Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top Methods of Preventing Cold Sores

There have been some great breakthroughs in the treatment of herpes simplex 1 outbreaks. The relief is appreciated by all the people who suffer from these painful sores on their lips and on their noses. The very best way to treat these outbreaks is to learn the top methods for preventing cold sores. You know the old saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

The number one way to prevent the outbreak of herpes simplex 1 is to take excellent care of your body. Stress is a large factor in causing the sores to erupt onto your face. The stress of having too little sleep, along with a diet that is not providing your body with all the proper nutrients, will cause repeated outbreaks. So be sure to eat a well balanced diet, drink all the water your body needs, and get plenty of sleep each night.

Add plain yogurt to your diet. The bacteria in yogurt helps your body fight viruses. Herpes simplex 1 is a virus. There is no way to make it go away forever, but you can start helping your body's defense system fight it off. You can also start to eat licorice. Not the little whips and candies that are flavored with anise to imitate licorice. Eat the real thing. Licorice is proven to help the body fight viruses as well.

Avoid getting too much sun. Overexposure to the sun's harmful UV rays will trigger an outbreak of the virus. Use lip balms that contain sunscreens, wear big hats to protect your face, and play in the sun, but remember to provide your body with plenty of breaks in the shade. Drink additional amounts of water when you are out playing in the sun. Sodas and alcoholic beverages do not count towards your daily fluid needs. Soda is full of sodium and will cause you to retain fluids, especially the diet versions. Alcohol actually causes the body to dehydrate.

Try to avoid stress as much as possible. Everybody has a certain amount of stress in their lives that cannot be avoided, but there are some things we can do to cut out some of the additional stress we create. Get up on time so you do not stress about running late, avoid situations where you know the atmosphere will be tension filled. Take the time everyday to relax for at least 10 minutes. Sit outside, and sip lemonade, or take a long hot shower. Just provide your body with the time it needs to unwind and get rid of unwanted stress.

If you do feel the tingle of a sore emerging, use one of the topical products that reduce the amount of time the outbreak will last. Keep the area moist by applying lip balms, and keep your hands away from the area as much as possible. During the outbreak get extra rest to provide your body the energy it needs to heal.

Those of us that get cold sores will always have the chance for an outbreak, but we can learn the top methods of preventing cold sores, and lower the number of outbreaks we suffer.

So, prevention can be possible with some effort. Want some more information and facts concerning Cold Sores or Canker Sores? You can find all the information you need at Preventing Cold Sores.

I am Bruce DeMilo and I have been through the pain and ugly appearance of cold sores all my life. I finally did something about it, and created a website where you can go to find facts, and solutions to this horrible but controllable virus. I invite you to come see my site and read my free mini-course on "Life Without Cold Sores by clicking to

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