Thursday, May 26, 2011

Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping - How Does It Work?

EFT or Tapping as it is more commonly known, is used to help us to eliminate negative beliefs about our selves and our lives. We have many deep beliefs hidden away in our subconscious mind and they can sabotage all of our efforts! So, Tapping is used to uncover these hidden beliefs for us to be free of pain and negativity.

How Does It Actually Work?

We are energy, and if we have a damaging belief somewhere in our psyche, it will form a block within our energy system. By tapping along meridian points on the body we are able to clear the block and balance our energy so bringing our whole being back into harmony! Much like Acupuncture!

I could go on and tell you how un-dealt with blocks not only wreck our efforts they actually evolve into dis-ease! But we will save that for another day, you don't need to know this, right now you just need to know that this works and will help you to achieve whatever you want to!

What Are These Damaging Beliefs?

Imagine if when you were a child you were bitten by a dog because you ran up behind it or something, you would obviously have been frightened, but you learned to be wary of how to approach dog's right? You learnt the lesson and you know what or what not to do, but still as an adult you may have a fear of dog's. This is an irrational fear! It is your sub-conscious mind protecting you because it still has the memory in its bank! This is a negative pattern, we do not need the memory or the pattern anymore, we are adults and we know not to approach the dog in the wrong way! This old memory can affect our life in a negative way.

More Serious!

Now if we have a more serious memory, it can ruin our life completely even though we know we have learnt the lesson, maybe something has developed a serious phobia for us, like being in the company of others? It is irrational thinking but it ruins lives!

This is where tapping gets amazing, to see someone break free of these fears and blocks is truly wonderful!

We All Have Some Negative Stuff!

The negative stuff just belongs to a set of beliefs that no longer serve us, they just hold us back from creating the life that we want to live.

We can just Tap these old beliefs away and be free! Can you imagine just being able to Tap away that annoying fear, or the nervous tremble in your voice when you need to speak confidently? It is truly powerful stuff!

A Belief Is Just A Thought!

If I was to tell you that I live in a tent, you would accept and believe that, but then if I was to tell you that I was joking, I live in a mansion really, you would accept that too. See how easy it is to change the thought? Our mind receives information, accepts it and stores it, but it is that - easy to change.


This is the difference, when there is the emotion of physical pain attached to the information this is when the serious problems arise. When emotion is attached to the belief or the thought, it can become life destroying!

Tapping uncovers all of our beliefs thoughts and emotions so that we are able to re-program our-self for success!

Tapping Balances The Nervous System.

While Tapping we say the belief out loud and this will bring up any corresponding emotion in the nervous system. Then we tap the various pressure points to reset the system. Each point is the end of a nerve channel in the body. Tapping sends a shockwave down that channel removing any blockages.

We cannot know which nerve channel is holding a particular emotion, so we just Tap them all.

When the negative emotion is gone, our mind is no longer attached to the belief. So now our mind can re-program. We let go of that which we don't need.

View the original article here

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