Thursday, June 2, 2011

Top 5 Causes Of A Sinus Infection

Hello everyone. For this article, I decided to talk a bit about sinus infections and the top 5 causes of them. Sinus infections are fairly common, and many people wonder how to go about getting rid of them. However, the best defense is to know the causes so you can prevent them from happening in the first place. With this list, here is my top 5 causes of a sinus infection.

1. A Viral Infection

Have you had a viral infection recently? This can be a cause of a sinus infection. Viral infections can inflame your sinus lining. This halts your body from completely removing bacteria that gets into your nasal packages. If the bacteria isn't removed, it starts to multiply, and you now have a sinus infection! Getting rid of your viral infections as soon as possible is important in preventing an infection of the sinuses.

2. Allergies

Another major cause of an infection can be allergies. This goes back to the viral infections. Allergies cause you nasal passages to become inflamed, which leads to a buildup in bacteria. If you aren't taking any medicine for your allergies, then you should really be doing so! Talk to a doctor about this!

3. Swimming

This is surprising to some people, but a large amount of time spent in swimming pools can lead to infections. This is because there is chlorine in pools, and chlorine can irritate your sinuses. In fact, a search on the web finds many swimmers who have dealt with frequent infections.

4. Frequent Flying

Are you a frequent flyer? Flying can really mess up your head. The air pressure changes with takeoffs and landings. This can lead to increased pressure build up in your head which can block your sinuses. I actually had this happen to me just last year. Needless to say, I'm not excited to get on another flight.

5. Smoking

If you are a smoker, you may also be more at risk for an infection. This is because the smoke can irritate your sinuses. In addition, smoke can clog your nasal passages, which certainly doesn't help things. It's another reason to quit smoking!

I hope you found this list helpful. Like I said before, knowing the causes of a sinus infection is a great way to fight them. Now that you know the causes of them, you can be well on your way to preventing them. Good luck!

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