Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shamanic Healing And How It Works

Psychology and modern psychiatry admit the existence of a defense mechanism of the psyche when it is in great pain. The traditional perspective on the phenomenon is that of losing the soul. Losing part of the soul is linked by the shaman practitioners to many affective psychoses.

We have all gone through some rough times in our life, when we felt as if we lost parts of ourselves. Temporary loss (of longer or shorter periods of time, sometimes, indefinite periods of time) of some parts of our soul occurs every time we experience a trauma. The death of someone dear to us, breaking up with your lover, emotional or sexual abuse, accidents, illnesses, surgery, have a major impact on our soul. The phenomenon is mainly due to some sort of soul defense which allows parts of it to "fly away", somewhere else, so that the person is not overwhelmed by the terrifying experience.

If we were to use a holographic pattern of the soul, we might say that every time a part of energy hologram called "soul" fades away, the remaining part still have the main properties of the original, but it is pale, missing light and energy. For many hundreds of years now, the shamans have been able to identify the diagnosis, as well as healing these soul losses.

The classic procedure is the one when the shaman practitioner's soul, together with his spiritual helpers and guides, travel to a non-ordinary reality, identify the "fugitives" and convince them through specific means to come back home. Therefore, this is an operation that somebody carries out for someone else's benefit. Restoring the soul is a relatively fast process in terms of treatment session, but its results can be noticed after a longer period of time.

A very important task is the one of integrating the restored parts into that person's life. The individual must allow and come to terms with the changes in his/ her life, so that the recovered soul parts play their role in that person's life. They must feel useful and welcomed; otherwise there is a high risk for them to run away again. Luckily, this wonderful healing practice is also available nowadays.

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