Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stop Underarm Sweat - Does Heavy Sweating Indicate a Heart Attack?

If you do notice that you are suffering from sudden bouts of excessive sweating then it is highly recommended that you be aware of the amount of exercise you are getting on a daily basis. One of the reasons why it is extremely important to do regular exercise if you experience these sweating bouts is because it could be an indicator that you may get a heart attack. As with everything related to medical conditions, you really should be taking this extremely seriously and avoid delaying taking action once you notice these symptoms. In fact the sooner you do so the better.

The thing with sudden excessive sweating is that the minute you realize you experience these sudden bouts of sweating, warning bells should be going off in your head. Although it may not be anything severe, chances of it leading to a heart attack are ever present and should never be ignored. What a lot of people tend to do is mistake this symptom for flu or fever however if you don't notice any high level changes you're your body temperature then your best bet would be to consult with your local doctor as soon as possible.

Not only is excessive sweating linked to heart attacks but also to thyroid problems as well as high blood pressure, both severe problems that could lead to even more serious problems. The most important note to take home is that even though there is a chance that your case of sweating may not be linked to a heart attack, there is no reason why you should wait for the last minute to get a thorough medical check up. It is definitely better to be prepared and safe just in case.

The fact of the matter is, many people mistake chest pain a much more important indicator of an impending heart attack yet studies have shown that sudden sweating bouts are sometimes placed even higher than chest pain in significance of indication of a coming heart attack. With that said whenever this does occur you should take medical action as soon as possible or consult with your doctor just to be on the safe side rather than leaving it to last minute and suffering even more serious consequences.

Remember, the thing to take from this is to not make impulse thoughts on your situation but instead to do good research and consultations about the symptoms you are experiencing to make a more informed decision about your next step.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

View the original article here

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