Friday, May 27, 2011

EFT on Mother's Day - Tapping Before The Brunch Cravings Begin

Just when we thought we were in the clear! Easter is over, the Cadbury Eggs and Peeps are either too hard to enjoy or out of the house completely. You can take a deep breath and thank your lucky stars you won't be faced with the temptation of a deceivingly cute chocolate bunny until next year. (Thank you to whoever made him hollow!)

But around the corner comes Mother's Day, and we must replace the temptation of coconut M&Ms and Robin Eggs (geez, do I know my Easter candy or what!?) with the dreaded brunch buffet with just about everything you forgot you loved so much, with butter to top it off!

Not dreaded so much before-hand. But afterward. After you've gorged yourself with firsts, seconds, and thirds....(plus dessert. Don't tell anyone!)

Here I come to save the day!!

Goodness, how I wish I were a superhero.

Where was I? Oh yes. A tapping routine just for you from my heart with love. As my Mother's Day gift to you...even if you aren't a mommy.

This tapping routine is intended to use before you head out for brunch. If you can, do it a few times, a few days in a row to really get your subconscious mind thinking in the direction you want it to. When you have the cooperation of your subconscious mind, it will be a breeze!

So, starting on the karate chop point:

Even though I'm afraid I'm going to lose control, I choose to remain in control

Even though I just know I'm going to blow it, I choose to make healthy food choices

Even though I always binge at things like this, I choose to make this time different

Tapping through the points:

eyebrow: I'm so afraid I'm going to lose control

side of eye: I just know I'm going to blow it

under eye: I always binge at things like this, why should this time be different?

under nose: I'm afraid I won't be able to say no when all the food looks so good

chin: All that food will look, smell and taste so good!

collar bone: I can't, I won't say "no"!

under arm: What if I lose all control?

top of the head: I'm not that strong. It takes more will power than I have!

eyebrow: I'm still afraid the food will control me

side of eye: but what if this time could be different

under eye: What if smaller portion sizes could be easy?

under nose: What if I could effortlessly serve myself healthy food?

chin: I can handle my own actions

collar bone: I can say no if I choose to

under arm: I am in control of my actions

top of the head: I choose to crave healthy foods today

View the original article here

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