Monday, May 23, 2011

What Are Some of the Common Cold Sore Causes?

Anyone who has ever had a swollen, blistery sore on their lips, and suffered for days with the pain, and the terrible look of the thing wants to know, what are the common cold sore causes?

The cold sore causes are the Herpes Simplex 1 virus. If you suffer with cold sore symptoms then you have this virus, and, there is no cure for it. Almost all of us, at some point in our life (usually before we were 7) had an awful sore throat and some little blisters in our mouth. This condition lasted a couple of days and then went away. Really it did not go away. It left the Herpes Simplex 1 virus living inside you in a dormant state.

Now when you do things like get overexposure from the sun, or become ill, you have an outbreak of the virus. The outbreak consists of those nasty painful little sores that last from 3 to 5 days, and make you miserable while they are there.

Anytime your body is put under extra stress that the stress from an illness, your menstrual cycle, the stress from a lack of sleep, or simply a poor diet, you get sores on your lips, or on the opening of your nostrils.

The symptoms of cold sores are very easy to recognize. You have that distinct tingling one day, then by the next day you have a reddened area, or a blister, then the blister keeps swelling, and ruptures, leading to a crusty, painful sore. It does not help that all the cold sore causes are times when you are least equipped to deal with an outbreak. That is why you are having an outbreak. Your immune system is being compromised by something else, and is unable to fight the virus like it normally does.

There were a few lucky souls that got this nasty virus, but they never suffer from, the painful symptoms related to a cold sore outbreak. The rest of us are left looking for cold sores treatment that will take away the pain.

There are several over the counter ointments, and creams that you can use to help alleviate the pain, and the swelling, associated with an outbreak. If you have severe outbreaks, and have a compromised immune system from another disease, such as diabetes, your doctor can prescribe you some medications to use.

The biggest thing to remember when you are treating an outbreak is to use some type of ointment to keep the area moist. Do not touch the spot anymore than you have to. The sores are contagious, and you can cause them to spread to other areas of your lips. If you do not keep them moist they will become crusty, and often they crack, and make your lips bleed.

Try to eat a proper diet, get plenty of sleep at night, drink plenty of fluids, and as much as possible, avoid extra stress. Learn to recognize the factors in your life that cause your outbreaks, and possibly you can eliminate their occurrence.

View the original article here

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