Sunday, May 29, 2011

Using Decorative Spheres to Heal or Help

There are several different beliefs surrounding decorative spheres and eggs, but one of the most important ones that people are talking about right now is the ability to 'hold and heal'. While there are no definitive studies in place, right now, it's important that people don't rule out the possibility that some stones contain the capacity to affect the magnetic charge of the person holding it, and that this could, in some cases, heal a person, even in part. Or at least, change their attitude and lift their mood to the point where they feel that they are getting better.

Medically unknown

Studies are vague surrounding whether stones reliably affect people's magnetic fields, or changes anything that would create a positive healing support area. What is well known and accepted is that with some people, certain stones (which also vary from person to person) do promote a feeling of wellbeing and happiness. Some are tied to chakra points, while others are simply held based on the needs of the person looking for healing. It's crucial to keep in mind however that what works for one person, doesn't for another - more than that, while one stone works with one person, that same stone may not work with anyone else - and that two of the same stone might not even work with the same person. In other words, it's often down to trial and error.

Healing as a fact

One of the few things that people believe is that decorative spheres can be meditated with - and that this helps healing. Used as a focus, decorative spheres are perfect and semi-precious decorative spheres are an affordable way to get a beautiful piece of material that you can use to focus your mind and work with your inner potential. In these cases, choosing a decorative sphere that speaks to you is the most important element of choice. From Lazurite to Agate and beyond, these decorative spheres can be used to support your relaxation.

Repellent as well as attractive

The other side of the coin is that some stones are repellent - again, depending on the person - some have a poor reaction to jade, while others have a poor reaction to other stones - so it's important to be sure that the stone you choose is right for you. Once you've chosen one, you need to 'attune' it to you - which involve 'cleansing' or allowing it to recharge - most people recommend in moonlight, and keeping it wrapped and supported when not in use, if you're using it for healing. If you're using an ornament too, you need to ensure that other people don't touch it - some believe that 'contaminates' the charge you're placing into it.

View the original article here

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