Monday, May 23, 2011

What You See, Is What You Get - EFT Therapy Works

A lot has been written on the principles for an abundant life, financial experts all claim to have the magic formula needed to attain wealth and yet regardless of the blue prints set out before you many never attain the prosperous life they desire. Attracting abundance with EFT therapy is a relatively new concept that has been gaining recognition primarily within the past 5 years or so.

The reason it has become so popular is because many are now seeing that attracting abundance is more than just having a financial blue print in front of them, it's about getting in touch with the underlying emotions we hold about money, and prosperity.

EFT therapy is a very simple acupressure technique that allows an individual to connect with their sub-conscious programming and eliminate beliefs towards money and prosperity that are keeping the person stuck in a lack mentality.

Prosperity, is a state of consciousness, it is an inner feeling rather than an outer experience when our inner dialogue is in harmony with our conscious thoughts and beliefs we then see that result in out outer reality. Attracting abundance then becomes something we easily attain rather than something we feel we have to chase.

How do you know if your beliefs about money are the culprit?

It's relatively simple to gauge if limiting beliefs are what has been keeping you stuck first, explore your inner dialogue take the time to be in a quite space ask your self "What are my beliefs about money" and pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that rise. Human beings are said to have at least 60,000 thoughts daily many of which are repetitive it's the ones that repeat that you want to pay close attention to thoughts such as

I'm not good enough

I'm not smart enough

I hate rich people

Once you identify what your personal beliefs about money are then take a look at your present reality where do you live, what job you have, what circle of friends, what are your earnings?

Do you make?

More than enough

Just enough

Not enough

All these factors of your present reality speak of where your inner thoughts are and because thoughts are creative they are electrical impulses that send out and receive, what you put out is what comes back to you.

EFT therapy and attracting abundance works because it address the limiting beliefs, by using light tapping on key pressure points one can clear the way for new healthy life sustaining programming that will open the doors to attract wealth into our life.

View the original article here

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