Thursday, November 28, 2013

Quantum -Touch and Massage Therapy - The Power to Heal

Quantum -Touch and Massage Therapy

Quantum -Touch is a powerful, yet easy to learn, energy healing modality .

The Quantum -Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy (known as "chi " in Chinese and " prana " in Sanskrit) by combining various breathing exercises and body awareness . When you learn to direct the life tforce energy , the possibilities are truly extraordinary , our love has more impact than we can imagine.

Massage therapists can easily be combined with Quantum -Touch massage their work . Sometimes the energy can work at a greater depth than the work of massage, especially if the client is injured. Because energy healing uses a light touch, (and sometimes not touch) energy healing can also be applied in the work of massage may be contraindicated . In addition , massage therapists can use energy healing to increase during massage massage therapy work and allow the client to enter a deep state of relaxation and connection.

A valuable workshop for any massage therapist is offering " Monday morning techniques " , techniques that can be used easily and effectively with clients immediately after training. That was the case of Quantum -Touch. On Monday after my first video workshop in 2004 , I was able to run the energy in tight shoulders and stiff back and see the results immediately. Quantum -Touch immediately added a dimension to my massage which gave excellent results with half the effort . Of course I had some explaining to do on that first Monday , since my clients were not accustomed to hands while I stop breathing fervor , holding their pain points . A small thumbs , and permit warning of course, took care of any discomfort that could have happened . Once you feel muscle tension melt , they were sold. Soon, many of my deepest trigger point and neuromuscular techniques were replaced with softer approach to energy performance . I can still use deeper techniques occasionally , but mostly by palpation and to monitor changes in tissue energy while running .

Injuries and severe swelling

When a customer has had a serious injury that causes bruising, swelling or broken bones , massage pressure can cause more damage . Citations are often canceled or postponed as a result. This is not the case when using Quantum -Touch .

Now it is common for clients to request Quantum -Touch specifically for their injured areas when it comes to massage. They know they will heal faster, and both work very well together to achieve pain relief and relaxation. Even if you are not willing to give to pressure and kneading therapeutic massage , now recognize that Quantum -Touch greatly improves their overall experience .

Customers running their own energy

During the years of operation of energy during the massage , I 've noticed that many of my clients have become very sensitive to energy. They report that they can feel it building moving and flowing. I have developed a protocol that I call " Quantum Flow Massage" , which is designed for the customer even more involved in the movement of its own energy. While power running and doing massage , I take them through a series of guided imagery exercises that help them turn their attention to opening blocked energy channels . I have developed a modified breathing technique that allows me to expand my awareness in their field as they explore through their own bodies. It has allowed us to work together to find areas that need extra attention with Quantum -Touch. We also work together, breathing in and releasing specific areas of tension as stop and hold those areas throughout the massage. As I work my way through the whole body , customers are introduced to the metaphors and images that help them leverage and work with the connection body - mind. For example , massaging his left arm as I may say , "Imagine the life force that flows through the left arm. Holding hands and fingers. Allow open this side of your body so you can receive food , love and joy. " breathe together and focus , and muscle tension just melts away . Clients often enter a state of meditation in which say they feel fully connected with the flow of the universe.

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