Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores Today

At least half of all Americans would love for the drug companies to discover something that cures herpes simplex virus 1. The nasty little virus that lives in our bodies in a dormant state until we are stressed out or ill, and then it re-emerges with a vengeance to cause sores, blisters, and misery. People who suffer with these reoccurring outbreaks hope every year for some herpes cures to be discovered.

Right now there is no known cure for this virus. After you are infected with it you will have outbreaks from time to time. There are some people who seem to be less prone to the outbreaks. These folks only have one occur on rare occasions, and then there are those poor souls who seem to have a fever blister every few weeks.
Everyone that has the re-occurrence of fever blister wants to be able to get rid of cold sores fast. This is understandable since these sores are extremely painful, and can prevent the individual from eating, drinking, and when the pain is severe enough from sleeping. Not to mention the fact that most people feel self-conscious when they have an outbreak, almost as if they have done something wrong, and are being punished.

There are many cold sore remedies to try. If you suffer from them then you have probably tried several of them, and will try several more, until you find something that works for you.

If you look at over the counter medications that are designed to relieve the pain and swelling associated with these sores on your mouth, you will find several that you are to apply the minute you get the first tingling sensation. The medication will not prevent the blisters from forming, but it can help in reducing the severity of the outbreak.

Keeping the sore protected, and moistened with a lip balm, petroleum jelly, or a product marketed for this purpose will be very beneficial. When the blister ruptures the area will become dry, and crusted. When you move your lips the crusty covering will pull at the sore, and often crack open, and cause bleeding. When it cracks open it leaves your body in danger of picking up another infection easily. If you keep the area moistened with the balms then your lips do not crack, and you have provided a layer of protective coating to help keep other germs away.

Do everything you can to keep your hands away from these sores. You can spread this infection, and introduce other more serious infections.

If you have these outbreaks very often you should consult a doctor, and see if a prescribed ointment or other treatment might help to alleviate your symptoms. You can also try eating a healthy and well balanced diet to help boost your body's natural defenses.

Remember that this is a virus of opportunity. It strikes when you are weakened. Try to avoid giving the virus the entrance it needs to give you these sores.

View the original article here

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