Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Are These Lip Ulcers, Canker Sores?

If you are suffering from lip ulcers you more than likely do not have canker sores. Canker sores are usually found on the inside of the mouth not on the lips. Canker sores do have symptom ulcers that break out when you are really stressed out like cold sores do, but the canker sores were inherited from your parents, and are just reacting to everyday environmental stressors, where the cold sores are caused by an incurable virus.

When you have a sore on the mouth, or on the outside edge of your nostril that forms a painful, swollen blister, you more than likely have a cold sore. Once you have one you will have them again, because the virus living inside you that is causing all the pain, and misery for you will never totally go away. It will become dormant, because it needs for your body to be in a slightly weakened state in order for it to emerge.

The best advice on how to prevent cold sores is advice that helps you maintain a healthy body, and thus, a healthy immune system. Your immune system is designed to fight off this virus, and anything else that is threatening your body. The immune system is our soldiers against disease. We need to keep the soldiers in perfect shape for fighting, because war can break out inside your body at any moment.

In order for your soldiers to fight you must keep their arsenal supplied with weapons, and the best weapons you can provide are good nutrition, adequate rest, and proper hydration. Your body has to have all three of these elements in place in order for your immune system to be able to do the job it is assigned to do.

You can also help your body by eating some things like licorice. Licorice helps to inhibit the virus. This does not mean the candy that is flavored with anise so that it tastes like licorice. You need to find some pure licorice candy.

Avoiding over exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun. Protect your lips with a lip balm that contains a sun screen, and wear a big wide brimmed-hat. You will be protecting your face against future wrinkles while you prevent a herpes simplex 1 outbreak. If any portion of your body becomes sun burned your immune system will begin to focus all of its energy on combating the effects of the damage from the sun, and this will leave herpes an open doorway that it will take full advantage of.

When you do have an outbreak, as soon as you are cleared up throw away the toothbrush you were using and get a new one. The herpes simplex 1 virus is very contagious, so your toothbrush may harbor enough of it to re-infect you. If you treated the area with a lip balm, then get rid of that tube of balm and use a new one.

Avoid drinking after someone having an active outbreak, and never share lipsticks, lip glosses, or toothbrushes.

View the original article here

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