Monday, May 23, 2011

Tips for Getting the Best From EFT

1 Tune in to or associate with how you are feeling - tapping on the short circuit that fear or guilt causes in your energy system when you are actually feeling guilt or fear makes EFT extremely effective. If you need to, tap for the courage to be able to feel what you don't want to feel.

2 Tap on different aspects. An aspect is an important feature or part of an issue. For example, an aspect can be an emotion, a smell, a look on someone's face, anything at all. You will find as you tap, dissolving the emotional charge on all the different aspects will give you emotional freedom on an event or person.

3 Say the 'unsayable' - even if just to yourself - your body knows you feel this way and is manifesting the symptoms, what you deny, bury or suppress will show up in your body.

4 Clarify what your intention is before you begin tapping. For example, if you tap with the intention of helping stuck energy to move rather than tapping with the intention of wanting to get rid of it (be specific about what 'it' is), which is resistance in action, you will experience more shifts and relief.

5 Be as specific as you can. You will see results a lot sooner. For example, the belief 'I am not good enough' has evidence to support it. You can tap on the belief itself by rating its truth from 0 to 10, 0 being false and 10 being as true as it can be, and watch as that 'truth' collapses. Or you can tap on the specific events, the evidence, that hold the belief up. Both will work, but you will see results faster if you tap on the specific events, and as a result feel more encouraged with the EFT procedure.

6 Make a list of all the feelings and emotions that you fi?nd hard to feel and the reasons why. For example, disloyalty can be a huge block when it comes to expressing how you feel about a family member, as is the resulting guilt. Or maybe a particular feeling is too painful to feel so you avoid it (write down how) and so on.

7 The 'right' words are always your words, insert exactly how you feel into the set up statement and repeat the words/feelings that have the biggest emotional charge for you as a reminder phrase. If you doubt that you can 'find' the right words, tap on trusting your self.

8 Experiment with the karate chop point and the sore spot and see which is more effective at correcting psychological reversal (any objection, conscious or unconscious, that you may have to healing). Change the words you use, put feeling into them, shout, scream, cry, tune in to that energetic disruption.

9 You can tap on physical or emotional symptoms, our body speaks our mind, so both are tappable. Very often, how we feel about having a physical symptom/dis-ease will be a repeating emotional/energetic pattern in our life, once resolved, the dis-ease or symptoms usually fade too.

10 If you are feeling really upset or overwhelmed, continuously tap until you feel calmer, even on one point, the collar bone or gamut spot for example, you don't need to say anything as you are already tuned in to what disturbed you. This really is an ideal time to tap if you can stay with how you're feeling.

View the original article here

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