Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't Simply Avoid Stress - Master Good Health With Proven Reiki Healing Techniques

Stress is one of the key components linked to disease in our society today. Managing work, home, and family can pile on stress without our noticing of it. This is why so many people are turning to the stress-reducing techniques such as Reiki, a spiritual energy used with healing, meditation, and spiritual growth.

Starting Reiki

When a person experiences Reiki, an initiation known as "Reiki Attunement" begins. This brings the person into a relationship with Reiki energy, and is usually taught by a Reiki master teacher. During a Reiki attunement, a person's dense energy is cleared and released, and etheric and chakras fields are strengthened causing the person to receive and transmit high frequency healing light. As one progresses, he can progress to master Reiki healing and Reiki symbols as well.

Why do we stress?

Stress takes hold of a person when he is fearful, doubtful, or anxious about life events. He often experiences tensed muscles without realizing it. The body's reaction is fatigue, moodiness and disease. Most people think of relaxation as heading home after work and turning on the TV, going to the gym, or stopping whatever was causing them stress in the first place. Relaxation IS NOT simply avoiding stress; it is utilizing healing by employing techniques such as Reiki.

Reiki eliminates the emotional and physical effect of stress by balancing chi and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to release healing hormones which restores balance to the body, mind, and spirit. One can return to a relaxed, peaceful state daily by practicing and mastering Reiki techniques.

Relaxation approaches

The top approaches of Reiki healing include trained looking, blowing, and light tapping. Reiki massage incorporates palm healing and energy transfer. Reiki symbols (or simbolos), such as fire and Usui, are also used to transfer healing energy. Musica is often used by drumming and introduces Reiki energy to a person's body through the medium of percussion beat. The musica acoustics create a deep, relaxing state and relaxation begins.

The connection between the physical body, spiritual being, and mind is absolute. There is no way to disassociate the effect of the psyche on the body. Stress is a burden of the mind that leaks into the everyday actions of one's entire being in a negative way. Using Reiki techniques to manage and master stress truly leads a person to a relaxed, peaceful life. As balance re-enters your life you will feel confident in your ability to benefit your home, your job, and your community.

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