Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stop Underarm Sweat - Hyperhidrosis Amongst Teenage Girls?

Sweating is a common and natural bodily function. However in a very few number of cases, the function is put into overdrive and the effect is much worse where sweating can become excessive and unpredictable leading to negative social effects.

Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis amongst teenage girls is more common than society has come to think. The main reasons for this are due to their hormones at that particular age. During a female's adolescent ages, her body has a high level of hormones which are the main hormones responsible for encouraging these high levels of sweat that their body

The most important thing anyone should do before deciding on which treatment to opt for in any case, is to first of all determining what is causing the excessive sweat in that particular teenage girl. Of course, the most common reason is the hormones in their bodies during their adolescent years. However, to be on the safe side, it is recommended to get a thorough check up as there could be a chance of being an underlying cause apart from the hormones that are encouraging excessive sweating.

If a factor is found that happens to not be the hormones, then it should be identified and treated as soon as possible to avoid worsening the situation even further in the future.

The most common treatment for excess sweating is to use a substance and solution containing aluminum compounds. Aluminum compounds are extensively used in antiperspirant products and work by plugging up the sweat ducts which inevitably blocks off the sweat glands to prevent sweat from being produced. Although aluminum compounds have proved to be relatively effective, there are known risks that the chemical substance has. These risks have been researched extensively and studies show that long term exposure to this kind of substance can be linked to Alzheimer's and severe damage to the nervous system. This is the reason why it is highly recommended for people to be aware of how frequently they apply products containing aluminum compounds as it could lead to severe consequences.

The other option is to use oral treatments. These are readily available and are taken orally. They are most commonly found in tablet form which is one of the reasons why people claim they are extremely convenient especially for a teenage girl. However, as with all oral medication, it is suggested to consult with your doctor before you decide on which oral medication or brand you should go with.

For more information click here: Stop Underarm Sweat

View the original article here

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