Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Get Rid Yourself From Feeling Stuck Emotionally

When you are stuck emotionally, you feel that you are truly caught between a rock and hard place. This feeling can have you immobilized and unable to take any kind of action. The key to unlocking this feeling of being stuck emotionally is understanding this one key element: it's all in your head.

Your emotions are an indicator of what you're thinking and what you're living. They let you know whether you are listening to your heart and taking action accordingly. When you aren't listening to your heart, your inner voice, and you're actions don't reflect what you truly desire in your mind, then you'll have negative feelings, feelings that get you stuck emotionally. It could be depression, it could be anger, it could be fear. The emotions that are getting you 'stuck' are just your mind's interpretation of feeling split between heart and 'doing what you think you are supposed to be doing'.

The key to freeing up this feeling of emotional standstill is to see yourself in a place of empowerment rather than a place of disempowerment. You empower yourself or reclaim your power and thus your emotions through choice. When you choose what you want to do, how you want to feel and where you are going to go, you feel your power surge through you, bringing you focused energy and fulfillment.

So where do you start? You know that going from feeling disempowered over a situation to feeling one of empowerment isn't as easy as it sounds. This is true. There are a few stepping stones on this emotional path. So where do you begin?

Begin with where you are. That is, begin to regain your power by choosing the moment at hand. Choose to embrace the feelings that are pulsing through you. Even if these emotions are fear and pain. Acknowledge them, acknowledge that this is where you are right now, this is how you feel right now and it's OK. Accept them as part of who you are right now.

Next, you begin to choose to do the actions that have you feeling stuck in your life. There is a huge difference emotionally to stay, 'I have to do this' as opposed to saying, 'I choose to do this.' To make this process a little easier, start with actions that aren't very threatening to you, such as choosing to do the dishes, get dinner ready or fold laundry. Say it out loud as you perform this or that action and accept that you're doing it by choice, that no one is forcing you to take this action.

As you feel more comfortable with this process you can then move towards using it on the heart of your problem, the thing that really has you emotionally stuck. Just choosing to feel sorry for yourself in the moment is an empowering moment for you. You don't need to stay in the self-pity but it's a stepping stone to feeling perhaps angry. That will be an emotional step up from feeling disempowered over the situation.

When you can move towards emotions that will lead to more positive action such as letting go of the situation and forgiveness you'll notice your power coming back into you. When that happens, you'll see that you've gotten yourself out from feeling stuck emotionally. That feeling of freedom is the difference between choosing this feeling over that one.

"Anne Dessens is the founder of - your one-link to everything 'self-improvement': diet, recipes, running & walking, deep breathing, success, journaling, energy and universal laws.

To learn more about how to improve your life by mastering your emotions and personal growth through journaling:

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Anne Dessens - EzineArticles Expert Author

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