Thursday, May 26, 2011

EFT: Tap Your Way to More Productivity

Use EFT To Tap Into Better Business Habits

Sandi Krakowski wrote a very honest article today that discussed the only way to build a successful business is to treat it like a business. Her motivation for writing this was Donald Trump's statement that in order to clean up this country, it needs to be run like a business. Politics aside (please), the point was that you can't slap a website up online, or purchase a business starter kit, and really call yourself a business. Well, I guess you can call yourself whatever you want, but it's not going to make money unless you spend time building it.

The reason I'm writing this article is because I've heard this message so many times (and is always worth hearing again), but there are a lot of issues around this topic that prevent people from actually taking the steps necessary to turn their business into something profitable.

Typically, people know what they are supposed to do in order to start making money. We can all learn new strategies for list building, sales, communication, etc. But the general "to-dos" still remain consistent.

Not knowing what to do is not the problem. The real problem is actually doing it.

The way we do one thing is the way we do everything. So if you are someone who knows what you're supposed to do, but you still don't do it, you probably have blocks that are preventing you from building your business into a money making machine. If you don't get rid of those blocks on a cellular level, you will always be fighting yourself to make it happen. And the fight against your subconscious mind is always a losing battle.

So the question you need to begin with is not "What do I need to do?" You already know the answer to that. The question that will get you moving into action is, "What am I feeling that is preventing me from doing what I know I need to do?"

The answers that come up are tappable blocks that can be removed very easily with EFT. You may be surprised at what answers you come up with. Here are some of the most common:

I'm not good enough

I don't know enough

There are other people who are better than me

I'm afraid I'll be judged

I'm afraid I'll fail

These fears and thought patterns will stop you in your tracks, preventing you from ever accomplishing any of your business goals. Let's walk through a tapping sequence that you can use to bring down the negative charge:

Set up phrase:

Even though I don't feel like I know enough to make a difference....I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

Even though I don't feel like I'm not good enough to put myself out there....I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

Even though I think there are so many other people who can do better than I ever could...I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

And tapping through the points:

eyebrow: I don't know enough

side of eye: I'm not good enough

under eye: Other people are better than me

under nose: I don't have enough to offer

chin: All the fear that is holding me back

collar bone: these fears are paralyzing me from making a move

under the arm: I'm so afraid to fail

top of the head: all these fears

Do this round several times until you feel the negative emotions start to come down. You'll most likely experience some shifts in thinking too. Just note how your internal pictures change (remember, our minds think in pictures) and tap for anything else that comes up for you.

View the original article here

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