Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some Tips For Your Snoring Issues

If you think you have a snoring problem you are not the only dealing with this. Many people all around the world have this problem. If you're not sure if you have a problem with this just ask the people who you sleep next to. I am sure they will be happy to tell you the truth!

It is a sound produced by the vibration of soft palate during sleep. When there is narrowing or blockage of the air passage, the inhaled and/or exhaled air passes through this narrowed passage and causes the soft palate to vibrate. The sound it produces can be either loud or soft, sometime it sounds like a vibrating whistle, while at other times it is loud and irritating like a buzz saw.

Most people don't know that you can have snoring problems by being overweight. Sure you may have not thought that this was the case but it is true. It has to do with your fatty tissue getting in the way of your breathing passage.

So the simple measures to avoid snoring or mild degrees of sleep apnea are to lose weight, avoid alcohol or muscle relaxants before going to bed, and sleeping on ones side instead in a supine position. These measures will often help to deal with a mild degree of the problem.

If this doesn't work than you can go to a local store and look for some type of snoring mouth guard. These can come in handy very much. Also the prices will not be so much because there are different brands that you can select.

You can either buy a mandibular advancement device over-the-counter or your dentist can order a custom made mouth guard for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

I would suggest you try an over the counter type of product because they will be cheaper than going to the dentist and should do the job. But the truth is only a professional like a dentist will know what is best for you. They know the shape of your mouth and what is going to calm the noise down when you are slumbering.

Which ever option you do pick out, make sure you get this issue dealt with because many people may find it annoying if it continues to get worse. I have seen people deal with this the wrong way and not ever get much done.

View the original article here

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