Thursday, May 26, 2011

EFT and Pain: How EFT Can Help You With Pain Control and Pain Relief

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is fabulous for pain relief and pain control. After handing out chocolate and tapping down the desire for it, many EFT practitioners will ask for someone to help demonstrate pain relief with tapping. Generally the volunteer will complain of a headache or muscle ache - something acute (ie they just got it that day) rather than chronic - and the entire room will be astonished to watch as the Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale (SUDS) reduces to zero with a couple of rounds of EFT.

The SUDS scale is a measuring scale of zero to ten in which zero is no discomfort at all and 10 is the most it could possibly be. When we use the word "discomfort" in this context we can also mean pain, distress or emotional discomfort.

In a longer demonstration - you can find several on a search of the web, by clicking on my website link, or on YouTube - an EFT practitioner may demonstrate with someone who has chronic pain, which usually takes a little longer than a few minutes. As a practitioner there are few things more satisfying than watching the dawning wonder on someone's face as their chronic pain subsides with the application of EFT, after months or even years of agony. But don't take my word for it.

Published research by Dawson Church (Author and Publisher) and Audrey Brooks (Department of Psychology, Arizona University, Tucson Arizona) in the Journal of Integrative Medicine indicates that EFT not only works at the time of the tapping but also lasts: as part of their research Church and Brooks followed up three months after the initial tapping, discovering that the pain relief persisted, particularly when people had continued to use EFT after their initial exposure to it.

As a practitioner, I have seen the effects of EFT on both chronic and acute pain, with clients who have literally tried everything else to no avail. Tapping often works when nothing else can.

One of the many advantages with EFT is that it is a very effective self help tool. Many people come to tapping through downloading a free guide like the one on my website, seeing a video on YouTube or even having a friend show them how to do it - which is how I came to tapping before becoming a practitioner.

EFT is surprisingly speedy and effective for both pain control and pain relief.

View the original article here

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