Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting to the Core Issue: EFT for Emotional Effects of Accidents

You might think it's obvious what the core issue is when you're working on healing pain from an accident-it's the accident! However, for two reasons, it may not be all that obvious. One is that sometimes PTSD from accidents triggers PTSD from previous emotional trauma. Another is that, although the accident might indeed be the core issue, it's important to get really detailed and specific when working with the accident.

What Causes Accident PTSD

Almost anyone who goes through an accident or any high speed injury, there are a number of parts to it: there are sudden sights, sounds, body reactions, emotions, smells, etc. Most of them happen so fast that we can't assimilate them. Our reactions start but don't have a chance to complete. All of that stays in our nervous system and our body. That's what we know as PTSD-all these stuck, incomplete reactions and all this emotional pain and physical pain.

EFT With Accident PTSD

To heal this kind of PTSD with EFT Tapping (or with any method), it's important to divide the accident into emotional parts. If the intensity of our emotional pain around it is so high that we get really agitated or even spacy, dizzy or floaty thinking about it, we first need to do some EFT Tapping in general without even thinking about any of the details-to lower the intensity. After that, pick out the most intense parts, notice what emotion(s) are attached to each part, and tap on the emotions. For instance, if the sound of breaking glass brings up fear, specifically tap on that sound and the fear around it. Then go through each part of the accident that brings up a spike of intensity, always asking what about that part brings up the intensity and what emotion it brings up, and EFT Tapping on both.

Accidents Can Trigger Past Traumatic Stress

Sometimes, when I'm working with clients on emotional pain and/or physical pain after an accident, there's a certain amount of relief, but it doesn't go all the way. Often this is because their unconscious emotional/physical reactions during the accident triggered PTSD from a previous trauma. One client, for instance, felt he was going to die during an accident and he had the floaty, spacy feeling that can accompany that. This triggered a time in his life where he was very depressed and wanted to die. We had to work on the earlier time in order to completely heal the accident PTSD.

EFT Tapping for All Kinds of Emotional Pain Issues

EFT is very effective for healing emotional pain and often physical pain caused by accidents. I've had a number of clients whose PTSD symptoms are gone after three to six sessions. EFT is also very effective in alleviating pain due all kinds of stressful and traumatic experiences.

Zoe Zimmermann, MA, LPC is a Certified EFT Practitioner and long-time licensed psychotherapist. She uses EFT Tapping as her modality for fast breakthroughs with core issues and specializes in clients who suffer with PTSD from accidents, surgeries, abuse, dysfunctional family dynamics, other traumas and physical pain.

EFT is an exceptionally effective energy psychology and alternative therapy, where EFT Tapping on acupuncture meridian pressure points is used to take emotional charge out of traumatic and painful memories and experiences, often alleviating pain.

Zoe conducts in-person, phone or Skype sessions. Schedule a session now by calling 303-444-1195 or visit Zoe Zimmermann's website.

Article Source:

Zoe Zimmermann - EzineArticles Expert Author

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