, sexually transmitted infections and even jock itch. Hormonal changes can also cause some itchiness. Therefore, you need to do some things in order for you to find the best home remedy to cure this itchiness. There are plenty of ways that you can cure it. The tips will surely help you do the best methods to find the best cure for feminine itch.


The itchiness can be intense sometimes especially during the night. You have to relieve it as much as possible. One of the best ways that you can do is to apply cold compress on the affected parts. The cold feeling will surely numb the nerve endings. It will surely relieve the discomfort that you feel with feminine itch. Try to do it before bed time so that you will be able to sleep well.


Saline bath is one of the most effective methods that you can relieve the itchiness that you feel with this infection. Dissolve at least one cup of salt in water inside the bathtub. It is better if the water is cold to get more relief. The salt in the water will ensure that the affected areas are dry all the time. It can remove the moisture from the rashes and start the healing process as soon as possible.


As a woman, you need to wash your groin area regularly. There are some discharges that can cause some irritations too. Make sure that you wash the groin area with warm water and antibacterial soap. It will hamper the growth of the fungi and other bacteria. Try to use apple cider vinegar to wash the groin area too. It has a very strong anti fungal property that can cure feminine itch as soon as possible.


Always make sure that you are dry all the time. As much as possible, you need to avoid doing heavy activities that will trigger excessive sweating. Fungi grow well in damp and warm environment. Try to apply some powder on your groin area too. It will help in absorbing the moisture in those areas. Try to wear appropriate clothes too. Do not wear those clothes that are too tight. Choose loose-fitting ones that are made of cotton. This will ensure that your skin will be able to breathe well.

A woman who is suffering from feminine itch must do her best in curing it. It can be very embarrassing for others to know that you have this infection. As much as possible, you have to find the best remedies that can help you. Keep the tips in mind all the time.

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