Friday, May 27, 2011

EFT Tapping - Practical Methods - Four That You Can Utilize

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a simple method for easing emotional pain you may be experiencing. This method has been proven to be clinically effective for the treatment of trauma, panic, abuse, fear, phobia, anxiety, mild cases of depression, and even some addictions. The physical symptoms of emotional stress, like headaches, allergies, pain, breathing problems, and more, can also be addressed with this technique. There are 14 self-administered acupressure points that are used to release you from emotional pain. The results of EFT tapping are usually quickly seen and quite astounding to the one previously in distress.

There are several practical methods that you can use to make EFT tapping work the most for you. One is called Borrowing Benefits. This is a method where you tap along the 14 acupuncture points with someone else. You follow exactly what your leader is saying and where they are tapping to get the greater benefit of working with someone else. Even if your issues are different, you may find that your problems can decrease faster and more significantly when you borrow benefits.

Chasing the Pain is another method that may need to be done because many times EFT tapping will cause the pain to shift to a new location, or several different locations, in your body. Chasing the pain is to follow and tap on the area of pain as it shifts in location. This concept is a manifestation of the fact that physical pain can result from stressful thoughts and feelings.

Another idea is to use the Choices Method. In this EFT tapping variation, you use positive affirmations on top of the tapping to make the process even more helpful. An example is to say to yourself that even though you feel helpless and vulnerable, you can choose to be calm and confident. There are many EFT affirmations that utilize switchwords to make extraordinary changes in your life.

A final EFT tapping practical method is to use Imaginary or Mental Tapping. Without physically touching the acupuncture points, you can imagine in your mind's eye that you are performing every part of EFT tapping. It is fascinating to learn that this method can be just as effective as actually tapping the spots on your body, thus confirming the power of your intentions. This method can be used at night before you fall asleep when you are too tired to raise your arm or in front of others without them even knowing.

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