Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yeast Infection: Yogurt Remedy and How to Use It!

As you probably already know, yeast infections are definitely not fun to have. Although the symptoms are different from person to person, if one thing is for certain, none of the symptoms are enjoyable by any means. Most people associate this condition with itching or burning, along with pain in general.

Many of you know that a having any kind of candida infection can be extremely embarrassing. That's why I always recommend using home remedies. Of course, most sites that offer home remedies for any condition are trying to sell you something. Unlike other sites, I would like to teach you exactly how you can treat your yeast infection using yogurt. Best of all, you don't have to buy anything from me to follow this remedy, since everything you need to know will be written right here.

For starters, yogurt is one of the most known and most widely used home remedies for yeast infections. Yogurt works extremely well because it contains acidophilus. Acidophilus is actually a bacteria that helps to kill off the yeast which causes the infection to occur. You can choose to either eat yogurt, or apply it topically to effectively treat your candida infection. For the purpose of this article, let's talk about how you can apply yogurt topically to treat your infection. If you decide to eat it instead, simply consume 8oz a day, and you will be on your way to freedom.

What You Will Need.

- Plain yogurt.
- Disposable bowl or container.
- Tampon
- Pad


The following instructions are for those of you who have a vaginal yeast infection. If the infection resides elsewhere, please feel free to apply yogurt to the area, or eat 8oz of yogurt a day to eventually be free from the infection.

1. Pour plain yogurt into a bowl or onto a paper plate.
2. Keep the tampon in the applicator, but push it out about 1 centimeter.
3. Soak 1 centimeter of the tampon in yogurt for about 1 to 5 minutes.
4. You can tap off any extra yogurt if there looks to be too much.
5. Insert the tampon as you normally would.
6. Finally, put on a pad to avoid any extra mess.

Final Thoughts.

By using the above remedy 2 times a day for 7 total days, you can expect your yeast infection to begin to clear up. Yogurt is probably one of the most effective home remedies available for this condition, and it's highly recommended by many people in forums and blogs around the web. If you're concerned at all with this home remedy, please check with your doctor before use.

Alternative Remedies.

You should also know that there are actually many alternative home remedies for yeast infections available. My name is Taylor Thompson, and I recently wrote an article titled, " Yeast Infection: Yogurt Remedy." I hope that this information has been helpful to you. Remember, if this remedy doesn't work, there are many alternative remedies available that you can also try using.

View the original article here

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