Thursday, May 26, 2011

EFT and Fear: How EFT Can Help You Overcome Fear

Fear comes in many colours: phobias, PTSD, fear of a particular person, place or thing. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can help control your fear or even release it completely.

When someone comes to an EFT practitioner with a phobia, we generally expect the phobia to be released completely in one to three sessions, depending on where the phobia originated. People are often astonished at how quickly their fears disappear, particularly when this has been a debilitating part of their lives for many years. The client is often asked "when did this start?" The answer is usually accompanied by a story about something that happened in which whatever the present day phobia was involved. After a few rounds of EFT, on the original trauma, the client is surprised to find that they are not afraid of whatever it was. In fact, sometimes they can't understand why they were afraid of it in the first place.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), on the other hand, is a deeply rooted fear involving flashbacks (in which the sufferer relives the original trauma or traumas) on a daily basis. This can either be one major event or many. Soldiers returning from theatres of war, for example, may relive not just one event but hundreds. The approach taken in this case is to teach the veteran to tap themselves, while also encouraging a course of EFT sessions with a skilled practitioner.

Where there are many events, the effect of tapping on several of them seems to generalise to all the others - as four or five of the events have the emotions released by EFT tapping, many of the others reduce in force, until after a number of them are reduced, quite often this will generalise over all of them. A peer reviewed published study by Dawson Church in the Journal of Traumatology in 2010 indicated that even brief exposure to EFT significantly reduced PTSD symptoms in war veterans.

Where the fear is of a more immediate nature, a skilled EFT practitioner can also help, not just with the present fear but also in preparing for future exposure to the feared object, experience or person. A few rounds of tapping can reduce the present fear to nothing. Then, using the "choices technique" or "ultimate truth" statement, the practitioner can help the client to prepare for any future exposure, reducing fearful anticipation, practicing for any unpleasant statements, smells, textures or sounds and reducing worry about what the next incident will include.

View the original article here

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