Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tips On How to Prevent Cold Sores

There is an old saying that says "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". When it comes to lip ulcers the saying is definitely true. It is worth far more to you if you prevent the symptoms of an ulcer on the lips, than it is to treat a sore on your mouth. Avoiding the pain is always a better route to take.

There are many things you can do to prevent cold sores from emerging, but the first thing you need to understand is cold sores and canker sores are not exactly the same thing. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus, while cankers sores are caused by a combination of heredity, and environmental causes. Canker sores occur inside your mouth and are not contagious. These sores can however be triggered by some of the same things that trigger the outbreak of cold sores.

These painful blisters appear on your lips, and sometimes on your nostrils. They are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus that is lying dormant in your body at all times. When your body is weakened by illness, or fatigue, and especially by stress, then the herpes simplex 1 virus comes out of dormancy to create the lesions on your mouth or nose.

You are more than likely thinking that everything that medical science does not have an answer to, they blame on stress. Before you leave this page know that we are not just talking emotional stress, (although the emotional type will help to create the physical type), we are talking how your body's defense system gets stressed from trying to fight one thing, and while your immune system soldiers are combating the severe sunburn you got, the herpes virus seizes the opportunity and starts causing a sore on your mouth.

It is impossible to eliminate all stress, but we can reduce the amount we have and that will help to prevent you from having an outbreak. You need to create a perfect environment inside your body so that your immune system can fight off what it needs to. How?

Well start off with a proper diet plan, that provides all the vitamins, and nutrients you need for good health. Do not smoke cigarettes, they weaken your immune system over time, and leave you unprotected. That is why cigarettes are linked to so many diseases. When you drink alcohol, do not drink in excess. Excessive amounts of alcohol weaken all of your body including your immune system, and remember that virus is lurking just under the surface waiting for the perfect opportunity. A night of binge drinking is an open invitation to it.

Do not hide in the house forever, but do avoid overexposure to the sun. Sun burns will bring on the sores. Use good sun block, wear wide-brimmed hats, and take advantage of the shade. Stay completely hydrated, especially when you are going to have a lot of sun exposure.

Try eating licorice, true licorice has proven to help the body fight off this virus.

Want some more information and facts concerning Cold Sores or Canker Sores? You can find all the information you need at Cold Sore Prevention.

I am Bruce DeMilo and I have been through the pain and ugly appearance of cold sores all my life. I finally did something about it, and created a website where you can go to find facts, and solutions to this horrible but controllable virus. I invite you to come see my site and read my free mini-course on "Life Without Cold Sores by clicking to

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