Thursday, May 26, 2011

EFT Heals Childhood Abuse

Childhood abuse manifests in a number of ways, and can be categorized into three areas: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional (psychological) abuse.

Childhood Sexual Abuse

Among many other things, adults who abuse children sexually often project adult characteristics onto children, that is, they overlay the actual children with a fantasy that children are flirting with them just as an adult would, for instance. These abusive adults also create an imagination in their minds that children need to be "taught" about sex through being abused. This all creates, in their minds, justification for sexual abuse.

Childhood Physical Abuse

Just as with sexual abuse, adults who physically abuse children also come up with any number of "reasons" to justify their actions. For instance, they may believe that children are intrinsically bad and need to be punished to learn to be good. They may have had painful or deprived childhoods themselves and become jealous and angry when their children receive normal and appropriate care-and they may take their jealousy out on their children.

Childhood Emotional Abuse

Again, in the minds of adults who emotionally abuse children, there are many justifications and many ways that abuse manifests. For example, constant teasing, putting children down, criticizing them for not being able to do what no child could do, shaming them, telling them that what they're perceiving is not true or not real when it actually is.

Long-term Harm

Any of these kinds of childhood abuse usually has long-term effects and the emotional pain from abuse lasts far into adulthood, affecting how people view themselves and how they interact in relationships, and creating obstacles in their ability to succeed in the world of work.

EFT Helps Heal the Effects of Childhood Abuse

As a psychotherapist and EFT practitioner, I've seen again and again how, when we get to the core issues around people's self-esteem problems, relationship problems and employment problems, childhood issues are at the root. For example, one man who could not commit in relationships was given the message as a child that his needs were too much. As a baby, he was left alone in his crib for hours even though he cried. He learned to withdraw into himself and not to trust those closest to him. A woman who was molested as a child and whose family told her it was "no big deal" and that her emotional pain was silly learned to doubt what she knew and to believe that she was confused when she actually wasn't confused. These examples go on and on.

What's really great is that I've also seen many people get relief from the emotional trauma caused by childhood abuse. EFT Tapping has been very effective in transforming a life of pain into relief and ease with themselves, with their partners and in their work environment.

Zoe Zimmermann, MA, LPC is a Certified EFT Practitioner and long-time licensed psychotherapist. She uses EFT Tapping as her modality for fast breakthroughs with core issues and specializes in clients who suffer with PTSD from accidents, surgeries, abuse, dysfunctional family dynamics, other traumas and physical pain.

EFT is an exceptionally effective energy psychology and alternative therapy, where EFT Tapping on acupuncture meridian pressure points is used to take emotional charge out of traumatic and painful memories and experiences, often alleviating pain.

Zoe conducts in-person, phone or Skype sessions. Schedule a session now by calling 303-444-1195 or visit Zoe Zimmermann's website.

Article Source:

Zoe Zimmermann - EzineArticles Expert Author

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