Monday, May 23, 2011

Using EFT to Overcome the Fear of Terrorism Following the Death of Osama Bin Laden

Along with feelings of relief and closure, Osama Bin Laden's death has also reignited the fear of terrorism for many people. Memories of the losses on September 9, 2001 have bounced back into people's minds as if it was just yesterday.

We all know how debilitating fear can be. What if there was a simple way of overcoming such fears? And not just of terrorism, but also the many common fears that prevent people from leading full and richly rewarding lives.

There is. You can start with a rational approach. Statistically, for a person in the US, the chance of being killed by a terrorist is extremely low. It is reportedly about the same as the chance of being hit by lightning. For some, a few deep breaths and a reminder of the statistics may sooth recently elevated fears. But the thought of terrorism can bring up deeper fears that are not easily soothed by logic.

Fortunately there is another option. More and more people are turning to a remarkable technique called EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) to address fear, anger, anxiety and more. It's so effective that people like Deepak Chopra and Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, are heralding its benefits.

What is EFT and How Does it Work

Not familiar with EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques)? That's fine. The most important thing is to have an open mind, because it's unusual. This approach is unconventional and very rapid. It's not painful or invasive, so just about anyone can do it.

There is also a logical explanation for amazing effectiveness of EFT. It involves tapping on a short series of specific spots on the body that relate to the acupuncture meridian system. In theory, EFT tapping works by releasing blockages this system, bringing the recipient into an enjoyable state of wellbeing.

You don't have to understand any of this to experience relief with EFT. Results vary, but people commonly experience relief from debilitating fears as well as a wide range of other symptoms within minutes. EFT is so effective that a rapidly growing number of people are learning EFT for personal use, and in some cases, for use as EFT Practitioners.

Using EFT to Overcome Fear of Terrorism and More

Living habitually with fear can take the joy and adventure out of life. But now it's easier than ever to overcome fear. If you can tap with your fingers and repeat a few simple statements, you can do EFT. An investment of time learning EFT will pay for itself time and time again. Imagine the power of being emofree.

View the original article here

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