Friday, May 27, 2011

Does The World End In 2012?

Some days ago I watched a television program on a really reputable channel on this subject. They "proved" for ninety long and painful minutes that planet earth in its current form will be history by the 21st December 2012.

I was so scared! But I just couldn't believe that a reputable TV station really found so many scientists -- who talked about the subject very calmly and seriously -- seemingly with no fear at all! Are they all nuts? Or are they all saints who don't mind meeting their Maker? How can they be so calm when telling the world that they will die soon?

During the next days I caught myself thinking about things like, "How can I prepare my daughter?" She will be eight years old at that time and very excited, because it will be just before Christmas. "Shall I tell her that she is going to die just before Christmas?" That was the thought which made me wake up from this nightmare and I decided that I had to do something about that situation.

First of all I started to use EFT on my fears and thoughts and tapped on:

"Even though it is so unfair that my children will have no chance to live their lives..."
"Even though I am in a state of panic..."
"Even though I'm afraid of what will happen in December 2012..."

After I had calmed myself by tapping out all the aspects of my fears, I remembered the law of attraction. I decided that a catastrophe would only happen on that day if we all do believe that it will happen. So I started tapping on my belief that something bad will happen at that day. Every time I caught myself thinking that something would not take place because it was after that date, I started tapping on all those beliefs and often also fears I found. After a while the year 2013 started to manifest in my thoughts and plans.

Some days later -- I had not thought about the matter anymore -- my husband showed me a video on YouTube from one of the scientists which were shown in the TV program. In that rather short video he explained how the Maya calendar works and that it does not really end but only passes a very special date. It seemed like all of these "so calm" scientists had said something not so frightening in their original context.

This illustrated to me how much panic can blur your vision and how much tapping can clear this blur and thus change your point of view. This amazes me again and again.

View the original article here

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